List of minor characters in The Tick

This article details the minor characters found in all three versions of The Tick.

Comic book


Superheroes in The Tick include:

Character Notable powers Notes
The Ant Has something in his mouth.
Barry Hubris (a.k.a. "The Tick") Invented vast supply of Tick related gear with his inherited fortune. Has no known noted powers. His gear consist of his indestructible impact shield. It is able to absorb an infinite amount of pressure or energy and redistribute back at the attacker in finite quantities. Tick grappling gun, Tick cycle with side car. Was defeated by the Tick and stripped of his name and possessions by the Tri-State Superhero Congress. He tries to kill the Tick for his name. It's debatable if he's a hero or a villain.
Big Shot Stores a massive arsenal of weaponry including sub machine guns and grenades inside of a wooden chest he wears on his back. A parody of Punisher.
The Caped Wonder (AKA Clark Oppenheimer) See-through vision, super strength, invulnerability, flight, very-hot-vision, super hearing. A parody of Superman and reporter for the Weekly World Planet.
Crime Cannibal (AKA Keith Donner) Possesses slight superhuman strength and the ability to eat human beings at high speed, but has given up cannibalism. A superhero who later poses as a super villain in order to infiltrate Lord Byron's gang.
Fish Boy: Misplaced Prince of Atlantis Sea-animal telepathy Fish Boy: Misplaced Prince of Atlantis can't swim.
Four-Legged Man Has four legs The Leader of the Civic-Minded Five like his cartoon-self.
Friendly Fire Pyromaniac. Driven mad when his family and dog died.
Hand-Grenade Man None. Carries a grenade.
Man-Eating Cow Originally appeared in a pit of crocodiles and cows in Chairface Chippendale's castle. She is the only cow to survive. Considerably stronger and tougher than any ordinary cow. Like Crime Cannibal, Man-Eating Cow can consume humans with alarming speed. Has never been seen to eat anyone but violent criminals.
Mighty Agrippa: Roman God of the Aqueduct Superhuman strength, flight, water control A parody of Thor and arch-enemy of Thrakkorzog.
Mucilage Man Shoots high density adhesives from his self made suit Looks a lot like Captain Mucilage.
Six Gun Can juggle and fire guns very well
Oedipus A parody of Elektra. A ninja and apprentice of Shing, a ninja master. Real name: Oedipus Ashley Stevens.
Paul the Samurai Arch-nemesis and brother of Sagin, who deposed him as master of ninjas.
The Sultan He was THE hero of the "Golden Age". Calls himself the world's best hero. Arch-enemy to King Crime. Inspired Arthur for heroism or at least side kickery.
Shing The former leader of the ninjas in America.
Civic-Minded Five
Radio King Can make solid objects out of sound Leader
Oddman Has wires coming out of his mask. Most of which were sawn off by the Chainsaw Vigilante.
Mr. Envelope Envelope (that can trap enemies) firing gun
Feral Boy Acts like an animal. The only member that appears in other media.
Fernslinger Created by Radio King. Destroyed by the Chainsaw Vigilante.
Unnamed Superhero Team (includes The Tick and Arthur)
Rubber Ducky Elasticity Has a relationship with Bumbling Bee.
Bumbling Bee Shoots bees and honey from hive strapped to wrist Surprisingly ruthless when playing Risqué (a parody of Risk)
Caped Cod Real name Walter, a violent womanizing alcoholic. Has had four wives, all of whom divorced him and four sidekicks. Prone to doing insensitive things such as sending Bumbling Bee lingerie or giving Crazy Blue Rocket tongue depressors.
Portuguese Man-of War Has a whip with barbs which can violently stun what ever it hits. Self-pitying divorcee. Real name Warren Sr. formerly part of a father son team, his ex-wife however was horrified and sued him for custody. He lost a fact he blames on wearing his costume to court. Wears a Jellyfish hat on his head.
Running Guy Has the speed of Ten really fast men A parody of the Flash. Motto: Can run as fast as 10 fast men.
Crazy Blue Rocket Flies (erratically) Formerly a great Super-Hero, he went insane after death of sidekick. However due to his detached mental state he believes himself to be in his glory days and his sidekick is still alive. He flies into a fit of psychosis when this illusion is challenged. Often talks to himself and the jar of Johnny Wingless, which he uses to explain his plans. However, true his mental state are not very plausible, such as sticking honey covered tongue depressors to himself and pretending to be a tree, in order to stop the rampage of the Dire Wreath. Has a very worn appearance, his costume is torn and one of the lenses on his goggles is broken, he is also constantly salivating. He is one of the few heroes whom even the Tick recognizes as insane.
Johnny Wingless The sidekick of Crazy Blue Rocket, really, a detached tongue in a jar. All that remains of Johnny after a rocketing accident.


