The Little Prince (2010 TV series)
The Little Prince (originally Le Petit Prince) is the title of a computer-animated television series with 52 episodes each 26 minutes long that began in 2010, inspired by the works of the late Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The series is made in France and is a Method Animation and the Saint-Exupéry-d'Agay Estate Production, in co-production with LPPTV, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, Fabrique d'Images, DQ Entertainment and ARD, in participation with France Télévisions WDR Rai Fiction, Télévision Suisse Romande and TV5Monde.
It was produced by Aton Soumache, Alex Vonarb, Dimitri Rassam and Cedric Pilot, co-produced by Jean-marie Musique, Christine Parisse and Tapaas Chakravarti and developed for television by Matthieu Delaporte and Alexandre de la Patelliere with Romain Van Leimt. Main character creation and adaptation was done by Bertrand Catignol, art direction by Gabriel Villate and Pierre-Alain Chartier. Storyboard supervision is done by Augusto Zanovello and Jean Charles Andre and script edition by Christel Gonnard. The original music ost track for the series is composed, orchestrated and arranged by Frederic Talgorn and performed by WDR Rundfunkorchester Köln.
Adaptation rights currently belong to Soicete pour l'CEuvre et la Memoire d'Antione de Saint-Exupery (2008). It was later translated into English and Scottish Gaelic.
Translated dubs were broadcast on three channels in Canada:[1] by TVOntario[1] (until 2016, as part of TVO Kids) and Télé-Québec[1] and Knowledge Network.[1] The series is officially available online also, via media partners, on YouTube.
Book series
A comic book adaptation with at least 22 issues has been created. The graphic novel books compile stories which were spread over 2 or 3 episodes, and do not present them in the order the TV series does.
- Book 1: The Planet of Wind released 8 August or 1 October 2012
- Book 2: The Planet of the Firebird released 8 August 2012 or 1 October 2012
- Book 3: The Planet of Music released 5 September 2012 or 1 October 2012
- Book 4: The Planet of Jade released 5 September 2012 or 1 October 2012
- Book 5: The Star Snatcher's Planet released 28 December 2012 or April 2013
- Book 6: The Planet of the Night Globes released 28 December 2012 or April 2013
- Book 7: The Planet of the Overhearers released 28 December 2012 or May 2013
- Book 8: The Planet of the Tortoise Driver released 28 December 2012 or May 2013
- Book 9: The Planet of the Giant released August or 1 October 2013
- Book 10: The Planet of Trainiacs released August or 1 October 2013
- Book 11: The Planet of Libris released September or 1 October 2013
- Book 12: The Planet of Ludokaa released September or 1 October 2013
- Book 13: The Planet of Tear-Eaters released 1 March 2014
- Book 14: The Planet of the Grand Buffoon released 1 March 2014
- Book 15: The Planet of the Gargand released 1 March 2014
- Book 16: The Planet of Gehom released 1 March 2014
- Book 17: The Planet of the Bubble Gob released 1 October 2014
- Book 18: The Planet of Time released 1 October 2014
- Book 19: The Planet of the Cublix released 1 October 2014
- Book 20: The Planet of Coppelius released 1 October 2014
- Book 21: The Planet of Okidians released 1 January 2015
- Book 22: The Planet of Ashkabaar released 1 January 2015
- Book 23: The Planet of Bamalias released 1 August 2015
- Book 24: The Planet of the Snake released 1 August 2015
Main characters
- Le Petit Prince by Gabriel Bismuth (French) The Little Prince by Aidan Drummond (English) abbreviated in closed captions simply as Prince
- Le Renard by Franck Capillery (French) The Fox by Brian Drummond (English) abbreviated in closed captions simply as Fox. Brian's wife Laura voices Turquoise in "The Planet of Ludokaa".
