
Tishbe (sometimes transliterated Thisbe)[1] was, according to tradition, the town of Listib, located 13 kilometres north of the Jabbok River. It is the birthplace of Elijah the Prophet. However, it is now thought more likely that Tishbe was located in Naphtali, (Thisbe in Tobit 1:2), because Listib is known to have been uninhabited during the time of the northern kingdom.[2]

Tishbe is located near the Wadi Chorath.

The Bible in I Kings 17:1 indicates that Elijah was from Tishbe which is in Gilead. Gilead is a region of Gad and Mannessah located east of the Jordan River. The Chorath wadi is located east of the Jordan River just north of Jabesh Gilead in the mountain regions of Gilead. Though some dispute its location, a few believe the site of Mar Elias, where there exists a Byzantine church commemorating his life is the possible location of Tishbe. But that site is not confirmed in itself. [3] The site of this next reference provides a good map of where Tishbe was located.

Tishbe as a word means "captivity".


  1. An Exposition, With Practical Observations, of the First Book of Kings, Christian Classics Etherial Library
  2. Harrison, R.K. 1988. "Tishbite," G.W. Bromiley, Gen. Ed. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Rev., Vol. 4. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans: 861
  3. http://www.bibleplaces.com/gileadupper.htm

The Holy Bible. I Kings 17:1

 According to Pfieffer and Vos, The Wycliffe Historical Geography of Bible Lands, Moody Press, Chicago, 1967, Map 6, it is Located in Transjordan, in Manasseh, on or near the Brook Cherith. 
 According to the King James Translators, the river Cherith starts in Mount Gilead and flows into the Jordon north of the Sea of Galilee.  Tishbi is located beyond this river, on the east side of Mount Gilead, but still in Transjordan, in Manasseh.  Near, but the border of Manasseh and Colesyria.
 In 1 Kings 17:1 the words Tishbite and inhabitants are related. From Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of theBible Old Testament Number 8453, we are told that the word means a dweller, but not outlandish, especially as distinguished from a native citizen, a temporary inmate, or a mere lodger.  It is a resident alien.  This concordance shows that this word is used as sojourner 9 times, as stranger 3 times, as foreigner 1 time, and as here inhabitant 1 time.
The most frequent use of this word is found in Lev. 25, where sabbatical and jubilee year requirements are given.  As sojourner it is found in Lev. 25:23 35 40, and 47 and as stranger it is found in Lev. 25:6, 45, and 47.  A total of seven times showing that it is an important word to be studied in this context.
 David and the fathers were mentioned as sojourners in 1 Chron. 28:15 and Ps. 39:12.  Abraham is mentioned as a sojourner in Gen 23:4.  Also, a sojourner is not to eat of the holy things of the priest Lev 22:10, and an uncircumcised stranger is not to eat the Passover.
 Ahab, Jezebel, and Israel followed false gods.  Elijah, in judgment, cause a drought to come over the land.  Jesus points to this in Luke 4:24-26, saying there were many widows in Israel, and to non of them was Elias sent, save unto Seperta, a city of Sidon, unto a woman that was a widow.  Finally, Jesus took Peter, James, and John, apostles to the circumcision, up to a high mountain apart, where he was transfigured, talking with Elias and Moses.  Peter said "It is good for us to be here." Mk. 9:2-5.
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