List of Robotboy characters

This is a list of characters from the American and French and British animated television series Robotboy.

Main characters


Robotboy possesses many superhuman abilities, such as the ability to fly, tremendous strength and super speed. He also is equipped with unbreakable armor, weapons and gadgets ranging from an internal compass to a missile launcher. When he enters Superactive mode, his abilities increase. In this form, he is nearly unstoppable. He runs on double-A batteries. Despite his robotic abilities, he longs to be a human like everyone else. He is also known to have a violent temper, such as lashing out at people who harm his friends. He has three modes: deactivated, activated and super-activated. In deactivated mode, he is smaller in size and can only observe. In activated mode, he's able to do most of the things a human being can do except for eating and using the bathroom. He can also fight bad guys and use a variety of weapons such as the freeze gun (introduced and used only in the episode "The Boy Who Cried Kamikazi"). He can only be activated through Tommy's watch. In superactivated mode, which can only be initiated by Robotboy himself by hitting his hands together, he grows several times larger than his normal size, and his appearance changes. He can use a wide range of weapons, usually replacing his wrist and additional weapons can come out of his shoulders legs or ear tubes. He has limited expressive abilities and cannot talk in this mode. Voiced by Logan Lerman.

Tommy Turnbull

Tommy Turnbull is a blond, square-headed, 10-year-old human boy who is the owner of Robotboy. He is depicted as a smart, responsible and sensitive boy with a strong sense of justice. He is voiced by Lorraine Pilkington. Tommy's best human friends are Gus and Lola.

Alyson ally ashworth

ally ashworth is a redhead, soccer ball-headed, 11-year-old girl who is a rock star/witch in training. she is depicted as a smart, responsible and insensitive girl with a strong sense of justice and a monster attitude. He is voiced by Katey Sagal. Ally's best friends are Gus, Tommy and Lola.

Gus Turner

Augustus "Gus" Turner is a chubby red-headed boy who is Tommy's best friend. He is voiced by Rupert Degas. He is very arrogant, dimwitted, and loud-mouthed, and at times tries to take advantage of his friends for his personal gain and enjoyment, often leading to trouble for them. He often refers to himself as "The G-Man". He describes himself as an "action hero", boasting about numerous skills which he obviously does not actually possess, and is the self-proclaimed leader of the group.

Lola Mbola

Lola Mbolắ is an African-American girl who is the daughter of an affluent African ambassador. She has a crush on Tommy. Her mother is never seen or mentioned. She is voiced by Laurence Bouvard. Lola is depicted as the smartest of the team and has even been shown to pilot vehicles such as a jet plane and a speedboat.

Supporting allies

Professor Moshimo

Professor Moshimo is the creator of Robotboy, Robotgirl and Robotbird (also Protoboy and Robotman). He received a letter from Tommy Turnbull about him looking forward to his latest invention. As a result, Professor Moshimo sent him Robotboy to take care of. The Professor has a Japanese fiancee named Miumiu, who also acts as his assistant. He also created Protoboy, Robotman and Robotgirl. His former rivals are Dr. Kamikazi and Bjorn Bjornson. He is voiced by Togo Igawa.

Dwight Turnbull

He is Tommy and Donnie's brown-haired, small-eyed father. Tommy's father works as a salesman of a shop that sells fitness equipment. He is an assertive person, always trying to get Tommy to play sports, so as not to be a girl. He never think things through and never thinks about the consequences from his actions. He once even got as far as quitting his job to become Tommy's full-time coach, when he noticed Tommy's cheating in tetherball (which is actually due to Robotboy helping him behind the scenes). Due to Tommy not liking sports, he tends to favor Donny more. He is voiced by Lewis MacLeod.

Debbie Turnbull

Debbie is Tommy and Donnie's square-headed and red-headed mother. She is an average woman (beauty wise) and housewife, and is generally very kind to Tommy and not as assertive as Dwight. However, she is still willing to punish Tommy if he is seen to have done something terribly wrong; For example, failing to tidy his room, or when Tommy was framed for stealing a toy even though it was Robotboy and for sneaking out to prove that he was innocent and didn't steal a toy. She is voiced by Laurence Bouvard.