- Le Serpent by Guillaume Gallienne (French) The Snake by Paul Dobson (English) abbreviated in closed captions simply as Snake
- La Rose by Marie Gillain (French) The Rose by Sarah Edmondson (English) abbreviated in closed captions simply as Rose
Supporting characters
B planet characters
B 546 episodes 1-2, The Planet of Time:
- Caracatus by Brian Dobson (English)
- The Great Timekeeper by French Tickner (English)
B 311 episodes 3-4, The Planet of the Firebird:
- Princess Feng by Kira Tozer (English) the twin sister and only sibling of Huang, imprisoned
- Prince Huang by Ian Hanlin (English) a prince who stole a crown from the Fire Bird to claim kingship (spelled Wong in closed captions)
- Shin-Joh by Alistair Abell (English) a stone-cutter (spelled Shinjo and 'Shinjoh in CC)
B 222 episodes 5-6, The Planet of Wind
- Zephir by Amitai Marmorstein (spelled Zéphyr in description) the son of the governor
- The Governor of the Winds by Ron Halder (name later revealed to be Elus)
- Foehn by Shawn Macdonald (spelled Fayne in closed captions) the first person Prince and Fox meet
- The Lieutenant by Andy Toth
B 678 episodes 7-8, The Planet of Music:
- Semitone by Matthew Erickson (English) works in the instrument factor testing for Dissonance
- Euphony by Lara Gilchrist (English) a singing diva in love with Ivory
- Otto by Jason Simpson (English) in charge of the instrument factory (spelled Auto in the closed captions)
- Ivory by Scott Roberts (English) Anemone's son, in love with Euphony
- Anemone by Linda Darlow (English) Ivory's mom (CC in episode one has Snake call her An Enemy)
Characters in arcs with unidentified planets
episodes 9-10, possibly Gehom or Giant
- characters TBA
B 356 episodes 11-12, The Planet of Jade
- Onyx by Kristie Marsden
- Mica by Brad Swaile
- Nickel by Cole Howard
- Jade by Nicole Oliver
B 370 episodes 13-14, Planet of the Globies
- Fovea by Kathleen Barr
- Felix by Sam Duke
- Laudion by Richard Newman
- Felina by Rebecca Shoichet
- Ferdinand by Paul Hudson
episodes 15-16, The Planet of Amicopes:
- Brooklyn by Kazumi Evans (English)
- Sahara by Matt Hill (English)
- Opera by Kathy Morse (English)
- Bamako by Ross Douglas (English)
episodes 17-20
- characters TBA
episodes 21-23, The Planet of Bubble Gob:
- Oddzn'end by Jonathan Love (English) has crush on Ilnios
- Ilnios by Saffron Henderson (English) has crush on Oddzn'end
- Captain by Scott McNeil (English)
- The Great Inventor by Paul Hudson (English) inventor of bubblegob
episodes 24-25, The Planet of Carapodes:
- Atsign by Alessandro Juliani (English) has magical bond with carapods
- Ambrosia an girl on Atsign's route who he talks to, has a little brother. Later goes to visit Miney, revealed to have a sick father and a member of the Whatis, though it is not clear how she crossed the desert. Her name is not revealed until the end when Atsign mentions seeing her uncle.
- mother of son who finds out he got a promotion and bought a green suit
- Eenymeeny by Richard Ian Cox (English) a gambler and father
- Miney, the mother of Mo
- Mo, the son of Eenymeeny and Miney, expecting a letter from his girlfriend
- Philatello by Don Brown (English) runs the post office
- Zig by Trevor Devall (English) runs the circus, including an old tiger named Archibald
episode 26-27, possibly Gehom or Giant
- characters TBA
B 743 episodes 28-29, La planète du Ludokaa, translated The Planet of Ludokaa, abbreviated Planet Ludokaa in English
- Snow by Evan Ince
- Saphyra by Jennifer Cameron (English)
- Turquoise by Laura Drummond (English) her husband Brian voices The Fox.
