The Medical Roundtable

The Medical Roundtable  
Abbreviated title (ISO 4)
Discipline Publication
Language English
Publication details
FoxP2 Media LLC (United States)
Publication history
Frequency Quarterly
ISSN 2150-6191

The Medical Roundtable is a hybrid open access and subscription peer review medical academic journal commonly referred to as TMR.[1] TMR commenced publication in 2009 by T. Anthony Howell of FoxP2 Media LLC.[2] T. Anthony Howell was President of Le Jacq Ltd, an imprint of Wiley-Blackwell.

The Medical Roundtable is listed in the United States National Library of Medicine catalog.[3]

Unique Educational Format

While the round table (discussion) format has been utilized in academic publishing,[4] TMR is the first peer-review journal to publish academic expert guidance using only the roundtable discussion format. Physicians consider Academic Journals and Peer Discussion to be 2 of the top 3 "Important Sources of Information."[5][6] TMR combines the important sources of Peer Discussion and Academic Journals, using experts in the various medical disciplines to educate physicians on compelling topics.

Organic Editorial Process

Topics discussed by the expert physicians in TMR are generated by the expert physicians during live discussions; the content is not written by freelance writers. The experts are recorded, transcribed, and edited for references, clarity and accuracy. The Editorial Board members review the discussion and provide comments to ensure fair balance. The discussants of the expert roundtable discussion provide final comments and changes prior to publication online and in print.

Hybrid Access

Many expert discussions at The Medical Roundtable are available without charge online as an open access academic journal, along with subscription access options.

Specialty Medicine Editions

TMR publishes multiple editions in different specialty (medicine) physicians. TMR is also available online for no cost to the user as an open access academic journal.[1]

Cardiovascular Edition

FoxP2 Media commenced publishing of the TMR in cardiology. TMR - Cardiovascular Edition provides many expert discussions online for free. The Editor in Chief of TMR - Cardiovascular Edition is Marvin Moser, MD.

Dr. Moser is the President of the Hypertension Education Foundation[7] and has chaired several national committees that established guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of hypertension. He has received numerous awards from the International Society of Hypertension, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, the American Society of Hypertension, and several medical universities for his research and treatment efforts in hypertension. Dr. Moser is the author of more than 500 scientific publications and 11 books and has lectured extensively both in the U.S. and abroad. He was the Editor-in-Chief of the United States National Library of Medicine indexed The Journal of Clinical Hypertension from 1999 to 2009.

Cardiovascular Editorial Board

The Editorial Board consists of the following expert cardiologists:

Editor in Chief

Marvin Moser, MD Yale University School of Medicine New Haven, CT

Senior Editors

Sr. Editor Affiliation City, State Bio Link
Jan Basile, MD Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center Charleston, SC BIO
Jeff Borer, MD SUNY Downstate Medical Center New York, NY BIO
Lawrence Cohen, MD Yale University School of Medicine New Haven, CT BIO
John Elefteriades, MD Yale University School of Medicine New Haven, CT BIO
Thomas Giles, MD Tulane University Heart and Vascular Institute New Orleans, LA BIO
Antonio Gotto, MD, DPhil Weill Cornell Medical College New York, NY BIO
Marian Limacher, MD U of Florida Gainesville, FL BIO
Carl Pepine, MD U of Florida Gainesville, FL BIO
Bertram Pitt, MD U of Michigan S of Medicine Ann Arbor, MI NA
Eric Prystowsky, MD The Care Group at St. Vincent Indianapolis, IN BIO
William Roberts, MD Baylor University Medical Center Dallas, TX BIO


Editor Affiliation City, State Bio Link
Joseph Alpert, MD U of Arizona Health Science Center Tucson, AZ NA
Ezra Amsterdam, MD U of CA at Davis Sacramento, CA BIO
William Cushman, MD U of Tennessee Memphis, TN BIO
Prakash Deedwania, MD U of California at San Francisco Fresno, CA BIO
Bonita Falkner, MD Thomas Jefferson U School of Med Philadelphia, PA BIO
Arthur Feldman, MD, PhD Jefferson Medical College Philadelphia, PA BIO
Keith Ferdinand, MD Emory U School of Med Atlanta, GA BIO
John Fisher, MD Montefiore Medical Center Bronx, NY BIO
Gary Francis, MD U of Minnesota Medical School Minneapolis BIO
Stanley Franklin, MD U of California at Irvine Irvine, CA NA
Norm Kaplan, MD U of Texas Southwestern Dallas, TX BIO
Spencer King, MD The Medical Group of St. Joseph's Atlanta, GA BIO
Daniel Lackland, DrPH Medical U of South Carolina Charleston, SC BIO
John LaRosa, MD SUNY Downstate Medical School Brooklyn, NY BIO
Peter Libby, MD Brigham and Women’s Hospital Boston, MA BIO
Phil Liebson, MD Rush University Medical Center Chicago, IL BIO
Suzanne Oparil, MD U of Alabama Birmingham, AL BIO
Victor Parsonnet, MD Newark Beth Israel Med Center Newark, NJ BIO
W. Frank Peacock, MD The Cleveland Clinic Cleveland, OH BIO
James Reiffel, MD Columbia University New York, NY BIO
Clive Rosendorff, MD VA Hospital Bronx, NY BIO
Doug Schocken, MD Duke University Medical Center Durham, NC BIO
John Setaro, MD Yale University School of Medicine New Haven, CT BIO
Domenic Sica, MD Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, VA BIO
Paul Thompson, MD Hartford Hospital Hartford, CT BIO
Nanette Wenger, MD Emory University Sch of Med Atlanta, GA BIO
Nathan Wong, PhD, MPH U of California College of Medicine Irvine, CA BIO

General Medicine Edition

FoxP2 Media will commence publication of TMR in internal medicine entitled The Medical Roundtable - General Medicine Edition in June 2012. TMR - General Medicine Edition has many expert discussions online for free.

The Editor in Chief of TMR - General Medicine Edition is James E. Dalen, MD, MPH.

Dr. Dalen served as Dean of the College of Medicine at the University of Arizona from 1988 to 2001. He was also the Editor in Chief of the Archives of Internal Medicine is the President of the Hypertension Education Foundation[7] and has chaired several national committees that established guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of hypertension. He has received numerous awards from the International Society of Hypertension, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, the American Society of Hypertension, and several medical universities for his research and treatment efforts in hypertension. Dr. Moser is the author of more than 500 scientific publications and 11 books and has lectured extensively both in the U.S. and abroad. He was the Editor-in-Chief of the United States National Library of Medicine indexed The Journal of Clinical Hypertension from 1999 to 2009.

Experiential Evidence

EBM applies to groups of people but this does not preclude clinicians from using their personal experience in deciding how to treat the person in front of them. In The limits of evidence-based medicine, Tonelli advises that "the knowledge gained from clinical research does not directly answer the primary clinical question of what is best for the patient at hand." and suggests that evidence-based medicine should not discount the value of clinical experience.[8]

David Sackett writes that "the practice of evidence based medicine means integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external clinical evidence from systematic research".[8]


  1. 1 2 Official Website.
  2. National Library of Medicine.
  3. PERQ/HCI 2009 Survey.
  4. Kantar Media 2011 Survey - Sources & Interactions 2011, available by request.
  5. 1 2
  6. 1 2 Sackett DL, Rosenberg WM, Gray JA, Haynes RB, Richardson WS (January 1996). "Evidence based medicine: what it is and what it isn't". BMJ 312 (7023): 71–2. doi:10.1136/bmj.312.7023.71. PMC 2349778. PMID 8555924.

External links

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