Supervillains in The Tick include:

Character Notable powers Notes
Chainsaw Vigilante A skilled fighter with a chainsaw Attacks superheroes, who he thinks are self-interested meddlers, but he is not a true supervillain. He has never killed anyone with his chainsaw. Has a vendetta against the Tick whom he was unable to subdue.
Chairface Chippendale Master criminal strategists, good connections with underground villains Has a chair for a head. Tries repeatedly to gain infamy by vandalizing public objects with his image. Has a son named Stoolface. He attempted to carve his name into the moon but was thwarted midway through, leaving the letters CHA on the surface.
The District Manager Basic martial arts training, master commercial business man. The leader of Ninjas in America. Henchman to Sagin.
Lord Byron Leader of a criminal gang. Speaks mainly in dramatic verse.
The Ninjas
The Red Eye Lethal stare A mysterious hitchhiker whose stare can kill or drive people insane and make them his servants. Has his own horror comic series. Issue 13 of his comic was published in real-life.
Sagin One of the last Great masters of Ninjitsu, highly skilled at hand-to-hand combat. Adapted ninja tradition in order to be able to use guns World overlord of the ninjas.
Phalanx of Gloom
Thrakkorzog Brilliant scientist and mastermind. Access to alien technology. Possesses tongue with its own mind Being from another dimension whose goal is to take over the world with an army of gelatinous clone-soldiers. He was thrown out for eating Toy de Force. A parody of Mojo.
Cockroach Super strength, possible nigh-invulnerability The leader of the Phalanx of Gloom. She is French, her favorite candy is Pez, and her favorite movie may possibly be Old Yeller.
The Red Scare Superhuman strength and durability Handles a hammer and sickle attacked to his wrist The villain for hire from Villains, Inc. Originally known as the Whirling Scottish Devil.
Candyman Has a gumball machine for a head.
Underwaterer "The other lost prince of Atlantis". A parody of Namor. Quit the Phalanx of Gloom when the Tick almost hit him with an anchor.
Fuzzy Person See entry below
Toy de Force Controls "Toy" Robots Was eventually eaten by Thrakkorzog over an argument over what was better: Gelatin zombies or Toy robots.
The Praying Mantis Cannibalism Eats men only after having sex with them. Tried to use her "powers" on the Caped Cod. The only reason she is in the Phalanx Of Gloom is because she says she is a master of ju jitsu. She is jealous of the Cockroach because her outfit shows off her shoulders.
Lumber Jane Chainsaw wielding Was once a superhero Frogwoman, but was defeated by the Chainsaw Vigillante. After her defeat, she became a villain based on him, however she is not as feared. She wields an electric chainsaw that has a 100-foot extension cord. She does not like smokers.
Semi-Billionaire none "The villainous enabler". He founded the Phalanx Of Gloom. He is extremely wealthy and is one of the two members of the Cigar Club. He believes in the nobility of superheroes, as Multi-Millionaire does not.
The Evileers
The Fuzzy Person Can inflate himself. Most foes find his power humorous rather than frightening.
Mr. Tragedy Smarter than any body else on the team Failed acting career. Weakest of the Evileers. Was taken out by a tire. Almost, if not ever, smiles.
Multiple Santa Can create multiple copies of himself in battle.
The Terror Brilliant mastermind. Basic knowledge of militaristic strategies and extensive chemistry and scientific experience Decrepit leader of the Evileers. He wrote a workout book for old villains called "Terrorizing". Supposedly eaten by the Man-eating cow in "Big Yule Log 2001", however he is seen again in the Yule Log Trilogy.
Tuun-La: Not of this World Flight, armored muumuu and strong pincers.

