Tino Sanandaji
Tino Sanandaji | |
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Born |
Tehran, Iran | 17 May 1980
Education | MSc from Stockholm School of Economics. M.A in economics and a PhD in Public Policy from the University of Chicago. |
Occupation | Researcher in economy at the Stockholm School of Economics. |
Website | http://research.tino.us/ |
Tino Sanandaji (born 17 May 1980 in Tehran, Iran) is a Kurdish-Swedish economist and author. He arrived to Sweden in 1989 with his family. He has studied at higher level in both Stockholm and Chicago. Today he lives and works in Stockholm.
He has become known in Sweden for his blog and criticism of Sweden's immigration and integration policy. Sanandaji started a fundraising with Kickstarter to write a book about Swedish immigration policy - Moral Superpower: A book on immigration.[1] The whole sum of 400 000 SEK was collected in just three days. Five days later, the fundraising hit the Swedish record for crowdfunding.[2]
Tino Sanandaji was ranked as one of Sweden's 100 most influential opinion leaders in 2014[3]
Tino Sanandaji has an MSc from Stockholm School of Economics, an M.A in economics and a PhD in Public Policy from the University of Chicago.[4]
He works as a researcher in economy at the Stockholm School of Economics.[5] He has authored a number of scholarly articles, with a focus on entrepreneurship and taxation.
Sanandaji has authored three books. Owner taxation and entrepreneurship - on tax theory and the Swedish policy debate (SNS Press, 2004) and Institutional Entrepreneurship (Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2012), both coauthored with Magnus Henrekson.[6][7]
He coauthored the book SuperEntrepreneurs - and how your country can get them (the Centre for Policy Studies, 2014) with Nima Sanandaji. Sanandaji has written several state reports on Swedish tax and entrepreneurship policy, including "Entrepreneurship conditions" for the Experts Group on Public Finance in the Swedish finance ministry.[8][9]
Sanandaji is a regular contributor to National Review and has in addition authored a number of articles in Swedish and American journalist, including The American, Wall-Street Journal, Critical Review, The Independent Review and Axess. Some articles are:
- Europe’s Intensifying Immigration Debate National Review, 2015.
- “Open hearts, Open borders” National Review Online, 2015.
- “The long hours Luxory” The American, 2014.
- “Pickett’s Missing Entrepreneurs” National Review Online 2014.
- “Poverty and Causality” Critical Review, 24(1), pp. 51–59, 2012.
- “Torching Utopia” National Review Online, 2013.
- “Competing for Elites” (with D. Elgebrandt) The American, 2013.
- Henrekson, Magnus, and Tino Sanandaji. "Small business activity does not measure entrepreneurship." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2014) 1760-1765.
- Sanandaji, Tino. “The international mobility of billionaires”. Small Business Economics, (2014), 329-338.
- Asoni, Andrea, and Tino Sanandaji. "Taxation and the Quality of Entrepreneurship." Journal of Economics (2013): 1-23.
- Henrekson, Magnus, and Tino Sanandaji. "The interaction of entrepreneurship and institutions." Journal of Institutional Economics (2011): 47-75.
Interviews and debates
CBN News Channel - Interview Warnings: Sweden is Headed Toward "a Cliff"...