Professor Moshimo's fiancée and lab assistant. She is typically depicted as silent, however she speaks for the first time in the episode "Grow No-Mo". While she rarely talks, she does seem to be annoyed with Moshimo's many hobbies. She is voiced by Laurence Bouvard.


Robotgirl is a female version of Robotboy. She looks similar to Robotboy, except she's depicted as Pink and wears a Bow on her head. She is playful and curious and often gets herself and Robotboy into trouble. In the series, Robotgirl was created to keep Robotboy company while he was at Prof. Moshimo's brand new house for 2 weeks, while Tommy was on a family camping trip in the woods. In the episode 'Robotgirl' Prof. Moshimo asked Robotboy to spend the day with her and teach her what he has learned about being a real human. Like Robotboy, in her super-activate form, she looks taller, has a rounder head, and is mostly dark pink. She is voiced by Laurence Bouvard.

Ambassador Mbolắ

Lola's father is a wealthy African ambassador. While he loves his daughter, he can be a bit uncaring, such as not caring that her beloved cat was missing instead just watching the news. He is voiced by Rupert Degas.

Jebedaiah and Hester Anuish

Gus's steparents are Amish in origin, they do not own a car, only a horse and cart. They tend to "freak out" many characters of the series e.g. Robotboy.

Margaret (Teacher)

Tommy Donnie Gus and Lola's teacher.

Grandma Turnbull

Dwight's mother and Tommy and Donnie's Grandma. She has a very laid-back, fun loving personality. She likes to challenge Donnie to wrestling which she always wins despite her age. Dwight is usually embarrassed with her as she still treats him like a child.

Guest allies

Santa Claus

He hates Gus and fights Kamikazi's army with Robotboy. Unlike the traditional Santa Claus, he is depicted as very muscular and powerful. He also isn't as forgiving and kind as the traditional Santa, and he has a deep disliking for Gus. He takes pleasure in giving bad gifts to naughty children, namely Gus. For example: Santa stuffs his buttocks into a box and farts into it, ruining the scent of the gift inside forever, and causing the fart to douse the recipient who opens the gift. Santa has a knowledge of piloting skills and fighting styles. He is voiced by Lewis MacLeod.


Seen in Sweet Revenge, The Donnienator (cameo) and Tummy Trouble.


Booker is the orphan boy from the Homely Home for Homeless Kids.

Main villains

Dr. Kamikazi

Dr. Kamikazi – A small old man with thick glasses and a suit/bathrobe combo who is a self-proclaimed evil genius and the main antagonist of the show. He wishes to capture Robotboy to create a template for an army of super robots, with which he will be able to achieve his dastardly goal of world domination. Most of his henchmen have a large letter K on their uniforms, to show that they are on Dr. Kamikazi's side. He has had many pets, ranging from snakes to cats, but they usually hurt him. Voiced by Eiji Kusuhara


Constantine is a fat hunchbacked henchman of Dr. Kamikazi who also is a master of sumo wrestling. He is a sensitive and none too threatening sidekick to Dr. Kamikazi who mainly acts as his muscle power as well as his assistant. Constantine is also a refined chef, being able to create dishes ranging from Sashimi to tapas. It was seen in one episode that Constantine used to be an orphan before working for Kamikazi. He is also shown to be very strong holding his own against some clone dragons and even Robotboy for a while. He is voiced by Rupert Degas.

Despite looking like a Japanese version of a henchman, Constantine is actually Spanish.

Major bullies

Donnie Turnbull

Donnie Turnbull
First appearance Dog-Ra
Last appearance Everybody Loves Grandma (cameo)
Species Human
Gender Male
Family Debs and Dwight(parents)
Relatives Robotmonkey(nephew)

Tommy's older Brother and archenemy, he is a constant bully to every child in the neighborhood, including Gus and Tommy himself. He frequently calls people names, threatens them etc., and yet despite this, Tommy still treats him as family. Some people exploit his attitude for their benefit, usually Dr. Kamikazi. His bullying backfires in the third season after Robotboy tortures him when he decides to play hooky from school in order to humiliate Robotboy. Voiced by Lewis MacLeod


Kurt is the sadistic bully at Tommy's school, he has long blonde hair and is usually seen wearing a hat. He constantly bullies Gus and Tommy, as well as almost any other kid he finds. His father is a secret agent who occasionally uses Kurt to try and capture Robotboy. He even went so far to bring his father's mecha weapon at school to almost murder Tommy and the students and later he and his father got arrested. His mother is never seen or mentioned. He is voiced by Rupert Degas.


