The Magic Bicycle

The Magic Bicycle is the first novel of the Spirit Flyer Series by John Bibee and illustrated by Paul Turnbaugh. The book was published by Inter-Varsity Press in 1983. The story centers around John Kramar, a boy in the fictional town of Centerville. John finds a mysterious bicycle called a Spirit Flyer at the town dump and slowly begins to discover its magical properties. First, the bike helps him to save a neighbor's barn from burning. Then it brings him into conflict with the boys in the Cobra Club, a representative of Goliath Toys and other forces that not only want John's bike, but want it destroyed. The story is an allegorical representation of Christianity and is aimed at young readers. The genre of this children's novel is science fiction.
Publication data
- Bibliographic Data: Bibee, John. The Magic Bicycle. Inter-Varsity Press: Downers Grove, Illinois, 1989.
- ISBN ISBN 0-87784-348-1
- Library of Congress Classification: PZ7.B471464Mag 1983