American Enterprise Institute IKEAmerica: Should the US really be more like Sweden? A Q&A with economist Tino Sanandaji
Danish weekly newspaper Weekendavisen - Interview Weekendavisen - Nordens Mexico
Radio bubb.la - Interview 2 hour interview with Tino Sanandaji in Swedish
Tino Sanandaji in Swedish Public Service Tino Sanandaji i SVT Agenda
Global TV - Miniatyr - Debate Invandringens kostnader i Sverige
Debate about Swedish immigration and integration policy, Tino arrives after 24 minutes. Debatt SVT Forum - Invandring - Kvalitetsmässan 2013
Facts about immigration, 110 minutes. Fakta om invandringen - Tino Sanandaji
- DR, Danmark, 9 nov 2015: ”Deadline” (Interviewed in the Danish public service program deadline about how the parallel societies through immigration is emerging in Europe - from about 24:00)
- Sveriges Television, 8 nov 2015: ”Hur påverkas den svenska välfärden av invandringen?” (Debate against Sandro Scocco in SVT's program Agenda - from about 16:20)
- EFN, 27 okt 2015: ”Kostnad eller investering? – Het debatt om flyktingmottagande” (Debating immigration costs by Jon Åsberg and Annika Creutzer)
- Sveriges Television, 26 okt 2015: ”Läckt mejl avslöjar regeringens sparplaner” (Reference to the blog)
- Svenska Dagbladet, 26 okt 2015: ”Internt mejl visar: Nya besparingar krävs” (Reference to the blog
- Dagens Opinion, 26 okt 2015: ”Läckta mejl avslöjar – Finansdepartementet kräver stora besparingar” (Reference to the blog)
- DR, Danmark, 25 okt 2015: ”21 Søndag” (Interviewed in the Danish public service program 21 Søndag about how the parallel societies through immigration is emerging in Europe - from about 5:00)
- DR, Danmark, 23 okt 2015: ”Deadline” (Interviewed in the Danish public service program Deadline about multicultural Swedish cities - from about 8:30 to 12:15)
- DR, Danmark, 23 okt 2015: ”Orientering” (Interviewed on Danish radio about how the Swedish media debate is based on the distortion of reality and consensus standards - from about 43:00)
- Den Nya Välfärden, 7 okt 2015: ”Fakta om invandring” (Nearly two-hour lecture before the swedish bourgeois think-tank)
- Det Goda Samhället, 2 okt 2015: ”Tino Sanandaji” (Chronicle of Patrik Engellau , CEO of Den Nya Välfärden (The New Welfare))
- Berlingske/Politiko, Danmark, 25 sep 2015: ”Flygtninge skaber fattigdom, ulighed og sociale problemer” (Interviewed in one of Denmark's largest newspapers about the effects of immigration)
- Radio-Television Slovenia, Slovenien, 24 sep 2015: ”Napačni evropski signali beguncem na kriznih območjih” (Interviewed in the Slovenian state television about the large flow of refugees to Sweden - from about 42:18 in the video clip)
- Die Welt, Tyskland, 22 sep 2015: ”Die großzügigen Schweden zahlen einen hohen Preis” (Quotes from the interview in The Globe and Mail from September 11, 2015)
- The Independent, UK, 16 sep 2015: ”Refugee crisis: The map that shows why some European countries love asylum seekers” (quote from my previous statement, Al Jazeera English from November 24, 2013)
- Al Jazeera English, Qatar, 13 sep 2015: ”Is 'People Power' more important than we think?” (TV debate about the sudden wave of migration to Europe)
- The Globe and Mail, Kanada, 11 sep 2015: ”Sweden’s ugly immigration problem” (Interviewed in Canada's largest national newspaper by Margaret Wente)
- El Economista, Mexiko, 9 sep 2015: ”¿Por qué algunos países aman o rechazan a los refugiados?” (Quote from my previous statement, Al Jazeera English from November 24, 2013)
- Washington Post, USA, 8 sep 2015: ”This map helps explain why some European countries reject refugees, and others love them” (Quote from my previous statement, Al Jazeera English from November 24, 2013)
- Svenska Dagbladet, 7 sep 2015: ”Jämför inte med Balkaninvandringen” (Ivar Arpis ledare refererar till min uppdaterade rapport om antalet utanförskapsområden för Den Nya Välfärden från 2014)
- Financial Review, Australien, 5 sep 2015: ”Refugee babel as Europe's crisis undermines dream of a united continent” (Multiple quotes from and references to my statements)
- Realtid.se, 27 aug 2015: ”Misslyckande döljs med dimridåer” (Chronicle about unaccompanied refugee children's of failed integration)
- Wall-Street journal. Wall-Street Journal - In Defense of 'The Spirit Level'
- Göteborgs-Posten, 7 jul 2015: ”Sluta vilseleda om invandringen” (Håkan Boström's leaders Arena Ides misleading report in reference to my and Jan Ekberg's criticism)
- Dagens Nyheter, 2 jul 2015: ”Både fristad och arbete” (Article who espouses the "Arenas Idé" report "900 billion reasons to appreciate immigration", but casually mention my criticism of it)