One of Kurt's friends/henchmen. He is the smallest bully. In the absence of Kurt, he is the leader of the group. He wears a dark red beanie which happens to have a bowling ball hidden inside.


One of Kurt's friends/henchmen. He is the largest and least intelligent of the group. He wears a blue hooded top with a red cap.

Recurring Villains

Kurt's father

Kurt's father who dresses like a secret agent and sounds like Christopher Walken. His plan is to capture Robotboy and clone more Robotboys; At the end of the episode, he orders his subordinates to find out about Tommy and Robotboy. He can be seen in the episode as a cameo in A Tale of Two Evil Geniuses, dressing like a clown in Party Out of Bounds, Fighting Robotboy and Gus in Wrestling With Gus, and working together with Tommy and Robotboy in The Manchurian Robot. He's shown to abuse his authority as he got two criminals to play for his son's soccer team in exchange for "putting in a good word for your parole officers".

Bjorn Bjornson

Bjorn Bjornson is a Norwegian child who attended Professor Moshimo's classes at the "School For the Wealthy and Smart", and is a jealous rival of Moshimo's works and Kamikazi's plans including Robotboy. He has also designed a robot equal in power to that of Robotboy called "Bjornbot". It can be seen in the episode Runaway Robot that he dislikes herrings. Voiced by Lewis MacLeod.


Bjornbot is a robotic lookalike of his creator Bjorn Bjornson. He has weapon capabilities and strength equal to that of Robotboy, and can Superactivate too. It seems that Bjorn himself has created several Bjornbots. Bjornbot has his own form of Superactivation. Unlike Robotboy, he lacks emotion and has a rather flat vocabulary (which consist mostly of the word "Ja!") and Robotboy thinks of strategies in battles and Robotboy is able to overcome Bjornbot. In the episode Party Out of Bounds he dressed like a girl and Bjorn called him Sister Bjorn. In more recent episodes, he seems to have become more hyperactive, being very jumpy and excited.

Klaus Von Afoncügel

A weak-bodied short man who wants Robotboy's parts to make himself stronger so that he can take revenge on everyone who has ever bullied or ridiculed him as a child because of his weakness(being so weak as to break his back trying to lift a toy ball). Always accompanied by his nanny mutated gorilla, Ludwig. First appeared in "Six Million Euro Man". Also he has a monkey as a henchmen. He is voiced by Rupert Degas.


Claus's pet and henchman. He first met Afoncügel when he was a child after escaping from the zoo 30 years prior. He tends to carry Afoncügel in a baby holder on his chest. Being a Gorilla, he is very strong.

Felonious Hexx

Gus's archenemy with magical powers. He started off as a simple magician until Gus kept embarrassing him during his show. After sending him to another world with his powers, he was defeated by Robotboy and Gus was freed. Since then, his career fell apart and he was forced to take medical classes for 6 weeks. After this he had jobs such as a school nurse and a dentist. He heavily blames Gus for his life of misery as it was Gus's fault that Felonious Hexx's career plummeted.


First appearance Brother
Last appearance The Return of Robotgirl
Gender male
Occupation Mass Murderer
Title Villain
Family Professor Moshimo(creator/father)
Robotboy, Robotman and Robotbird (younger brothers)
Spouse(s) wife

Protoboy was created by Dr. Moshimo in his earlier years. He had many of the same qualities as Robotboy, especially advanced fighting skills, but he lacked Robotboy's humanity. He was stolen by a young Dr. Kamikazi and Constantine. Kamikazi reprogrammed Protoboy's circuits and turned him evil, however, Kamikaze made Protoboy too evil and couldn't control him. Protoboy was disconnected by Constantine and placed in a reject closet. In the episode Brother, after hearing about Protoboy, Robotboy, being sad that he had no family of his own, traveled to Kamikaze's lair and re-activated Protoboy, who then began protecting the city. When Robotboy used Super-Activation, Protoboy did as well. Robotboy and Protoboy was nearly lie until he used the new weapon Dr. Moshimo gave him, which is essentially a limpet mine. As a result, Protoboy was lie and was seen again until "The Revenge of Protoboy" when he nearly disabled Robotboy, try no hurt a cruise ship that Tommy's parents were on. When Robotboy played possum Robotboy and Protoboy were not fighting. He then returned in "The Old Switcharobot" when he switched bodies with Robotboy (only ending up with Robotboy's circuits by accident. This is also the episode in which Robotboy receives his unbreakable armour.