Animated series


Character Notable powers Notes Voice Actor
Big Shot Uses powerful guns and weaponry Spoof of Punisher. By his second appearance, he has undergone anger management therapy Kevin Schon
Bipolar Bear A superhero dressed as a polar bear with bipolar disorder. Ed Gilbert
Blitzen Éclair's sidekick, superheroine of Belgium, named after the German word for lightning, not the reindeer. Drives a cool motorcycle. Candi Milo
Blowfish Avenger He can puff up to expose his pointy spikes He is practically immobile when expanded Blowfish Avenger is a silent character
Crusading Chameleon Changes his coloring to match his surroundings, sticks to walls He cannot replicate plaid, brick, or any other complicated pattern, and attempting to do so causes him to pass out. Mistakenly referred to as "The Caped Chameleon" in the first episode. Rob Paulsen
Captain Lemming Jumps off rooftops. Battle Cry: "Come on spine, work with me" Micky Dolenz
Carmelita Vatos Flight (with moth suit) Both her and Arthur's moth suits were made by Carmelita's father, J.J. Eureka Vatos. Jennifer Hale
Courderoy Cordoba A man of mystery and night watchman at the Aztec ruins. Philip Proctor
Doorman Flight. Can sort the superheroes and sidekicks that appear at the Comet Club His doorman senses don't seem to apply to supervillains Maurice LaMarche
Earth Quaker Earth powers. Dressed like a Quaker Was a judge in the city assignments. Earth Quaker is a silent character.
Éclair Flies and fires lightning energy from her eyes Superheroine of Belgium, named after the French word for lightning, not the pastry Lisa Raggio
Fiery Flame Fire powers. Was a judge in the city assignments. The Fiery Flame is a silent character.
Fish Boy The Misplaced Prince of Atlantis, seen to be potentially useless throughout the series Cam Clarke
Human Bullet Can survive being fired from a cannon in his backyard As a running gag, he will fire himself at the first sign of trouble (The Human Bullet yells "Fire me, boy!" and his son, Fire Me Boy, fires the cannon), but somehow always manages to make the situation worse, or at best have no effect at all. In one episode, Human Bullet's neighbor fired Human Bullet out of a cannon when Human Bullet's wife has Fire Me Boy playing with children. Jess Harnell
Jet Valkyrie Flight A spoof of Valkyrie. Susan Silo
Taft A spoof of Shaft Dorian Harewood
Rubber Justice Extreme flexibility. Was a judge in the city assignments. Rubber Justice is a silent character.
Mighty Agrippa: Roman God of the Aqueduct Can fly, has super strength, and can move huge volumes of water from one place to another. Jess Harnell
Speak None A capybara. The Tick believes Speak has superpowers and often takes the terrified animal on patrol Jess Harnell
Civic-Minded Five
Captain Mucilage A man armed with mucilage-spraying nozzles Fairly useless in combat. Rob Paulsen
The Carpeted Man Can generate a static charge on any surface (with suit of shag carpet) Can overheat in sunny, warm weather. His real name is Gary. Pat Fraley
Feral Boy Animal tendency Drives the team's car Kevin Schon
4-Legged Man Has 4 legs Team Leader Roger Rose
Jungle Janet Very athletic and skilled in combat Perhaps the most competent member of the team Susan Silo
The Decency Squad
Captain Decency Leader Jim Cummings
Johnny Polite Politeness It is this politeness that gets him smothered in chocolate by The Terror in the episode "Grandpa Wore Tights." Cam Clarke
The Living Doll Opens up to reveal many smaller versions of himself Battle cry: "I'm full of tinier men!" Kevin Schon
Suffrajet A rocket strapped to her back Battle cry: "I vote for goodness!" (being a play on "suffragette") Susan Blu
The Visual Eye Shoots eyes as reconnaissance projectiles Battle cry: "Rocket from the sockets!" Pat Fraley
Potential superheroes in training
Baby Boomerangutan He throws baby dolls that come back as boomerangs. Former colleague of Arthur. Battle cry: "It's OK to play with dolls" Kevin Schon
Gesundheitan He has super allergies. Battly cry: "It's sneezing time!" Paul Eiding
Mr. Exciting He is possessed by incredible energy Battle cry: "It's great to be alive." Danny Mann
Sarcastro Biting Sarcasm Looks like Fidel Castro, hence the gag. Charlie Adler
The Flying Squirrel Animal Empathy Just really likes squirrels, and has the power to call them to her aid. Laraine Newman


