The Huggetts (film series)
The Huggetts is a series of three British films released in the late 1940s by Gainsborough Pictures, centering on the character of Joe Huggett played by veteran actor Jack Warner, the head of a working-class London family. Along with the Gainsborough melodramas the Huggetts were popular, lucrative films for the studio.
The films document the various dramas of the family, including Joe Huggett standing for election, and a holiday to South Africa involving smuggled diamonds. The films were popular with post-war British audiences. The family had first appeared in the film Holiday Camp (1947), which was then spun off for a series of films.
- Here Come the Huggetts (1948)
- Vote for Huggett (1949)
- The Huggetts Abroad (1949)
Another film Christmas with the Huggetts was planned but never made.[1] A radio series ran from 1953 to 1962. Harrison and Warner were later reunited in the film Home and Away, about a family in similar circumstances to the Huggetts, who win the football pools. The 1952 film The Happy Family, starring Harrison, was also influenced by the Huggetts.
Media releases
The Huggetts boxset including all three films and Holiday Camp was released on Region Two DVD in May 2007.
- ↑ Gillett (2003), p. 80.
- Gillett, Philip John (2003). The British Working Class in Postwar Film. Manchester University Press.