The Police Dog
The Police Dog is an animated cartoon series created by Bray Studios.
The series was created by a man named Carl Anderson. Who was a first-generation Norwegian-American born in Madison, Wisconsin in 1865. He was one of the oldest staff members at the Bray Studio and was 14 years older than the studio's owner.
The series was the main project by Anderson at Bray Studios. Originally, Anderson made Pinkerton Pup a more realistic dog but he got more anthropomorphic over time. The series ran from 1914-1916.
After Anderson created Pinkerton Pup he went on to create his own pantomime comic strip such as "The Philipino and the Chick" in 1932 of which he is best remembered by today.
- Pinkerton Pup - a police dog who always managed to get his owner Officer Piffles in trouble. As in an ad he was described as "C.T. Anderson's 'Police Dog' is one of the most popular of comedians because he refuses to take life seriously."
- Officer Piffles - Pinkerton's owner who always gets in trouble.
The Police Dog ran from November 21, 1914 to February 25, 1918 with 12 shorts.
- The Police Dog (November 21, 1914)
- The Police Dog No. 2 (February 20, 1915)
- The Police Dog No. 3 (March 27, 1915)
- The Police Dog No. 4 (May 1, 1915)
- The Police Dog No. 5 (June 12, 1915)
- The Police Dog Gets Piffles In Bad (July 24, 1915)
- The Police Dog to the Rescue (September 25, 1915)
- Police Dog On the Wire (January 27, 1916)
- Police Dog Turns Nurse (April 2, 1916)
- Police Dog in the Park (May 7, 1916)
- Working Out with the Police Dog (June 6, 1916)
- The Pinkerton Pup's Portrait (February 25, 1918).
- The Police Dog. The Bray Animation Project. Copyright 2011-2012.
- The Police Dog. Big Cartoon Database. Retrieved 19 April 2014.