The One Percent (TV series)
The One Percent is an upcoming American television drama series created and written by Alejandro González Iñárritu, Alexander Dinelaris, Jr., Nicolás Giacobone and Armando Bó. The quartet, who also collaborated on Birdman, will serve as executive producers. Gonzalez Iñárritu will direct the first two episodes and set the visual style of the show.[1] A 10-episode first season has been ordered by the American premium cable network Starz.[1]
- Ed Helms as Alfred Murphy, who is struggling professionally and personally to keep the family business afloat[1]
- Hilary Swank as Laura Murphy, Alfred's wife[1]
- Ed Harris as Nathaniel Cobb, the family patriarch[1]
The pilot centers around Alfred, a weak-willed 40 year old in a 20-year marriage with 2 kids. His dreams of working in the big city were crushed when he starts working at his father-in-law's organic farm. The farm comes under financial hardship which is conflicting - Alfred wants to leave but it is his only source of income. Alfred ultimately wins the lottery and has the opportunity to save the farm. But what will he choose to do with the money when his father-in-law continues to berate Alfred, and his wife is filing for divorce?
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| 2000s debuts | |
| 2010s debuts | |
| Current | |
| Upcoming | |