The Transfer Agreement

The Transfer Agreement
Author Edwin Black
Country United States
Language English
Subject History, Politics
Publisher Dialog Press
Publication date
Pages 194
ISBN 0-914153-13-7

The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine is a book written by author Edwin Black, documenting the transfer agreement ("Haavara Agreement" in Hebrew) between Zionist organizations and Nazi Germany to transfer a number of Jews and their assets to Palestine. This agreement was partly inspired by a global boycott of Germany that had appeared to threaten the Reich.[1] Controversial as it may be seen in hindsight, it marked one of the few rescue of Jews and their assets during the Holocaust.[2]

Main Thesis

This book documents the agreement between Nazi Germany and an organization of German Zionists in 1933 to salvage the smallest amounts of German Jewish assets and the voluntary emigration of German Jews to Palestine before the Third Reich implemented confiscation, expulsion and then extermination. The Transfer Agreement rescued some 60,000 German Jews. A sweeping, worldwide economic boycott of Germany by Jews helped spur a deal between the Nazis and Zionists.[3] At that time, there were few Jews in Palestine but from 1933 through 1936, 60,000 German Jews migrated to the region,[4] bringing with them a portion of the assets they once held in Germany.[5]


There was no effort to deny the history documented in this book but critics from Commentary claimed it to be "conspiracy-mongering, innuendo, and sensationalism".[6][6]


See also

External links


  1. Weiss, Yf’aat; The International School for Holocaust Studies. "The Transfer Agreement and the Boycott Movement: A Jewish Dilemma on the Eve of the Holocaust" (PDF). Yad Va'shem Shoa Journal. Shoah Resource Center: 33. Retrieved 27 March 2014. Cite uses deprecated parameter |coauthors= (help)
  2. Nicosia, Francis R. (2010). Zionism and anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany (1 ed.). Cambridge: New York. p. 109. ISBN 978-0521172981.
  3. Edwin Black discusses The Transfer Agreement Book TV on C-SPAN George Mason University, History News Network
  4. "U.S. Holocaust Museum Article on Refugees". Holocaust Encyclopedia: Refugees. USHMM.
  5. Edelheit, Abraham J.; Edelheit, Hershel (1994). History of the Holocaust : a handbook and dictionary. (New ed.). Boulder: Westview. p. 44. ISBN 978-0813322407.
  6. 1 2 Levy, Richard (September 1984). "Dealing with the Devil". Commentary Magazine. Retrieved 28 March 2014. External link in |newspaper= (help)
  7. "Chicago Public Library Foundation". Retrieved 27 March 2014.
  8. Martin Barillas, "Author Holds Historic Event on The Transfer Agreement," The Cutting, October 12, 2009. Retrieved May 9, 2010.

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