- Marine by John Novak (English)
- Foam by John Murphy (voice actor) (English)
- Horizon by Valin Shinyei (English)
episodes 30-33, could include Gehom or Giant
- characters TBA
episodes 34-35, La planète des Okidiens:
- Okada by Maïté Monceau (French)
- Okimi (from episodes 34-35, La planète des Okidiens) by Chloé Renaud (French)
episodes 36-37, The Planet of Libris:
- Myriad by Andrea Libman (English)
- Balthazar by Matt Ellis (English)
- Joseph by Trevor Devall (English)
- Anatol by Jonathan Holmes (English)
- Flora by Jillian Michaels (English)
C 333 episode 38-39, The Planet of Cublix
- Linea (aka Lenaya in closed captions) by Chantal Strand
- Lux by Mark Acheson
- Hexahedron by Shawn Macdonald
- Alumnix by Scott Perrie
episodes 40-41, could be Gehom or Giant
- characters TBA
episodes 42-44, La planète des Bamalias:
- Kimi by Maryke Hendrikse (French)
X 442 episodes 45-47, La planète du Gargand, called The Planet of the Gargand in English dub, or The Planet of Gargand on guides
- Dokan by James Beach (voice actor)
- Thery by Brian Doe (English)
- Jouna by Shannon Chan-Kent
- Lyl by Willow Johnson
Characters in arcs with unidentified episode numbers
B 782 episodes ??-?? The Planet of the Giant (2-part arc)
- Click by Matt Ellis
- Talamus by Andrea Libman
- Natura by Jonathan Holmes
D 444 episodes ??-?? Gehom's Planet (2-part arc)
- Shania by Ashleigh Ball
- Griffin by Mark Oliver
- Erwan by Kathy Morse
- Gehom by Michael Dobson
D 455 episodes ??-?? The Star Snatcher's Planet
- Antoine, the astronomer by Michael Adamthwaite
- Claos by Michael Shepherd the adoptive father of Antoine (also spelled Klaus or Claus in closed captions)
- Ted by Ellen Kennedy
- Naomie by David A. Kaye the adoptive mother of Antoine (also spelled Naomi in closed captions)
W 5613 episodes ??-?? The Planet of the Trainiacs:
- Marieke by Venus Terzo (English) the painter wife of Hannibal
- Hannibal by Dale Wilson (English) the train master
- Rosetta by Carol-Anne Day (English) the daughter of Hannibal and Marieke
- Manuel by Ryan Luhning (English) Hannibal's apprentice
Multi-planet arc characters
B 325 > B 330 > B 505 episodes ??-?? The New Mission:
- The Hunter by Lee Tockar (English)
- The Geographer by Tim Dixon (English)
- The King by Colin Murdock (English)
- Minizabit by ?
- The Aviator by Christopher Gaze (English)
D 333 > C 669 episodes ??-?? The Planet of the Oracle (based on The Planet of Coppelius by Otto Carlo Rino and The Planet of the Amicopes by Heloise Cappocia)
- Coppelius by Trevor Devall (English) is the Oracle's (and Solaris') king
- Excello by Simon Hayama (English) described by the Little Prince as "the engineer from the Planet of the Solaris" and by Fox as "my friend Entelio's father"
- Antellio or Entelio is the son of Excello and friend of Fox.
- The Oracle by Ellen Kennedy (English) wears a giant eye-shaped mask and has a wall of television monitors. They are connected to Eavesdroppers, winged cameras, belonging to Coppelius. The Snake attempts to influence her.
- The Geographer by Tim Dixon (English) is a recurring ally stored in the Little Prince's sketchpad
C 669 > B 901 episodes ??-?? The Planet of the Grelon (based on The Planet of the Grand Buffoon by Thierry Gaudin and The Planet of Coppelius by Otto Carlo Rino)
- Muche-Muche by Michael Adamthwaite (English) the husband of Tulip, son-in-law of the Grand Buffoon, father of Ballotin
- Tulip by Cheryl McMaster (English) the daughter of the Grand Buffoon, wife of Muche-Muche, mother of Ballotin
- Ballotin by Griffin Kingston (English) the son of Muche-Muche and Tulio, grandson of the grand buffoon
- The Grand Buffoon by Michael Shepherd
- Swindly (and The Hunter, returning) by Lee Tockar
- Swindly's Herald: ?
- The Geographer by Tim Dixon
- The King by Colin Murdock
- Captain Of The Guard: ?
- Grelon, the pet of Ballotin (revealed to be Tolben who Little Prince met in Planet of Coppelius arc): ?
- Visconti: ?
