The Jane Pickens Show

The Jane Pickens Show is an American television series which aired in 1954 on ABC. It was a music program aired in a 15-minute time-slot, and starred popular radio singer Jane Pickens. Music programs aired in 15-minute time-slots were a common type of show on the then-"Big 4" U.S. networks, with many popular singers such as Dinah Shore, Eddie Fisher, Perry Como etc. doing such series. They typically ran for 12-13 minutes excluding the ads, and many accompanied the evening news, which in those days was also 15-minutes.

Episode status

Four episodes are held by the UCLA Film and Television Archive.[1][2][3][4] It is not known if any other episodes survive. Although a great deal of research has been done into the archival status of rival network DuMont, little research has been done into the archival status of ABC shows, even though they (and other American networks) are known to have wiped much of their 1950s output.



External links

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