The Swallows of Kabul
The Swallows of Kabul is a novel by Yasmina Khadra.
- Chapter 1
You meet Atiq Shaukat. He's a jailer, his wife, Musarrat, is very sick and dieing. She is a burden to him and made him late for work. He escorts a prostitute to be executed. You meet Mohsen Ramat. He's not for the new Taliban rule. He is in the market place when he sees a prostitute being stoned to death at the public execution. Even thought he thinks it's wrong he looses himself and pick up a stone and throws is and her cracking her head open.
- Chapter 2
Atiq is starting to question his believe in the Taliban. You meet his childhood friend Mirza Shah. Mirza was one of the first soldiers to desert his unit and join the Mujahideen during the war. Now Mirza does drug traffic for money. Atiq tell Mirza about his wife troubles. Mirza says he should divorce her and through her out, that is “Gods willâ€, women have no feelings. Atiq can no because she save his life.
- Chapter 3
Mohsen Ramat goes home and you meet his wife Zunaira ( a very beautiful women who used to be a school teacher but now is not allowed) they have a small house with a blanket over the windows b/c they can’t afford to fix them and they need to cover the windows b/c it could offend a man if he comes by and sees Zunaira. He tells his wife what happened at the market place and she is horrified.
- Chapter 4
Atiq is patrolling a sanctuary seizing men and forcing them to join the assembled faithful. During Maghreb prayer Atiq his made at himself for thinking angry thoughts about the poor and old. After prayer he doesn’t want to go home to his wife so he stops to lesson to some old war vats. Goliath (an Big/tall war vat) tells a story about how they were ambush, he had to lay with corpses and they smelled. This caused an uproar because mujahideen’s “died don’t stink†it must have been the Shuravi (opposite side during the war). Atiq finally goes home. His wife Musarrat is surprising out of bed. She cleaned and cooked for him. They argue a lot, Atiq gets mad and leaves. Mohsen’s wife isn’t talking to him so he steps outside as well.
- Chapter 5
Atiq goes to the jail to sleep, there you meet Nazeesh. Nazeesh comes to comfort the jailer because he see the light on. Nazeesh talks about his father being sick and being a burden on him. He says he’s going to run away. Atiq is very mean to him and tells him he is never going to run away. That he says that all the time and never leaves. Nazeesh leave the jail really upset. Atiq thinks that if his wife doesn’t start acting better he’s not going to be so gentle to her
- Chapter 6
Zunaira is no longer mad at Mohsen. She realized that he didn’t mean it he just went crazy for that minute. Mohsen wants them to go for a walk but Zunaira doesn’t want to b/c if she going out there it’s like she’s an object not even human. She will have to cover her face with a “burqa†and she’s not ever allowed to hold Mohsen’s hand. And they will be scolded if they talk to each other. But see that he is very sad she agrees to go.
- Chapter 7
Atiq finds Nazeesh and apologizes for last night but before leaving he once again is mean to him. Atiq is upset at himself for this but notices he is starting to be mean to ppl without think. He is talking to himself out loud when Mirza yells out to him that he’s going insane talking to himself. This upsets Atiq so he rushes off knocking over Zunaira and Mohsen. Zunaira and Mohsen are knock over by a guard. They think that is very rude. They look at each other and start to laugh. A different guard comes over and hits Mohsen for laugh in public. Zunaira tell Mohsen that they should leave and gets hit for talking at all. Other guard come, they ask where they are headed. Mohsen lies and says to Zunaira’s parents house. They tell him that he’s wife will wait there and he will attend the faithful in hearing Mullah Bashir preach.
- Chapter 8
Mullah Bashir preaches on how the western world is evil and blah blah. Meanwhile Zunaira has to sit outside in the hot sun for 2 hours. She can’t get a drink and she can’t even go home. Finally it’s all over and they start to walk home. Zunaira starts to cry.
- Chapter 9
Nazeesh actually leaves the village(Kabul). He is past by a car (4 x 4 military truck). In the car you meet a man name Qassim. He is on his was to his mothers funeral. He doesn’t know her very well, he left that village at age 12. and his mother was both deaf and mute. he is # 6 out of 14 kids. He makes it back to Kabul village and stops to eat he see Atiq and old war buddy and invites him to hang out at Haji Palwan with all of their old war buddies. Atiq just walks away. Musarrat, Atiq’s wife, is still very sick and now she is losing her hair. She falls asleep on the floor.
- Chapter 10
Zunaira and Mohsen are not on speaking terms. She won’t remove her veil. They start to fight. She says that she never wants to see him again. He tells her that he loves her and that she is the only reason he lives. She still tells him to go away. He demands that she takes off her veil. He tries to force it off. She bites and scratches his face. He hits her, he didn’t mean it and tries to apologize but she shoves him away. He falls backward and could be dead.
- Chapter 11
Atiq is sitting waiting for a new order. He is with an old war buddy. He asks him about Qaab and old friend. The buddy asks if he is feeling ok b/c Qaab is dead and has been dead for 2 years. That he went to the funeral with everybody. Atiq still can’t remember and asked how he dead. The buddy tells him that there is something wrong with Atiq and walks away. Later Qassim comes with a women prisoner and tries his best to cheer Atiq up. Zunaira is in jail for killer her husband and Atiq is the jailer. She and many others are to be executed on Friday at a big rally.
- Chapter 12
Zunaira removes her veil. Atiq thinks she is the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. He tells his wife Musarrat how beautiful she is. Oddly enough this make his wife for he is finally able to express his feelings to her and this make her happy.
- Chapter 13
Atiq doesn’t want Zunaira to die, he pleas her case to Qassim but he tells her that she is tricking him and even if she is innocent there is no women on the execution line for the big rally and to remember she IS jus a women. Atiq returns to the jail and unlocks it, he tells her to escape. But she refuses, she has no family to go to and she said she died along time ago.
- Chapter 14
Atiq doesn’t know what to do with himself. He love Zunaira but she won’t run away, and if he run with her they will catch them for sure. His wife see that he is in love and tell him to go to her and escape. He leave to the jail and starts to pray and falls to sleep. Musarrat come in and wakes him up. She tell him that she is going to take Zunaira's place and die for her because she is so happy to see him with this much emotion and she will die within a few weeks anyway. He tells her no, but she keeps trying to convince him.
- Chapter 15
His wife make the switch with Zunaira but Atiq didn’t tell Zunaira about the plan. When Qassim comes he takes Musarrat and tells Atiq that he has to come to the rally to. Him and his wife who is in the jail office. He agrees and tells his wife (Zunaira) to wait at the rally until it’s over. Musarrat is shot. After the rally Atiq can’t find Zunaira. He search for her everywhere calling out her name. When that doesn’t work he starts to think that every girl is Zunaira and he just wants to see her pretty face so he corners women and takes there veil off. Some guys pick up stones and hit him in the head and cracks in open. He gets back up He hears ppl calling him a monster and that he should be hang or shot he still continues to look for Zunaira until everything falls dark and silent.