D 0101 > B 743 episodes ??-?? The Planet of the Crystal Tears (based on The Planet of Ludokaa by Clelia Constantine and The Planet of the Okidiens by Christel Gonnard and Therry Gaudin)
- Foam by John Murphy (English)
- Marine by John Novak (English)
- Okoda by Cathy Weseluck (English)
- The White Tigerman by Andrew Kavadas (English)
- The Businessman by Andrew Cownden (English)
Season 1
Aired in 2010, English translations in 2011
- La planète du temps (part 1) The Planet of Time English translation aired 31 December 2011
- La planète du temps (part 2)
- La planète de l'oiseau de feu (part 1) The Planet of the Firebird
- La planète de l'oiseau de feu (part 2)
- La planète des Eoliens (part 1) translated 25 April 2011 The Planet of Wind
- La planète des Eoliens (part 2)
- La planète de la musique (part 1) English: The Planet of the Music
- La planète de la musique (part 2)
- La planète de l'astronome (part 1) English: The Planet of the Astronomer translated 7 August 2011
- La planète de l'astronome (part 2)
- La planète de jade (part 1) English: The Planet of Jade
- La planète de jade (part 2)
- La planète des Globus (part 1) English: The Planet of Globies (retitled Planet of the Globies)
- La planète des Globus (part 2)
- La planète des Amicopes (part 1) English: The Planet of Amicopes planet D 333 / The Planet of the Oracle
- La planète des Amicopes (part 2)
- La planète de Géhom (part 1)
- La planète de Géhom (part 2)
- La planète des Wagonautes (part 1) translated 17 December 2011: The Planet of Traniacs
- La planète des Wagonautes (part 2)
- La planète du Bubble Gob (part 1) translated 24 December 2011, TVO debut on 12 February 2012 The Planet of the Bubble Gob
- La planète du Bubble Gob (part 2) TVO debut also 12 February 2012
- La planète du Bubble Gob (part 3)
- La planète des Carapodes (part 1) translated 20 February 2012 English: The Planet of Carapodes planet B 723
- La planète des Carapodes (part 2) aired 27 May 2012
- La planète de géant (part 1) The Planet of the Giants'
- La planète de géant (part 2)
Season 2
- 28: La planète du Ludokaa (part 1) aired 23 September 2012
- 29: La planète du Ludokaa (part 2)
- 30: La planète des Lacrimavoras (part 1) aired 1 March 2012
- 31: La planète des Lacrimavoras (part 2)
- 32: La planète de Coppelius (part 1) aired 16 April 2012 The Planet of the Oracle / The Planet of Grelon
- 33: La planète de Coppelius (part 2)
- 34: La planète des Okidiens (part 1) aired 19 April 2012
- 35: La planète des Okidiens (part 2)
- 36: La planète des Libris (part 1) aired 17 June 2012 The Planet of Libris
- 37: La planète des Libris (part 2)
- 38: La planète des Cublix (part 1) aired 26 April 2012
- 39: La planète des Cublix (part 2) aired 7 October 2012 then 27 December 2015 on TVO
- 40: La planète d'Ashkabaar (part 1) aired 8 May 2012
- 41: La planète d'Ashkabaar (part 2)
Season 3
- 42: La planète des Bamalias (part 1) aired 9 June 2012 The New Mission
- 43: La planète des Bamalias (part 2)
- 44: La planète des Bamalias (part 3)
- 45: La planète du Gargand aired 2 September 2012 English The Planet of Gargand
- 46: The Planet of Gargand Part 2
- 47: The Planet of Gargand Part 3 (English dub debuted 2 September 2012 and re-aired 3 January 2016 on TVO)
- titles for episodes 48-49 needed, possibly The Planet of the Grand Buffoon"
- 50: La planète du serpent (part 1) aired 1 May 2013 The Planet of the Snake
- 51: La planète du serpent (part 2)
- 52: La planète du serpent (part 3)
English titles
Original air dates listed on TVO indicate that the English episodes may have aired in a different order. The 2015 airings as also in a different order.
- The Planet of the Wind part 1 aired 6 November 2011 then 28 June 2015 on TVO
- The Little Prince tries to aid the Eolians with the wind, which has been failing because of a conflict between the Great Mage of the Winds and his son, Zephyr.
- The Planet of the Wind part 2 aired 6 November 2011 then 5 July 2015 on TVO
- The Planet of Time part 1 aired 31 December 2011 then 17 May 2015 on TVO
- When the Little Prince sets foot on this planet, it is all out of synch. In one village, time has stopped. In another, on the contrary, it has sped up.
