The Government Affairs Institute

The Government Affairs Institute at Georgetown University
Established 1965
Location Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Nickname GAI

The Government Affairs Institute (GAI) at Georgetown University educates about Congress and selected legislative policy issues, and is affiliated with the Georgetown Public Policy Institute and Georgetown University in Washington, DC. The institute trains federal executives in such responsibilities as testifying before Congress and developing budgets. GAI offers a certificate in legislative studies program and conducts a variety of courses on Capitol Hill, and at its offices in Georgetown.[1] The Institute faculty consists of professional educators who are congressional observers with backgrounds in political science, public administration, history, and economics, under the direction of Kenneth A. Gold, who became GAI Director in 1992.[2]


GAI was established in 1965 as part of the executive branch's United States Civil Service Commission. In 1978, the Institute became part of the United States Office of Personnel Management as a result of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 which restructured the functions of the Civil Service Commission.

From 1978-84, Elizabeth Duke served as the director of the Government Affairs Institute in OPM's Office of Executive and Management Development.

GAI was privatized by the federal government in 1995 and began its current affiliation with Georgetown University in 1997.[1]


GAI consists of the director, assistant director, 5 senior fellows, and a core group of congressional speakers.[3] Ken Gold, Ph.D., is the Director.

The faculty blog "GAI On the Hill" was established in March 2004[4] and continues to provide active commentary and insight about events on Capitol Hill. Some of the faculty are former Congressional Fellows and remain connected with the program.[5]


  1. 1 2 About GAI
  2. Kenneth Gold Biography
  3. List of GAI Faculty
  4.,0,w& Inaugural Faculty Newsletter
  5. JSTOR 30044259 Congressional Fellows Learn about Congress and Each Other at Orientation

External links

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