Character Notable powers Notes Voice Actor
The Red Herring He can rub petroleum jelly on himself to escape the grasps of superheroes. He also has machine guns instead of eyes in his fish costume. Kevin Schon
Baron Violent Has a belt he uses to adjust his muscular mass, and in turn, his strength, often to overblown proportion Without the belt enhancement, he is not over 5 feet tall. Brian Peck
Barry Hubris (a.k.a. "The Tick") Has a shield with a conductor in it that allows Barry to crush things he wouldn't be able to normally. He uses the name "The Tick", unaware that a hero exists with the same name. He claims to be a hero himself, but is only in it for the fame. Jim Cummings
Betty: Queen of the Ants Speech and Sentience Basically a normal ant that can talk Cathy Moriarty
The Breadmaster Creates baked goods that are used as weapons Expelled from baking college for "pursuing perverse baking experiments". Roddy McDowell (1st Time), Jess Harnell (2nd Time)
Buttery Pat Can slip through tight spaces due to being made of butter The Breadmaster's sidekick Pat Fraley
Brainchild (a.k.a. Charles) Super intelligence, Inventor Gave himself a glass skull to show off his large brain. He acts as a villain on principle alone, and has no real motivation. In some way, he is a spoof of Leader. Rob Paulsen. (1st Time), Stuart Stone (2nd Time)
Mad Nanny Wears robotic armor Miriam Brunch is Brainchild's babysitter whom he brainwashed and outfitted in a robotic armor. Pat Musick
Skippy Originally Brainchild's dog who was killed when running towards a car. His brain was placed in a robotic dog body. Roger Rose
The Deadly Bulb (Later becomes Pigleg) Has a light socket on the top of his head, in which a giant light bulb usually sits. As transport, he uses a hot air balloon in the shape of skull. Inexplicably has a living pig (with a mind of its own, even) on the end of his right leg Maurice LaMarche
Socket and Watt Deadly Bulb's henchmen Paul Eiding and Jess Harnell
The Deadly Nose Has a gun snout for a nose Deadly Nose is a silent character
Dyna-mole A mole who talks like Peter Lorre and is continually ensconced in sticks of dynamite Pat Fraley
El Seed Knows how to make chemicals that manipulate plants An anthropomorphic sunflower wearing a green matador uniform. His name is a play on the historic Spanish hero El Cid. Ed Gilbert
Bee Twins Bee-themed female villains that are El Seed's henchmen Pat Musick
The Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs at Midnight Explosives expert Crazed bomber who tries to blow up establishments of all sorts, preferably superhero conventions. Rarely goes a second without mumbling to himself recollections of snippets of conversation with an unknown second party (given his obvious psychosis, this other person may just be a second personality), some glorifying himself ("And then I says, "Tell me I'm wrong!" And he says, "I can't, baby, 'cause you're not!"), others suggesting a bad end between the two ("And so he says, "I don't like the cut of your jib!" And I go, I says, "It's the only jib I got, baby!"). He is frequently identified as a fan favorite. Maurice LaMarche
Eyebrows Mulligan A gangster with long eyebrows Townsend Coleman
The Fin (formally known as Mr. Smartypants) He has super-intelligence A talking dolphin Maurice LaMarche
The Guy With Ears Like Little Raisins A gangster who has ears like little raisins The Guy With Ears Like Little Raisins is a silent character
Harriet Curse A villain with dark powers. She resembles Oedipus' mother from the comics. Harriet Curse is a silent character
Headless Henderson A gangster with no head Headless Henderson is a silent character, possibly because he is headless.
The Heys A nihilistic race who worship nothing. Hank Saroyan and Steve Susskind
The Hotel Manager A man from the distant future who opens up a restaurant in the distant past. Maurice LaMarche
The Human Ton and Handy Handy can speak while The Human Ton's mouth is otherwise preoccupied, such as when biting the head of The Tick An enormous dim-witted man, who is the parody of the Blob from the X-Men comics, and his verbose, much more intelligent hand puppet who longs to be "a real boy." Handy's catch phrase is "Read a book!" Handy is a parody of Scarface from the Batman comics. Maurice LaMarche
Hooks Horowitz A criminal who has hooks for hands. It is unknown what his face looks like. Hooks is a silent character
The Idea Men A group of men wearing suits, white gloves, and large metal masks that muffle their voices to the point that their ransom demands cannot be heard. They travel via zeppelin. Ed Gilbert
The Indigestible Man Incapable of being digested An associate of Chairface Chippendale with wild white hair. Navigates large bodies like Dinosaur Neil's body. Ed Gilbert
Jack Tuber: Man of a Thousand Faces Has a potato for a head He is based on Mr. Potato Head Kevin Schon
Jim Rage A (former) special agent with Project S.H.A.V.E. that has been pursuing an elusive mustache. He wears an eyepatch cause it makes him look cool. Likely a parody of Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Brad Garrett
Lava-Man A being made of lava and enemy of the Mole-People. Was sent to terminate the Mole-King Townsend Coleman
Lou Salazar: The Sewer Czar A corrupt civil agent turned evil and enemy of Sewer Urchin John Mariano
Filth Lou Salazar's henchmen David Lander and Chuck McCann
