The Ministry of Nostalgia

The Ministry of Nostalgia
Author Owen Hatherley
Country United Kingdom
Language English
Published London
Publisher Verso Books
Publication date
Pages 218
ISBN 9781784780753

The Ministry of Nostalgia is a 2016 book by British writer Owen Hatherley


The Ministry of Nostalgia argues that "our past is being resold in order to defend the indefensible". The book examines the so-called "austerity" of the 1940's and 50's and argues that history has been "recast to offer consolation for the violence of neoliberalism, an ideology dedicated to the privatisation of our common wealth". The Ministry of Nostalgia questions "why should we have to keep calm and carry on?"[1]


In The Independent Marcus Tanner supports the conclusions of the book that "austerity" in the post-War UK was redistributive, with those on higher incomes paying more for the introduction of the welfare state[2]


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