- The Planet of Time part 2 aired 31 December 2011 then 24 May 2015 on TVO
- Following the advice of the evil Cobra the watchmaker turns all the clocks back, but going back in time can be dangerous.
- The Planet of the Firebird part 1 aired 15 January 2012 then 14 June 2015 on TVO
- The Planet of the Firebird part 2 aired 15 January 2012 then 21 June 2015 on TVO
- The Planet of Jade part 1 aired 22 January 2012 then 12 July 2015 on TVO
- The Planet of Jade part 2 aired 22 January 2012 then 19 July 2015 on TVO
- The Star Snatcher's Planet part 1 aired 4 March 2012 then 26 July 2015 on TVO
- The Star Snatcher's Planet part 2 aired 4 March 2012 then 2 August 2015 on TVO
- The Planet of Bubble Gob part 1 aired 4 March 2012 then 20 September 2015 on TVO
- The Planet of Bubble Gob part 2 aired 4 March 2012 then 27 September 2015 on TVO
- The Bubble Gob, a creature created to clean the ocean, threatens the homes of the Creatall
- The Chlorophilians' crops are failing because the astronomer keeps removing stars and planets.
- The Planet of Music part 1 aired 11 March 2012 then 31 May 2015 on TVO
- When the Little Prince arrives on this planet, the Doites are a little unhinged by the strange behavior of Euphony, the singer whose songs rhythm everyday life. Lately, however, Euphony has been singing, less and out of tune and seems preoccupied.
- The Planet of Music part 2 aired 11 March 2012 then 7 June 2015 on TVO
- The Planet of the Globies part 1 aired 6 May 2012 then 9 August 2015 on TVO
- The Little Prince discovers that the Globies are not the bad guys.
- The Planet of the Globies part 2 aired 6 May 2012 then 16 August 2015 on TVO
- The Planet of Amicopes part 1 aired ? then 23 August 2015 on TVO
- The Planet of Amicopes part 2 aired ? then 30 August 2015 on TVO
- The Planet of the Giants part 1 aired 16 September 2012 then 22 November 2015 on TVO
- The Planet of the Giants part 2 aired 16 September 2012 then 29 November 2015 on TVO
- Gehom's Planet part 1 aired 17 February 2013 then 6 September 2015 on TVO
- Gehom's Planet part 2 aired 17 February 2013 then 13 September 2015 on TVO
- The Planet of the Trainiacs part 1 aired 9 September 2012 then 1 March 2015 on TVO
- The Planet of the Trainiacs part 2 aired 9 September 2012 then 8 March 2015 on TVO
- The New Mission part 1 aired 1 March 2015 then 15 March 2015 on TVO
- The New Mission part 2 aired 1 March 2015 then 22 March 2015 on TVO
- The New Mission part 3 aired 1 March 2015 then 29 March 2015 on TVO
- The Planet of the Grelon part 1 aired 8 March 2015 then 5 April 2015 on TVO
- The Planet of the Grelon part 2 aired 8 March 2015 then 12 April 2015 on TVO
- The Planet of the Oracle part 1 aired 15 March 2015 then 19 April 2015 on TVO
- The Planet of the Oracle part 2 aired 15 March 2015 then 26 April 2015 on TVO
- The Planet of the Crystal Tears part 1 aired 22 March 2015 then 3 May 2015 on TVO
- When the Little Prince reaches the Planet of Ludokaa, he discovers that Agathes king has started building a giant staircase to go to the source of, singing crystal pearls, falling from the sky.
- The Planet of the Crystal Tears part 2 aired 22 March 2015 then 10 May 2015 on TVO
- The Little Prince will discover that these pearls are in fact the tears of Okoda, exiled very high in the sky in her aerial palace.
- The Planet of Ludokaa part 1 aired 23 September 2012 then 6 December 2015 on TVO
- The Planet of Ludokaa part 2 aired 23 September 2012 then 13 December 2015 on TVO
- The Planet of Cublix part 2 aired 7 October 2012 then 27 December 2015 on TVO (part 1 did not air the preceding week)
- The Planet of Gargand part 3 aired 2 September 2012 then 3 January 2016 on TVO
The various story arcs have various different named ethnic groups or species, including but not limited to:
- Chlorophilians, introduced in The Star Snatcher's Planet
- Creatall, introduced in The Planet of Bubble Gob
- Doites (also called ?) a musical people also introduced in The Planet of Music
- Eoliens, introduced in The Planet of Wind
- Globies, introduced in The Planet of the Globus
- Gloomies are the non-speaking recurring minions of the Snake. These cackling balls of shadow regularly attack Fox and Prince. They are able to merge to form a large Gloomy, lift objects to use as weapons, and possess other creatures to form monsters.