Minor villains


Bambi is the popular girl at Tommy's school and Kurt's girlfriend. She is blond with pigtails and can be seen wearing a cheerleader's outfit. Tommy blushes and is unable to talk when he sees her, much to Lola's dismay. She was once replaced by a robot by Dr. Kamikazi in an effort to defeat Robotboy. She seems to be very spiteful and mean towards Tommy, yet he still likes her. She is spoiled by her single mother, and is also rather 'air-headed.' She is voiced by Laurence Bouvard.


Moshimo's nemesis. He was originally named Brian and was born from Moshimo's prized milk yak. Unfortunately, he wasn't very smart, which to a lot of ridicule from other yaks and a young Dr. Kamikazi. Moshimo hated the poor treatment Brian got so he performed Brain surgery on Brian which he learned from comics. Unfortunately, this made Brian too smart for the yaks. He ran away the next night, leaving a note telling Moshimo it's his fault he became a freak and that he hates him. Eventually he changed his name to Brain-Yak and was forced to sell test answers to school children as adults don't like a smarty-pants. He joined forces with Kamikazi who promised that Brian could destroy Moshimo for ruining his life. He lost his temper when he realized he was used by Kamikazi to get Robotboy. He was saved on Moshimo's orders. He told Brian he never saw Brian as an enemy. Brian was close to forgiving him until he was taken back to the farm he grew up in. He returned to save Moshimo from Protoboy disguised as Robotboy as he didn't want anyone to destroy Moshimo but himself. He made a cameo in "A Tale of Two Geniuses".

General Yakitori

General Yakitori is a villainous general with mechanical body parts. He appeared in episode A Tale of Two Evil Geniuses. In the episode, Yakitori gets the award as evil genius, is the rival of Kamikazi's anger. Constantine tells everyone that Kamikazi has to battle Yakitori, which makes Kamikazi even angrier (evidenced when he tied up Constantine above a tank filled with sharks). Just then, the host of the contest decided to have a challenge for the two villains to capture and defeat Robotboy. Yakitori was able to defeat Robotboy in combat with a battle mech, but failed when Kamikazi starts attacking him. His name, Yakitori, is actually a popular Japanese delicacy. He appears again on the episode '`Mancation'´ where he fights Robotboy in space.

Vance Cosgrove

A tabloid reporter who believes Robotboy to be a robot of alien origin as part of an alien takeover of the world. He is never taken seriously by the public and is regarded as a joke. It can be seen in the episode Feline Frenzy under arrest by the police forever. But then he returns in the episode "I, Hero".

Principal Dr. Friedman-Culpepper

Dr. Friedman Culpepper
First appearance Destroy all Robots
Last appearance Tween for a Day
Gender female
Occupation Principal/criminal
Title Villainess

Tommy's Principal and nemesis. She is a liar and is obsessed with toys due to never being allowed to play with them as a child, instead having to make her own dolls out of tin foil and chicken bones. She abuses her position as principal to confiscate toys and play with them herself. She later returns for revenge to ruin Robotboy's cliffhanger and play with him forever.

One-time villains


A Robot dog that Tommy and Gus found disguised as a Puppy. He tended to dislike Gus as he urinated on him and bit him. Robotboy was suspicious of him, but Tommy said it was jealousy. When Tommy went to school Dog-Ra showed his true form and nearly destroyed the house and Robot boy refused to hit him as he promised Tommy he wouldn't. He was eventually destroyed by Robotboy. Despite being robotic, a dog whistle seems to affect him as Gus proved trying to call him.

Evil 17

Evil 17 is one of Kamikazi's ex-henchmen, Kamikazi makes him look exactly like Tommy Turnbull using surgery and then replaces the real Tommy with his fake. All is going well until Evil 17 decides he likes being Tommy and betrays Kamikazi. He is confronted by the real Tommy and Robotboy attacks him because of his facial hair. He seems to have taken an interest in Tommy's mom due to her curvy figure despite being married.


