The Arcanum (novel)

The Arcanum

Cover of The Arcanum
Author Thomas Wheeler
Language English
Genre novel
Published 2005 (Bantam Books)

The Arcanum is a 2005 novel by Thomas Wheeler. Set in 1919 it concerns the last case of occult-busters; Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Harry Houdini, H. P. Lovecraft, and voodoo queen Marie Laveau.


Thomas Wheeler intended to write a novel about the Spiritualist Movement featuring a world of séances and shadows. The lead character was to embody the essence of the times, who would have the physical attributes of Houdini, the sleuthing skills of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the creepy intellect of H. P. Lovecraft, and the otherworldly skill-set of a Marie Laveau. Eventually Wheeler decided to use the original personages, and create a new character, the enigmatic leader of the Arcanum — Konstantin Duvall. Wheeler's brother suggested a vital element of the tale with the question: "Why can't it be their last adventure?"[1]

Plot summary

The year is 1919 and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle must investigate the murder of his mentor (and founder of the The Arcanum), Konstantin Duvall. To do so he must reunite the scattered members of the Arcanum: Harry Houdini, H. P. Lovecraft, and voodoo queen Marie Laveau. Doyle finds himself embroiled in a story of war as old as time itself, for possession of the world’s most powerful—now missing—artifact: the Book of Enoch, the chronicle of God’s mistakes, within whose pages lie the seeds for the end of everything. Peopled with the twentieth century’s most famous—and infamous—figures, the stakes go beyond the realm of humankind—into the divine.


Konstantin Duvall

Duvall was a mage and a mystic, an explorer and collector of all things occult, and leader of the Arcanum. Also an advisor to presidents and czars. He kept many secrets, one of which, The Book of Enoch, the third part of the Bible that was thought to be erased from existence in the first century, was stolen from its hiding place by a practitioner of the dark arts.

"He was the last of the great mystics, a remnant of the Middle Ages. He bore the likeness and courage of a Templar Knight, yet embraced the pervisions of an Inquisitor priest. He was as burnt-fingered and secretive as an alchemist, yet spoke dozens of languages, wrote manuscripts in cipher, and traveled the world with different identities, in the tradition of a court spy."

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Possessing the observational and deductive powers of his fictional creation, Sherlock Holmes, Doyle has served Queen and Country under the tutelage of Konstantin Duvall. As a member of the Arcanum, Doyle has been involved in many occult mysteries and was unhappy when the group disbanded.

Harry Houdini

Houdini has moved on from his time with the Arcanum and is now a world-famous escape artist. He is currently making movies that highlight his escape skills and would prefer to forget all about his past occult exploits.

H. P. Lovecraft

He was the Arcanum's youngest member, and is a leading authority on all matters of the occult. He was deeply hurt when the Arcanum disbanded and seems constantly on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Marie Laveau

The voodoo queen of the group, no one is sure of what powers she really has, but she claims to have been born in the 18th century. Doyle and Houdini suspect she is actually a descendant of the original Marie Laveau.

Adventures of the Arcanum

A number of previous adventures of the Arcanum are mentioned throughout the novel, including;

The Hall of Relics

The Hall of Relics is part of Konstantin Duvall's secret annex located in the British Museum. It holds a range of items displayed on pedestals protected by globes of Venetian glass. The relics on display include;

Doyle's leather bag

When Doyle was an active member of the Arcanum, he carried a leather satchel with some tools that were useful in his adventures, including;

See also

Movie adaption

In November 2007, it was announced that Randall Wallace will be directing a movie version of The Arcanum from a script penned by Thomas Wheeler. Paul Brooks’ Gold Circle is producing with Scott Niemeyer and Norm Waitt on board as executive producers. Mandate Pictures will handle international sales.[2]

External links


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