- Ludokaans, introduced in The Planet of Ludoka (or Agathes?)
- Okidiens, introduced in The Planet of Okidiens
- ?, introduced in The Planet of Jade
- Pistilarrians, introduced in The Planet of Music
- Rigolos, introduced in Planet of the Grand Buffoon
Most of the story arcs in the series are named after a planet in relation to a property it has. Sometimes this term is used in the show itself as a proper name, and other times it is not. The planets are assigned a code consisting of a single letter and then a 3-digit number, which is listed before the episode title at the start of the show. Letter groupings include B, C, D, W and X.
In the latter half of the series, some of the planets are returned to in a later story arc. These include but are not limited to:
- Asteroid B 6 12 is the home of Fox and the Little Prince. Rose lives there too but it is not her home planet. In the latter half of the series, this becomes a mobile home vehicle for visiting planets, dragged by Little Prince's magical flying paper birds through space, and replacing the space airplane as Fox and Little Prince's transportation.
- Planet of the Grand Buffoon, revisited in Planet of the Grelon
- Planet of the Solaris, revisited in Planet of the Oracle when Eavesdroppers from Planet of the Amicopes invade
- Planet of Ludokaa, revisited in Planet of the Crystal Tears
Other planets include:
- Planet Mingusta
Sketchpad creations
The Little Prince carries around a magical sketchpad (Fox has called it a sketchbook) which he uses to solve problems in his adventures. To do this, he generally changes from his green jumpsuit into his blue longcoat, along with a blue sword, both of which also vanish into particles, indicating they are constructs too. Most of the prince's constructs are made of a light blue energy or surrounded by a light blue aura, similar to that of the Blue Lantern Corps in DC Comics. He was also able to imprison the Snake in the sketchpad until Fox was tricked into releasing him. Some of the things created include but are not limited to:
- A giant ball used to bounce after the mysterious monster in Planet of the Grelon
- A flock of birds, used to pull Asteroid B 6 12, also used to deliver a message from parents to child in Planet of the Grelon
- A boat able to fly when Prince tethers it to clouds with grappling hooks. Used in Planet of the Firebird
- A riding elephant, used to battle the guards in Planet of the Grelon
- A neck flashlight when Fox requests one in Planet of the Globies
- A kite platform, used to reach the ground in Planet of the Oracle when the door to Planet of the Solaris opens at a dangerous height.
- A giant pillow which is lavaproof and saves the group in Planet of the Firebird
- 1 2 3 4 Morgane (19 August 2013). "The Little Prince TV series in Canada".
You already know that Canada has warmly welcomed the Little Prince, with his arrival in Grevin Montreal. But did you know that the series of The Little Prince is regularly broadcast on three channels?
Knowledge Network broadcasts the Little Prince every Sunday at 10:30.
On TVO, The Little Prince airs on the first Sunday of the month at 2 PM. Episodes of seasons 1 and 2 have all been released, but the popularity of the series can not be denied and will be rebroadcast until the arrival of season 3! TVO has also participated in the drawing competition asking children to draw the planet of their dreams to appear in episodes of the next season. A happy little viewer will see its Planet Dinosaur on the screen!
Télé-Québec, which aired the Little Prince this spring, also participated in the drawing competition of the season 3! The lucky winners will see their designs in the third season from Quebec.
(TVO broadcast date was moved to 3pm in 2015)
See also
External links
- Official site
- user/lepetitprincetv is the official YouTube profile
- "Official episodes guide] (under construction)". Archived from the original on 4 February 2013. Retrieved 2015.
- The Little Prince at the Internet Movie Database
- "ABC Australia description".
- " program description". Archived from the original on 16 May 2015.
- "TVOkids drawing contest". Archived from the original on 23 December 2014.
- TVguide.Com description
- PowerKids (unclear if official or unofficial distributor)
Site navigation