The Black Sea was storming

A poem "The Black Sea was storming" was written by Ahmad Javad in 1914, in Ganja.

Uzeyir Hajibeyov, one of the outstanding enlighteners and founders of Azerbaijani theoretical music composed wonderful music according to the words of the poem.[1]

Today it is one of the valuable example of Azerbaijani music art and has become as a patriotic anthem of all Turkic nations.[2]

Original in Azerbaijani

Çırpınırdı Qara dəniz
Baxıb Türkün bayrağına!
“Ah!...” deyərdim,heç ölməzdim
Düşə bilsəm ayağına.

Ayrı düşmüş dost elindən,
İllər var ki,çarpar sinən!..
Vəfalıdır gəldi,gedən,
Yol vər Türkün bayrağına!

İncilər tök,gəl yoluna,
Sırmalar səp sağ,soluna!
Fırtınalar dursun yana,
Salam Türkün bayrağına!

“Həmidiyyə” o Türk qanı!
Heç birinin bitməz şanı!
“Kazbek” olsun ilk qurbanı!
Heyran Türkün bayrağına!

Dost elindən əsən yellər,
Bana şer,salam söylər.
Olsun bizim bütün ellər
Qurban Türkün bayrağına!
Yol ver Türkün bayrağına!!!

English Translation

The Black Sea was storming,
When looking at the Turkish flag!
I would awe and never die,
If I can fall to its feet!

[It] was apart from the friendly lands,
There are years when the heart is beating vigorously!
Those who came and leaving are faithful,
Make a way to the Turkish flag!

Let's strew pearls on its way,
Shower it with galloons from left and right!
Let the storms stand away,
Welcome the Turkish flag!

"Hamidiyye" was the Turkish blood!
Their glory will never end!
Let "Kazbek" to be its first victim,
[I’m] admired by the Turkish flag!

The winds are blowing from the friendly lands,
Telling me poems and greeting me.
Let all our lands,
Glorify the Turkish flag!
Make the way to the Turkish flag!!


This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Tuesday, September 22, 2015. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.