The Treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire

The Treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire
Author Arnold Joseph Toynbee
Original title The Treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire: Documents presented to Viscount Grey of Fallodon
Country England, UK
Language English
Subject History
Publisher Hodder and Stoughton
Publication date
Media type Print (Hardcover)
Pages 684

The Treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire is a book written by the Viscount Bryce and Arnold J. Toynbee that contains a compilation of statements from eyewitnesses of Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Switzerland who witnessed the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire during 1915-1916.[1]


The publication presents Arnold J. Toynbee's analysis of the population in the Ottoman Empire. The presented table and map show the re-calculated values of the stated provinces using values where Armenians were the majority of the population, according to Toynbee's estimates.


The book has been criticized by some Turkish revisionists as British wartime propaganda to build up sentiment against the Central Powers.[2]

However, Bryce submitted the work to scholars for verification before its publication. University of Oxford Regius Professor Gilbert Murray stated of the tome, "...the evidence of these letters and reports will bear any scrutiny and overpower any skepticism. Their genuineness is established beyond question."[3] Other professors, including Herbert Fisher of Sheffield University and former American Bar Association president Moorfield Storey, affirmed the same conclusion.[4]

See also


  1. The Treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, 1915-1916: Documents Presented to Viscount Grey of Falloden by Viscount Bryce, James Bryce and Arnold Toynbee, Uncensored Edition. Ara Safarian (ed.) Princeton, N.J.: Gomidas Institute, 2000. ISBN 0-9535191-5-5
  2. "Arnold J. Toynbee ve James Bryce’nin Hazırladığı "Treatment of the Armenians in the Ottoman". Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi. Arnold J. Toynbee 1915 Çanakkale ve 1921′de I. ve II. İnönü Savaşlarına savaş muhabiri olarak katılmıştır. İngiltere Dışişleri Bakanlığı adına da görev yapmıştır. PRO. W. O. 104 serisi incelendiği zaman bu görülecektir. Kendisi mutaassıp bir Hıristiyan olarak tanınır.
  3. Dadrian. History of the Armenian Genocide, p. 228.
  4. Dadrian. History of the Armenian Genocide, pp. 228–9.
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