The Drag (film)

The Drag is a 1966 Canada anti-smoking animated short, animated and directed by Carlos Marchiori and produced by Robert Verrall and Wolf Koenig for the National Film Board of Canada. Aimed at young people, the 8 min. 37 sec. was a sponsored film for the former Department of National Health and Welfare. The film offered a comical look at dangers of addiction and the difficulties of quitting through the story of a chain smoker, recounting his experiences on a psychiatrist's couch, and also explores the part that cigarette advertising—once quite common—played in getting people hooked. Though dated for young viewers today, it was well received at the time with several awards as well as a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film at the 39th Academy Awards.[1][2]


  1. "The Drag". Collection. National Film Board of Canada. Retrieved 28 February 2016.
  2. Begoray, Deborah L. (28 February 2003). "Best of the Best: Romantic Tales and Other Whimsical Relationships". Canadian Materials (Manitoba Library Association).

External links

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