The Blackwell Companion to Science and Christianity

The Blackwell Companion to Science and Christianity
Author J.B. Stump and Alan G. Padgett
Country United States of America
Language English
Genre Reference
Publisher Wiley-Blackwell
Publication date
Media type Print (Hardcover)
Pages 644
ISBN 978-1-4443-3571-2

The Blackwell Companion to Science and Christianity is a reference work in Science and Religion, edited by J.B. Stump and Alan G. Padgett, and published by Wiley-Blackwell in 2012. It consists of 54 new essays written by an international cast of 55 different authors. Many of the authors are leading scholars in the discipline of science and religion; others are new or up-and-coming voices in the field. The editors claim, "We are seeking to introduce and advance serious thinking and talking about science and Christianity, particularly as they interconnect. We are reflecting on the work of scientists and theologians, trying to find points of contact and points of tension which help to illuminate these practices and doctrines in clear, scholarly light."[1] The book has received positive reviews in Choice,[2] Reference Reviews,[3] Themelios,[4] and Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith.[5] The article by Sean M. Carroll generated significant attention when it was discussed on the Huffington Post.[6]


Part I - Historical Episodes

  1. Early Christian Belief in Creation and the Beliefs Sustaining the Modern Scientific Endeavor, by Christopher B. Kaiser
  2. The Copernican Revolution and the Galileo Affair, by Maurice A. Finocchiaro
  3. Women, Mechanical Science, and God in the Early Modern Period, by Jacqueline Broad
  4. Christian Responses to Darwinism in the Late Nineteenth Century, by Peter J. Bowler
  5. Science Falsely so Called: Fundamentalism and Science, by Edward B. Davis

Part II - Methodology

  1. How to Relate Science and Christian Faith, by Mikael Stenmark
  2. Authority, by Nicholas Rescher
  3. Feminist Philosophies of Science: Towards a Prophetic Epistemology, by Lisa L. Stenmark
  4. Practical Objectivity: Keeping Natural Science Natural, Alan G. Padgett
  5. The Evolutionary Argument against Naturalism, by Alvin Plantinga

Part III - Natural Theology

  1. Arguments to God from the Observable Universe, by Richard Swinburne
  2. 'God of the Gaps' Arguments, by Gregory E. Ganssle
  3. Natural Theology after Modernism, by J.B. Stump
  4. Religious Epistemology Personified: God without Natural Theology, by Paul K. Moser
  5. Problems for Christian Natural Theology, by Alexander R. Pruss and Richard M. Gale

Part IV - Cosmology and Physics

  1. Modern Cosmology and Christian Theology, by Stephen M. Barr
  2. Does the Universe Need God? by Sean Carroll
  3. Does God Love the Multiverse? by Don N. Page
  4. The Fine-Tuning of the Cosmos: A Fresh Look at Its Implications, by Robin Collins
  5. Quantum Theory and Theology, by Rodney D. Holder

Part V - Evolution

  1. Creation and Evolution, by Denis R. Alexander
  2. Darwinism and Atheism: A Marriage Made in Heaven? by Michael Ruse
  3. Creation and Evolutionary Convergence, by Simon Conway Morris
  4. Signature in the Cell: Intelligent Design and the DNA Enigma, by Stephen C. Meyer
  5. Darwin and Intelligent Design, by Francisco J. Ayala
  6. Christianity and Human Evolution, by John F. Haught
  7. Christian Theism and Life on Earth, by Paul Draper

Part VI - The Human Sciences

  1. Toward a Cognitive Science of Christianity, by Justin L. Barrett
  2. The Third Wound: Has Psychology Banished the Ghost from the Machine? by Dylan Evans
  3. Sociology and Christianity, by John H. Evans and Michael S. Evans
  4. Economics and Christian Faith, by Robin J. Klay

Part VII - Christian Bioethics

  1. Shaping Human Life at the Molecular Level, by James C. Peterson
  2. An Inclusive Framework for Stem Cell Research, by John F. Kilner
  3. The Problem of Transhumanism in the Light of Philosophy and Theology, by Philippe Gagnon
  4. Ecology and the Environment, Lisa H. Sideris

Part VIII - Metaphysical Implications

  1. Free Will and Rational Choice, by E.J. Lowe
  2. Science, Religion, and Infinity, by Graham Oppy
  3. God and Abstract Objects, by William Lane Craig
  4. Laws of Nature, by Lydia Jaeger

Part IX - The Mind

  1. Christianity, Neuroscience, and Dualism, by J.P. Moreland
  2. The Emergence of Persons, by William Hasker
  3. Christianity and the Extended-Mind Thesis, by Lynne Rudder Baker
  4. In Whose Image? Artificial Intelligence and the Imago Dei, by Noreen Herzfeld
  5. How Science Lost Its Soul, and Religion Handed It Back, by Julian Baggini

Part X - Theology

  1. The Trinity and Scientific Reality, by John Polkinghorne
  2. God and Miracle in an Age of Science, by Alan G. Padgett
  3. Eschatology in Science and Theology, by Robert John Russell
  4. The Quest for Transcendence in Theology and Cosmology, by Alexei V. Nesteruk

Part XI - Significant Figures of the Twentieth Century in Science and Christianity

  1. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, by James F. Salmon
  2. Thomas F. Torrance, by Tapio Luoma
  3. Arthur Peacocke, by Taede A. Smedes
  4. Ian G. Barbour, by Nathan J. Hallanger
  5. Wolfhart Pannenberg, by Hans Schwarz
  6. John Polkinghorne, by Christopher C. Knight


  1. Stump and Padgett (eds.) (2012). Blackwell Companion to Science and Christianity. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. xix. ISBN 9781444335712.
  2. Pearson, S. C. (2012). "The Blackwell companion to science and Christianity". Choice: 684.
  3. Hannabuss, Stuart (2013). "The Blackwell Companion to Science and Christianity". Reference Reviews 27 (1): 15–16.
  4. Le, Kiem (April 2013). "Blackwell Companion to Science and Christianity". Themelios 38 (1).
  5. Beavan, Neil (March 2013). "Blackwell Companion to Science and Christianity". Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith 65 (1): 62–64.
  6. Walchover, Natalie (2012-09-18). "Science & God: Will Biology, Astronomy, Physics Rule out Existence of Deity?". Huffington Post. Retrieved 2012-09-19.

External links

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