- Realtid.se, 29 jun 2015: ”Blir det lång sikt snart?” (Chronicle of the most multicultural municipalities steadily growing budget deficits)
- SVT Opinion, 9 jun 2015: ”Häpnadsväckande att SVT underkänner SCB” (Response to SVT Opinions reply from June 8, 2015)
- SVT Opinion, 8 jun 2015: ”Sanandajis kritik – en gammal verklighet” (SVT Public opinion responds to my debate from June 5, 2015)
- SVT Opinion, 5 jun 2015: ”SVT borde ha nämnt att endast 0.3 procent av de nyanlända har forskarutbildning” (Debate on SVT's assertion that every third Syrian flyking is highly educated)
- Aftonbladet, 4 jun 2015: ”Expressens nya åsiktskorridor” (Karin Pettersson's leader chronicle that follows up her own replica from June 2, 2015)
- Aftonbladet, 2 jun 2015: ”Tokhögern är inga oberoende experter” (Karin Pettersson's leader Chronicle replica of Anna Dahlberg from May 30, 2015)
- Expressen, 30 maj 2015: ”I Sverige är vi rädda för sanningssägare” (Anna Dahlberg's leaders about the Swedish media's marginalization by Tino Sanadaji and other experts that highlights inconvenient facts)
- NRK, Norge, 26 maj 2015: ”Beregninger: Syria-flyktninger koster 20 milliarder kroner over ti år” (Norwegian statstelevison interviewing Tino about Syrian refugees)
- Sveriges Radio, 23 apr 2015: ”Bristande integration på arbetsmarknaden kostar” (Participates in a radio debate with Jan Ekberg and Rola Brentlin in P1's program Studio One)
- Realtid.se, 10 apr 2015: ”När frälsta ideologer får bestämma” (Chronicle about immigration in Sweden since the early 1900s and the causes of the recent rapid growth)
- Realtid.se, 18 mar 2015: ”Etableringslotsar: ett komiskt fiasko” (Chronicle of " The greatest integration reform in 25 years ' launched by the Swedish Alliance and the Green Party)
- CBN, USA, 16 mar 2015: ”Warnings: Sweden is Headed Toward 'a Cliff'” (Interviewed by US television channel Christian Broadcast Network)
- Realtid.se, 26 feb 2015: ”Regeringens önsketänkande om nyanlända” (Chronicle about the government's action plan for integration through faster validation of higher education)
- The Economist, 16 feb 2015: What exactly is an entrepreneur?
- Aftonbladet, 2 feb 2015: ”Borgarna gjorde Sverige svagare” (Daniel Swedin¨s article that refers to my column on Realtid.se from 28 January 2015)
- EFN, 30 jan 2015: ”Hett grekiskt drama” (Debating Greece's economic problems with Alexandra Pascalidou and Kajsa Ekis Ekman)
- Realtid.se, 28 jan 2015: ”Reinfeldts BNP-kalldusch” (Chronicle of how the swedish "Alliance" abandoned the conventional indicators of the growth in prosperity, GDP per capita)
- National Review, 26 jan 2015: ”Open Hearts, Open Borders” (Article, About the swedish "Alliansens" electoral defeat because of the immigration chaos -creating transparency policy)
- National Review, 12 jan 2015: ”Europe’s Intensifying Immigration Debate” (Revised and fully accessible version of the above article)
- Radio24syv, Danmark, 7 jan 2015: ”Svenske indvandrerøkonom vil skrive bog om at de svenske myndigheder skønmaler indvandringens betydning” (Interviewed in the Danish public service radio because of crowdfounding - collection for my book about Swedish immigration - from about 18:14)
- Foreign Affairs, 19 may 2014: "Stockholm Syndrome - How Immigrants Are Changing Sweden's Welfare State" (An article by Ivar Ekman about Tino Sanandaji)
- The Economist, 16 feb 2014: What exactly is an entrepreneur? (An article mostly about Tino Sanandaji´s and Magnus Henrekson´s paper "Small Business Activity Does not Measure Entrepreneurship")
- ↑ Kickstarter Fundraising - Moral Superpower: A book on immigration
- ↑ Tino Sanandaji´s fundraising hit the Swedish record for crowdfunding
- ↑ Tino Sanandaji was ranked amongst Sweden’s 100h most influential pundits in 2014.
- ↑ Tino Sanandaji is a researcher at the Institute of Economic History at the Stockholm School of Economics. He received a Ph.D. in public policy, MA in Economics, and MBA from the Business School at the University of Chicago.
- ↑ Tino Sanandaji works as a researcher in economy at the Stockholm School of Economics
- ↑ Owner taxation and entrepreneurship - on tax theory and the Swedish policy debate (SNS Press, 2004)
- ↑ Institutional Entrepreneurship (Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2012)
- ↑ SuperEntrepreneurs - and how your country can get them (the Centre for Policy Studies, 2014) with Nima Sanandaji. Sanandaji has written several state reports on Swedish tax and entrepreneurship policy, including "Entrepreneurship conditions" for the Experts Group on Public Finance in the Swedish finance ministry.
- ↑ "Entrepreneurship conditions" for the Experts Group on Public Finance in the Swedish finance ministry.
External links