The Hive (TV show)

The Hive is a Indo-British CGI animated children's television series broadcast by Playhouse Disney (now Disney Junior), Tiny Pop and CITV in February 2010. The series is of 78 episodes each of 7 minutes and 2 seasons. The show is a joint production of many companies, including DQ Entertainment, Lupus Films, Monumental Productions, Picture Production Company, Hive Enterprises and Bejuba! Entertainment.

The show has also aired on ABC2 in Australia.

Premise and format

The Hive is a colorful animated series for kids all ages introducing life to early learners with the Bee Family. This series is about the everyday things that concern small children such as playing, being friendly, spending time with your family, getting along, and finding out all about the world and how it works.


Season 1 (2010-2012)

# Title [1] Airdate [2]
1"Postman Buzzbee"10 September 2010
Buzzbee takes over the role of Honey Farm's postman for a day after Postman Spider has hurt his ankle and needs a lie down.
2"A Royal Visit"17 September 2010
The whole school is in excitement over the royal visit. Rubee is chosen to present the Queen Bee with flowers and Buzzbee is a little jealous.
3"Babee's Room"24 September 2010
Rubee and Buzzbee are excited about the new arrival of their little sister Babee, but they argue over whose room Babee should share.
4"Buzzbee the Magician"1 October 2010
Buzzee is inspired by Pappa Bee's magic show to practice his skills as a magician, but then is angry at Rubee when she spoils one of his tricks.
5"Scaredy Bee"8 October 2010
Buzzbee and Barnabee are camping out in the meadow, but Barnabee is a little frightened.
6"Buzzbee to the Rescue"15 October 2010
Buzzbee is learning to tie a bandage from Doctor Beetle, but when Vincent hurts his foot, Buzzbee and Jasper fight over which way they should wrap the bandage.
7"Computer Bee"22 October 2010
Buzzbee wants to learn to email on the computer just like Rubee, but he accidentally orders too many eggs for Mamma Bee.
8"Sporty Bee"29 October 2010
Barnabee teaches Buzzbee how to win in an egg-and-spoon race, but when Buzzbee is ill on Sports Day, Barnabee must take over for him.
9"Birthday Bee"5 November 2010
It is Pappa Bee's birthday and Buzzbee and Mamma Bee bake a cake for him, but when Rubee shows them her cake, they are the ones who are surprised.
10"Buzzbee's Teddy Bee"12 November 2010
Jasper and Rubee tease Buzzbee about having a teddy bee, which makes Buzzbee sad. When Rubee feels guilty about it, she must make up for it.
11"Buzzbee's Garden"19 November 2010
Buzzbee gets advice from Katypillar of how to plant flower seeds, but Buzzbee worries that he has done it wrong.
12"Have You Heard?"26 November 2010
When Buzzbee, Jasper and Barnabee think Miss Ladybird is leaving, they decide to hold a goodbye party. But then they finally hear that Miss Ladybird is not leaving at all. It is Clara Bee, the school cleaner who is leaving.
13"Buzzbee's Lullaby"3 December 2010
It is raining and Buzzbee wants to play, but when he upsets Babee for waking her up, he helps her get to sleep with a gentle lullaby creation.
14"Loyal Bee"10 December 2010
Rubee is embarrassed because the students laugh at her solo. When Buzzbee cheers her up, he convinces her that she is brilliant.
15"A Windy Day!"17 December 2010
It is windy, so Buzzbee and Rubee play a game of tag. But when they've been blown towards the Spooky Woods, Grandma and Grandpa Bee rescue them.
16"Imaginary Bee"24 December 2010
When Buzzbee and Rubee play a staring competition, Barnabee feels left out. He makes an imaginary friend named Robbee, but Buzzbee tries to convince him that he isn't real.
17"Bee in Charge"31 December 2010
When Miss Ladybird makes Buzzbee 'Very Special Classroom Monitor', Buzzbee thinks to himself that he is a great choice but won't let anyone borrow the games!
18"A Bee's Best Friend"7 January 2011
When Buzzbee and Jasper trick the girls into keeping away from Grandma Bee's pet flea Jump, they squabble over him.
19"Healthy Bee"14 January 2011
Buzzbee is not keen on bananas, but when he dumps them behind the radiator, Miss Ladybird convinces him to try a banana sandwich.
20"Buzzbee Cleans Up"21 January 2011
When Buzzbee and Barnabee clean up the playground, they want to tell everyone to keep Honey Farm tidy.
21"Sleepy Bee"28 January 2011
Jasper tricks Buzzbee into staying up all night, which makes Buzzbee very tired.
22"Jump Goes to School"4 February 2011
When Buzzbee and Rubee bring Jump to school, they accidentally lose him during Miss Ladybird's lesson.
23"Scooter Bee"11 February 2011
When Debbie teaches Buzzbee to ride on her new scooter, Buzzbee is told to watch it while she and Rubee get pollen stoppers but accidentally breaks it.
