Time allocation

Time allocation is the allotment of time that has been used within different activities and specific exercises. Time allocation can measure how natural and effective the human behaviour is towards completing tasks and activities within a particular time frame. this can be used to also find out how much time an individual is spending on a specific task, for where they can then try and improve their timing by using various improvement and tactical methods. This will then hopefully lead to an sharp increase in productivity and a certain satisfaction for the particular individual, as they will soon realise they have more time do other necessary tasks and commitments.
[1] One vital factor in successful time allocation is the decision of where to use the right amount of time. In order to shine in one particular task, one must allocate more time to it, which will result in allocating less time to another specific task.
How to allocate time effectively and efficiently
Decide where you will not spend time
Keeping into consideration that you only have a limited time budget, you may not have the time and ability to do everything you would like to complete - not including your efficiency levels. once you actually realise that, you instantly feel more calmer, as you now tend to believe that the particular task can either be delayed/ postponed or even carried/delegated out by someone else that you feel to choose. For example, if an individual wanted to finish off some home decor, they can hire specialists to finish off the job whilst that particular individual can carry on doing something more important such as calculating the costs of doing up his/her house.[2]
Strategically allocate your time
Strategically allocating your precious time into work and your own personal life can really help to ensure that individuals have the proper investment in each task and activity that they may need to carry out. The consequence of focusing more time on specific set tasks reduces the overall amount of time that you could've possibly had in doing something more beneficial. Such as working extremely long hours in one particular task during the day may leave you with insufficient funds for activities like [3] exercise, sleep, and relationships, to make up for during the rest of the remaining day.[4]
Aim for a consistently balanced time budget

In every day life, you will have unexpected circumstances occurring, which will disrupt a potential desired balanced time budget. For example, you can’t expect that you will have a constantly balanced time budget every single day or week, however, you can aim for consistency.[6] Over the course of a one to two week period, your time investment should reflect your priorities, which will therefore clearly show what tasks you are naturally likely to prioritise over others.[7]
Cost and benefits of time allocation research methods
Methods of direct observations (Spot-checks)
The spot-check method uses a random pattern of "checks" to determine what the participants of the study population are doing at a specific time. By randomly selecting the observations by person and time, a representative sample, allows a statistically and relatively accurate picture of patterns of time.[8]
Methods depending on self support
A potential increase in accuracy is achieved by asking informants to report their activities over the previous 24-hour period.[9] Informants can generally remember bedtimes, mealtimes, and the estimated times spent in lengthy activities such as going to work or even playing sports like Football or Rugby. By careful assessing, an interviewer can help the individual retain information and data from the previous day in extreme detail, retrieving smaller pieces of behaviour.[10]
Methods depending on Self support
In this particular method, individuals are asked to keep records of their own daily tasks and activities. The reliability of the data can differ between being very high or very low, due to the fact that it is entirely reliable on how well-prepared the informants are, and how committed to the research goals they wish to follow.[11] Without a doubt, if they view the task with boredom, the results will be low; but if they can be motivated to keep detailed records of their activities at certain intervals during their day, this method can prove to be very beneficial and effective.[12]
- ↑ Time Shift, Leisure and Tourism: Impacts of Time Allocation on Successful Products and Services. 2006.Harald Pechlaner, Thomas Bieger.
- ↑ Time allocation study. P. Pappas, Athēnaïko Kentro Oikistikēs, Athēnaïkos Technologikos Homilos Athens Center of Ekistics, 1968.
- ↑ Grace Saunders, Elizabeth. 2013. Harvard Business Review.
- ↑ Causes and consequences of sociality: time allocation. Kimberly Anne Pollard. UCLA. 2009.
- ↑ "Time Allocation".
- ↑ Measuring the Values for Time,Raymond B. Palmquist, Daniel James Phaneuf, Kerry C. Smith National Bureau of Economic Research, 2007.
- ↑ How Do We Spend Our Time?.Jean Kimmel W.E. Upjohn Institute, 2008.
- ↑ ALLEN JOHNSON Department of Anthropology, University of California, Los Angeles, California, USA.
- ↑ Time, Space, and Society, A. Kellerman Springer Science & Business Media, 6 Dec 2012.
- ↑ Time Allocation Patterns and Time Burdens, Food Policy Research Institute, 1995.
- ↑ Three Essays on the Household: Time, Money, and Future Time and Money. ProQuest, 2006.
- ↑ The Allocation of Time, Francis Thomas Juster, Frank P. Stafford Industriens Utredningsinstitut, 1990.
- John Davidson (August 1, 2010), Time Management that Doesn't Suck (PDF)