The Man-Eating Cow A cow capable of eating humans She has never actually been seen eating anyone. Townsend Coleman
Mr. Mental (a.k.a. Mel Mental) Mind control Has an assistant/sidekick, Minda, who grows increasingly sick and tired of the excessively dramatic supervillain lifestyle Canned Walla (baby), Jim Cummings (adult)
The Mother of Invention Super intelligence An androgynous character who creates a time machine to steal the credit for every invention ever made Paul Williams
Multiple Santa Being shocked by high-voltage current creates electric clones of him Was 'granted' his power after stealing a charity worker's Santa Claus suit in an attempt to escape from police, and being accidentally chased off the roof of a building and into a large electric billboard by The Tick (who believed the criminal was really Santa) Jim Cummings
Octo-Paginini From Belgium; has three sets of arms, for a total of eight limbs; can play several violins simultaneously Xander Berkeley
Fortissimo Brothers They have the strength of 10 men (uncertain whether that means 5 men apiece, or twenty altogether) Octo Paganini's henchmen Philip Proctor
Octo Raymond An octopus-themed bad guy. He served as the conductor for the Mollusk Band and provided music at the Enemy Awards Octo Raymond is a silent character
Eastern-Bloc Robot Cowboy A cyberneticist (presumably from Communist eastern Europe, despite the western theme) who transferred his brain to a walking, talking vending machine. Has an unfortunate weakness to quarters. Pat Fraley
Omnipotus: The Devourer of Worlds Galactus parody. Enormous being that feeds on celestial bodies. Has oddly small feet for his size. Ron Feinberg
The Ottoman Empress Ability to control furniture Beautiful red-head woman who falls in love with Die Fledermaus Mary Kay Bergman
Pineapple Pokopo Above-average strength The leader of a small nation known as Pokoponesia (known for two things: Sharks and pineapples). His head resembles a pineapple (parody of former Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega who himself was sometimes insultingly called 'pineapple-face') Dorian Harewood
Proto-Clown Superhuman strength The product of genetic engineering in an attempt to make a super-clown with the capacity to amuse and entertain more people than a normal clown. Loosely based on The Incredible Hulk. Kevin Schon
Shiela Eel A female villain that wears an electric eel She once shocked the Guy With Ears Like Little Raisins when he got too close Shiela Eel is a silent character
Stalingrad Encyclopedic knowledge of Stalin(?) A graduate student who looks like and bases his villainy on the work of Joseph Stalin. The Terror constantly gets the two confused as he knew the real Stalin. Jim Cummings
Sub-Human A golden age villain that fought the Decency Squad. He wears a miniature submarine on his head. Jess Harnell
The Terror Inventor, super-strong in his youth(?) "The greatest villain of the 20th century... and maybe some of the 19th." He once punched out President Teddy Roosevelt. However he may have lost the fight because he still holds a grudge. Rob Paulsen
Terry The son of the Terror Peter Bergman
Thrakkorzog An alien creature from Dimension 14B. Had an apartment across the hall from Arthur and The Tick Jim Cummings impersonating James Mason
Tuun-La, Not of this Earth Can apparently tuck in her legs and shoot flame from where they were (see Gamera). Pat Musick
Uncle Creamy Being made of ice cream, he can shoot ice cream from his hands, forming it into the shapes he wants, and is very difficult to hurt physically A result of an industrial accident. spoof of Clayface and Sandman. May not be a villain at heart; once quoted as saying "I'm not a villain, I'm vanilla". Bobcat Goldthwait
Rosebud A large rosebush monster Created by El Seed Rosebud is a silent character
Uncle Creamy II He can fly with his rocket boots and has a missile launcher on his left arm A former KGB agent. spoof of the many Clayfaces Kevin Schon
Venus Hypnotises men to become her love slaves and do whatever she wants Bears some resemblance to the Venus of Willendorf. Venus' wimpy husband Milo is her sidekick Linda Gary
Milo Venus' husband, servant and sidekick, who's inventing mind created a ray that made the Tick's arms fall off, and the Evil-Tick-and-Arthur robots Gerrit Graham
Wally Head The leader of the Deertown Aztecs, a baseball team gone bad. He and his baseball team have a lifestyle similar to the Aztecs Phil Austin
Whirling Scottish Devil He can spin at high speeds Pat Fraley
The Yes Men
Chairface Chippendale's Gang
Chairface Chippendale A crime boss who has a chair for a head, also a sword fighting expert Tony Jay
Boils Brown Henchman, covered in boils Boils is a silent character
The Crease He hung the lights for Chairface Chippendale's birthday party Kevin Schon (1st time), Pat Fraley (2nd Time)
The Forehead Henchman. Has a large forehead Rob Paulsen
Zipperneck Henchman. The zipper on his neck can be unzipped to reveal the interior of his esophagus, which is so grotesque that heroes will cease fighting just to avoid looking at it. Also once mentioned on the live action show. Pat Fraley
Dean Henchman. Has a butterfly nut for a head. Referred to as "The Butterfly-Nutcase" in comics and other media Dean is a silent character
Professor Chromedome Inventor Mad scientist henchman Hamilton Camp