24"A Droopy Antenna"18 February 2011
Buzzbee tricks Mamma Bee into thinking he has a droopy antenna but realises that he has been faking it.
25"Dancing Bee"25 February 2011
Buzzbee is disappointed when Rubee and Debbie throw him out of their dance routine, so Postman Spider tells him that everyone dances differently.
26"Buzzbee Helps Out"4 March 2011
When Buzzbee and Jasper are told to watch Anthill Store, they play, make a big mess and even eat too many pollen stoppers!
27"Being Mamma Bee"11 March 2011
Mamma Bee is not feeling well, so Buzzbee and Rubee take over her jobs. When they forget the instructions of their jobs, they cause a big mess!
28"Useful Bee"18 March 2011
Buzzbee and Barnabee attempt to help Mr Millipede out at his garage. But when they mess things up, he is not happy!
29"Babee's First Word"25 March 2011
Buzzbee and Rubee attempt to get Babee to say her first word. At the end of the episode Babee says her first word: "Night-night".
30"Buzzbee's Babysitter"1 April 2011
Buzzbee is disappointed that Katypillar is babysitting him instead of Grandma Bee, but when they are making pizza, they end up having fun.
31"Teddy Bee Lost"8 April 2011
When Buzzbee shops with Mamma Bee at Anthill Store, he accidentally leaves Teddy Bee there!
32"Musical Bees"15 April 2011
When Buzzbee and Rubee fight over their turns with their xylophone, they accidentally break it. Pappa Bee fixes it and tells them to play it together.
33"Bee On Time"22 April 2011
When Buzzbee is late for his football practise, Pappa Bee sets his alarm clock for the next day. It turns out that Buzzbee has set it early!
34"Giggly Bee"29 April 2011
Debbie has the giggles, so Rubee, Buzzbee and the gang must cure them before the Queen Bee arrives.
35"How to be Friends"6 May 2011
Rubee won't let Buzzbee play tennis with her and Debbie, which causes the girls to have a quarrel. When Buzzbee won't let Rubee play tennis with him and Barnabee, they must help the girls make up.
36"Buzzbee Digs for Treasure"7 May 2011
When Buzzbee and Barnabee borrow Postman Spider's metal detector, they only find a pile of metal junk, until they help Millis and Vince find their key.
37"Brave Bee"8 May 2011
Buzzbee is worried about having a check-up, even when Pappa Bee tells him that if there's anything wrong with them, the doctor takes them away in his bag.
38"Buzzbee's Mystery Photo"9 May 2011
Buzzbee and Barnabee find an old photo in Honeydew School and attempt to find out who it is, then finally realise it is Grandpa Bee!
39"Buzzbee Makes a Swap"8 May 2011
When Buzzbee and Jasper swap toys for the day, they realise how important their toys are to them, apart from Rubee and Debbie, who have swapped lunchboxes.
40"The Other Buzzbee"10 May 2011
When Buzzbee realises he has two jobs to do, he forces Barnabee to pretend to be the other Buzzbee for Postman Spider's delivery job.
41"Buzzbee's Big Film"11 May 2011
Buzzbee is making a film called "An Ordinary Day On Honey Farm", but along the way, the scenes are filled with chaos!
42"Once Upon a Buzzbee"12 May 2011
Rubee and Buzzbee want to know what happens next in Pappa Bee's story "Piraticus Tat-Taticus", but they have wait until Pappa Bee comes home.
43"Buzzbee's Den"13 May 2011
When Buzzbee refuses to tidy his room, he decides to make his own den, which is very untidy.
44"Bees in Space"14 May 2011
Buzzbee wins two tickets to the "Space Bees" movie, but gets in a mix-up when Jasper and Barnabee attempt to come with him.
45"Don't Be Greedy"15 May 2011
Buzzbee eats Rubee's lunch during a school trip, which gives him a tummy-ache.
46"Organised Bee"16 May 2011
Buzzbee and Barnabee are told to deliver treats to everyone, but get them and their rhyme mixed-up.
47"It's Not Easy Being Green"17 May 2011
When Buzzbee accidentally spills green paint on the grass, he is told to clean it up. But then he discovers green footprints on the grass, then realises they are his footprints!
48"Mother's Day"12 October 2011
Buzzbee attempts Mamma Bee three things for Mother's Day, but has the things all wrong.
49"Funny Bee"19 October 2011
Buzzbee, Barnabee and Jasper show Lord Bartleby how to have fun while the Queen Bee is at the Flower Fields.
50"Pappa Gets Fit"26 October 2011
Rubee and Buzzbee teach Pappa Bee how to get fit, but end up helping their friends with their problems.
51"Buzzbee Buzzes Off"2 November 2011
Rubee bosses Buzzbee about during a game of rounders, which makes Buzzbee leave the game. But when he spills Mamma Bee's papers, he and Rubee must work together.
52"Silly Bee"9 November 2011
When the boys play a tickling game, it gives Jasper an idea to tickle Buzzbee at school, which causes a lot of trouble for Buzzbee.
