The JerUSAlem Connection

The JerUSAlem Connection, International (TJCI) is a Christian Zionist 501 (c)-(3) non-profit organization whose main objective is to inform, educate and activate Christians and Jews to support Israel and the Jewish people. TJCI accomplishes this goal in large part through the publication of its magazine and weekly online communications, analyzing events in Israel from a Biblical perspective.

TJCI's magazine is a bimonthly publication with 32 pages of full-color articles and commentary from nationally syndicated columnists, addressing the issues of the Middle East, Israel and global terrorism as they relate to biblical issues.

Supported organizations

The Jerusalem Connection supports several charity projects in Israel.

TJCI offers Christian support to the Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund (SICF), a rehabilitation center dedicated to helping terror-victim children in Shiloh. Through Operation Life for Israel, TJCI also supports pro-life efforts in the Land of Israel.

The Cyrus Fund is an expanded ministry of Operation Aliya devoted to the return of the B’nai Anusim, the ancestors of Jews who migrated to the Americas from Spain after being expelled in 1492. Historians estimate that there are tens of millions of B’nai Anusim in the Americas. The Jerusalem Connection is participating in finding these Sephardic Jews and helping them logistically and financially to make Aliya.

See also

External links

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