Live action series


Character Notable powers Notes Actor
The Cape William Newman
Fiery Blaze Uses fire-based weapons. Ron Perlman
Fishboy: Lost Prince of Atlantis Parody of Aquaman and/or Sub-Mariner. In this show, he is the sidekick of The Angler. Todd Felix
Friendly Fire Fiery Blaze's sidekick (not to be confused with Friendly Fire, a member of the DC Comics superhero team Section 8 that appeared in Hitman). Patrick Breen
The Immortal Superhuman strength, speed, stamina, invulnerability, freezing breath, super hearing, multiple extrasensory and vision powers, intelligence, longevity, flight, and regeneration. Parody of Superman and Arthur's idol. The Immortal died of a heart attack while having sex with Captain Liberty. Sam McMurray
Johnny Republic The sidekick of Uncle Samson Antwon Tanner
Kid Caboose The sidekick of The Runaway Train Michael Cornacchia
Medusa She goes to the same dry cleaners as Captain Liberty Mari Morrow
Metcalf Injured in combat, now requires a machine to poop Peter Bergman
Tiny Man Former member of the League of Superheroes. He was kicked out since he wasn't tiny enough. Kevin Thompson
League of Superheroes
The Champion Super Strength Leader. A racist, misogynistic and elitist parody of Superman. Jonathan Penner
Sonic Boom Super Speed or Sonic Scream Robert Mailhouse
Captain Comet Jack Armstrong


Character Notable powers Notes Actor
Apocalypse Cow A gigantic cow that can shoot fire from its udder.
Destroyo His real name is Leonid Kasparov Destroyovitch Kurt Fuller
Francis Peacock A psychiatric that traps Super heroes to fulfill out his own mental issues. Dave Foley
The Red Scare Robot A robot created in the 1970s to destroy Jimmy Carter; released with that same programming in The City as part of an abortive attempt to destroy the U.S. Postal Service. The first villain the Tick and Arthur fought. Carrick O'Quinn
The Terror "The greatest villain of the 20th century... and maybe some of the 19th." Now extremely old. He once punched out President Teddy Roosevelt. Armin Shimerman
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