53"Show and Tell Bee"16 November 2011
Buzzbee is trying to choose what to take to school for show-and-tell, so Grandpa Bee gives him an idea.
54"Winning Isn't Everything"23 November 2011
Buzzbee attempts to break one of Grandpa Bee's records: doing 20 loops in 20 seconds. When he does it on Record Day, he must help Grandpa Bee after he hurts his wing.
55"Treasure Hunt"30 November 2011
Buzzbee buzzes off from Barnabee and Jasper during a school treasure hunt, but he keeps going in the wrong places.
56"Squeaky Bee"2 February 2012
Buzzbee and Jasper play a joke on everyone with Jump's new squeaky bone, until they try to convince the Queen Bee not to sit down because it's under the couch cushion.
57"Buzzbee's Secrets"9 February 2012
Buzzbee has three special secrets to keep, but he accidentally gives them away, even on the day of Jasper's birthday.
58"Lord Bartlebee and the Teddy Bee"16 February 2012
When Debbie accidentally sells Buzzbee's Teddy Bee to Lord Bartleby Buzz, Buzzbee and the girls team up to get him back.
59"Miss Ladybird's Day Off"23 February 2012
Buzzbee and Barnabee are disappointed that Miss Ladybird is leaving, so they try to stop her from going.
60"Rainy Day Fun"2 March 2012
Buzzbee and Barnabee accidentally make the sign dirty, which causes the Queen Bee's car to be stuck in a puddle.
61"Do the Sticky Stomp"14 March 2012
Vincent wants to surprise Millisant for when she comes back to the store, so Buzzbee and the gang create a dance for her.
62"Collector Bee"27 April 2012
Buzzbee wants a collection like Rubee, so Barnabee helps him collect strawberries.
63"Polite Bee"4 May 2012
Everyone thinks Buzzbee is rude because he is excited, so Lord Bartleby shows him how to be more polite.
64"Rain Dance"11 May 2012
Katypillar is worried about the flowers because it hasn't rained in a long time, so Buzzbee, Rubee and the gang do a rain dance.
65"Buzzbee's Holiday"18 May 2012
Buzzbee is sad about Grandpa Bee not coming with the family to the seaside, but then Buzzbee advices that they would have their holiday by the river.
66"Babee's First Christmas"8 June 2012
Buzzbee is jealous because everyone is making a big fuss about Babee's first Christmas. But when he accidentally loses Babee's present, Rubee helps him find it.
67"Spring Bee"15 June 2012
When Jasper shakes the petals off the spring flower on purpose, Katypillar thinks it is unhappy. But on the first day of spring, a new flower grows in its place.
68"The Night Before Christmas"22 June 2012
Buzzbee and Rubee attempt to find Pappa Christmas on Christmas Midnight, but when they wake Jump up, he knocks over the Christmas tree.
69"Buzzbee and the Snow Bee"29 June 2012
Buzzbee and his friends build a snow bee named "Snowy", Buzzbee is sad because he has melted but then learns that every day is a fun day even when it isn't winter.
70"Festival of Lights"26 September 2012
When Buzzbee thinks Jasper is naughty and doesn't work hard, the others tell him to help get ready for the Festival of Lights to prove it.
71"Jasper's Monster"10 October 2012
Jasper makes up the "Slimy Toad Forest Monster" in the Spooky Woods to scare Barnabee, so when the girls make up the "Honey-Munching Sea Monster" to scare Jasper, he flies off to find his mum.
72"Lord Bartlebee and the Thunderstorm"17 October 2012
Jasper is afraid of thunderstorms, so Lord Bartleby helps him overcome his fear of them.
73"Peek-a-Bee"14 November 2012
When Buzzbee, Barnabee and Jasper get told off for spying on people, they apologize to Mr Millipede and convince him that he's great at tap-dancing.
74"Buzzbee's New Ball"21 November 2012
Buzzbee wants a new football after his old one broke, but it keeps coming back to him and breaking.
75"Lonely Bee"28 November 2012
Barnabee is sad because he has been left out from the picnic, apart from a map that Jasper made and blew away.
76"Buzzbee's Goodbye"21 November 2012
Buzzbee is sad about Millis and Vince leaving the store so Buzzbee and his friends organise a special goodbye for them.
77"Babee's Busy Day"28 November 2012
When Buzzbee, Barnabee and Jasper look after Babee for the day, they cause so many accidents and blame it all on Babee.
78"Grandma Bee Learns To Drive"12 December 2012
Grandma Bee is worried about her first driving lesson so Buzzbee encourages her to try it from heart.

Season 2 (2016)

There will be a second season that will begin around 2016.[3]

DVD releases

Playtime in Honeybee Hive

Visiting the Doctor With Buzzbee

Let's Get Green

Buzzbee big holiday

Dance Party!


External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Friday, May 06, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.