The Madness of King George (book)

The Madness of King George: The Ingenious Insanity of Our Most "Misunderestimated" President

Cover of the paperback edition
Author Michael K. Smith
Illustrator Matt Wuerker
Country Canada
Language English
Subject George W. Bush
Publisher Common Courage Press
Publication date
ISBN 978-1-56751-248-9
OCLC 53819725

The Madness of King George: The Ingenious Insanity of Our Most "Misunderestimated" President is a political satire book written by Michael K. Smith and illustrated by Matt Wuerker. It was published in 2004 by Common Courage Press in Canada. Alternating between text and cartoons, it takes a critical look at George W. Bush's life and first term as president of the United States, portraying it all as a rush to war in Iraq.

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