Created by Professor Moshimo, he was, as the name implies, an adult version of Robotboy who sounds like Arnold Schwarzenegger (a nod to the Terminator). His technology, AI, and almost everything else is superior to Robotboy, making Robotboy seemingly obsolete. Despite this, Robotman has all of the annoying qualities adults possess, which makes Robotboy superior to him after all. He was destroyed in a battle against Robotboy.

Agent Kalaschnikov

A lady who only appeared in episode '`The Babysitter'´. She is a secret agent who was hired by Dr. Kamikazi to steal Robotboy while posing as a babysitter for the Turnbulls. She is very flirtatious, especially around Kamikazi. Tommy and Donnie took a liking to her due to her good looks. She eventually tried to capture Robotboy and failed. She makes a cameo in "A Tale of Two Geniuses".

Mona Lethal

A slim battle robot used in the Robocon competition. She was a beautiful but deadly robot who Robotboy had fallen in love with. She is the final opponent in the contest and Robotboy was forced to choose Tommy and Gus over her when she attacked them. She was very dangerous and cruel and could use electric cables that extend from her hand. She was very powerful as she overpowered Robotboy in their fight(this was due to Robotboy refusing to hit her back as he was in love with her.)She was destroyed until made a cameo in A Tale of Two Evil Geniuses.

Wandel Shicel

The Fake Guy who working for enemy Most hunting By Kurt's Father. He can be seen again making a cameo in The Legend of Brainy-Yak

Orphan Bullies

Three bullies who lived in an orphanage, They regularly tormented another boy named Booker and were later given a "swirly" by Donnie.

Princess Justine

The spoiled princess of Fardonia. She is a very snobby little girl due to her status as a princess. She considers anyone of a lower social class a "peasant". She wanted to buy Robotboy off of Tommy as she thought he was "charming". She has a room where she destroys toys she doesn't think are useful anymore.

Waitress Lady(Guy)

The waitress at the restaurant Tommy and his family were eating at. Because of her hairdo being similar to Robotboy's head, he assumes she is his mother, which she uses in her advantage, making Robotboy work for her own needs. At the end of the episode, it is revealed that she is actually a man in disguise. His name is never revealed, although the chef at the diner called him Jackie in disguise. He is voiced by Rupert Degas.

Other characters

Walter the Tapeworm

Walter the Tapeworm is a mind-controlling tapeworm made by Dr. Kamikazi. He was placed inside Gus in the episode "Tummy Trouble."


Stevie is a boar created by Dr. Kamikazi in season 2 after when Stevie was finished he hugs him thinking he was his dad but Kamikaze hurt his feelings and Stevie cries and Kamikazi orders Constantine to throw him in the trash can with toxic waste and turns into a monster and gets revenge in the city. Kamikazi makes a promise to Tommy that he will never try to catch robotboy again but Stevie was able to grab him but they both hug and Kamikazi decides to keep him.


A tin heap robot created by Constantine himself. He is programmed to say "Kamikazi rules", but an equipment malfunction caused him to say "Kamikazi drools". The robot is of poor handiwork, and parts tend to fall off. Robotboy was about to fight him, but he soon felt pity for him and became his friend, defending him whenever someone called him a "Scrap heap". He was later salvaged by Robotboy and presented to Gus as a sorry gift for a misunderstood statement by Robotboy.

Ogbot and Nagbot

Ogbot is a red robot who was supposed to be sent to space and examine the moon. Unfortunately Ogbot wasn't activated as, at the time, the project was scrapped. Tommy decided to rebuild him, but upon activating him, Ogbot thought he was on the moon. Tommy suggested shutting him down, but Robotboy refused to let him thinking Ogbot could be taught. Then Robotboy sent him to the moon and while he is up there, he meets another robot called Nagbot. Being a Robot, Ogbot is very strong easily tossing cars behind him. He also has plenty of weapons for a robot who was built for exploring the moon. Nagbot is the robot who was sent when the astronauts had built a moon base. She is very bossy and despite this, Ogbot seemed to have been in love with her. This was proven when Robotboy if he enjoys the moon, he responds "Robotboy crazy?! Ogbot in love". He tends to refer to himself in third person.

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