Tirailleurs indochinois

Tirailleur annamite

The Tirailleurs indochinois (Vietnamese: Lính tập) were soldiers of several regiments of local ethnic Indochinese infantry organized as Tirailleurs by the French colonial authorities, initially in Vietnam from 15 March 1880.[1][2] The most notable and first of these units were the Tonkinese Rifles (French: Tirailleurs tonkinois, Vietnamese: Quân đoàn bộ binh Bắc Kỳ).

In the early days of the unit the charge was often made that the Lính tập were prone to desertion.[3] However the regiments formalized and became a formidable force. On 10 February 1930 fifty soldiers of the Tonkinese Rifles rose in support of the VNQDD in the Yen Bai mutiny, which was quickly suppressed but resulted in increased recruitment of non-Vietnamese soldiers. In 1945 Lính tập regiments offered resistance to the Japanese occupation of Vietnam, the "3e RTT" (fr:3e régiment de tirailleurs tonkinois) offering fierce resistance but being annihilated. Other Vietnamese soldiers fought at the Battle of the Meuse.


The regiments were founded in each of the territories of Tonkin, Annam and Cambodia.

Tirailleurs tonkinois ("Tonkinese Rifles")

Main article: Tonkinese Rifles

Tirailleurs annamites

Tirailleurs cambodgiens


  1. Maurice Rives, Eric Deroo Les Lính tâp: Histoire des militaires indochinois au service de la France, 1859-1960
  2. Elisée Reclus Nouvelle géographie universelle: la terre et les hommes Volume 8 1883- "Des bataillons annamites, les linh-tap, aident à la défense de la colonie, et des volontaires se présentent en grand nombre pour la servir."
  3. Albert Marie Aristide Bouinais, A. Paulus - L'Indo-Chine française contemporaine: Cochinchine. Cambodge 1885- Page 190 "Le régiment des tirailleurs annamites, ou linh-tap, a été créé par décret du 15 mars 1880. L'uniforme des soldats est très bien approprié au climat: il consiste en un pantalon blanc très court, une chemise-vareuse bleue sur laquelle se boucle .." "Les tirailleurs annamites vivent en famille sous la tutelle de leur capitaine. Nous ne pouvons que louer ... Les principaux délits qu'on reproche aux linh-tap sont le vol et la désertion ; ce dernier est très fréquent."
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