Titia Brongersma

Titia Brongersma
Born 1650
Dokkum, Friesland
Died 1700
Nationality Dutch
Ethnicity Frisian
Notable works "Ode on the hunebed"

Titia Brongersma (Dokkum, Friesland, 1650 – Groningen, 1700) was a Frisian poet of the late 17th century. Her book, De bron-swaan, was published in 1686 and is virtually the only trace of her literary activity.[1] She also gained prominence for excavating a dolmen at Borger, Netherlands in 1685.[2]

Brongersma became widely known for her excavation of the dolmen in Borger in Drenthe. She heard about the dolmen (these are called hunebed in Dutch, plural hunebedden) when she visited Jan Laurens Lenting(h), the schout of Borger, around Pentecost 1685. In July she had one of the hunebedden excavated; to everyone's surprise the dolmen was a grave site, rather than just a heap of rocks created by giants. She wrote a poem on the topic, "Ode on the hunebed".

Selected works

De bron-swaan of mengeldigten van Titia Brongersma, 1686

See also


  1. "Titia Brongersma - een noordelijke ster Dokkum ca. 1650 - ? na 1687" (in Dutch). Literatuurgeschiedenis.nl. Retrieved 5 November 2015.
  2. "The largest Hunebed". HunebedCentrum. 2012. Retrieved 2014-11-01.


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