Trade Unions International of Chemical, Oil and Allied Workers

The Trade Unions International of Chemical, Oil and Allied Workers was a trade union international affiliated with the World Federation of Trade Unions. It was often known by its French initials, ICPS (Union Internationale des Syndicats des Industries, Chimiques, du Petroles et Similares).
The Union was established at a conference in Budapest, Hungary in March 1950 as the Trade Unions International of Chemical and Allied Workers. It changed its name in 1954 when it expanded its scope to include oil workers. It also represented workers in the glassware, paper and ceramic industries.[1]
In 1998 a Conference was held in Havana which merged Trade Unions International of Energy Workers (formerly known as the Trade Unions International of Miners) and Trade Union International of Metal and Engineering Workers to form the Trade Union International of Energy, Metal, Chemical, Oil and Allied Industries. This organization was reorganized again as the Trade Unions International of Energy Workers in 2007. This left the metal workers an opportunity create a new TUI the next year, Trade Union International of Workers in the Mining, the Metallurgy and the Metal Industries.[2][3]
The TUI was governed by an international trade conference held every four years. The Conference drew up the groups program, made policy decisions and elected an administrative committee. The latter consisted of 25 members drawn from 20 countries and met once a year. The bureau, composed of the TUI president, vice-presidents, general secretary and secretaries met to ensure the fulfillment of the administrative committees decisions and a permanent secretariat oversaw day-to-day operations.[4] Industrial Commissions were also set up to deal with specific issues. In 1978 there commissions on oil (drilling, refining, oil pipelines, distribution), chemicals-pharmaceuticals, paper board, pulp, cellulose, rubber, glass and ceramics.[5]
In 1955 its headquarters were reported to be in Bucharest, Romania.[6] In 1958 its headquarters was reported to be at 17 Sztalin ter, Budapest VI, Hungary.[7] From 1978 to 1989 it was reported to be at 1415 Budapest, sometimes given the street name Benczur ut 45.[8][9] In 1991 it was reported at EM26, H 1097.[10]
In 1958 the ICPS claimed membership in 25 countries.[11] In 1976 it claimed 7 million members in 59 affiliated unions in 37 countries.[12] In 1985 it claimed 13 million members in 100 affiliate in 50 countries.[13][14]
In 1975 the following unions were affiliated with ICPS:[15]
Albania - Conseil Central des Unions Professionelles
Argentina - Federacion Argentina de Trabajadores de la Industia Quimicas y Afines
Austria - Fraktion Gewerkschaftlicher Linksblock in der Gewerkschaft der Chemiearbeiter
Benin - Syndicat National de Travailleurs des Industries Alimentaires et Chimiques, Hotels-Bar, Cafes-Restaurants
Bulgaria - Syndicat des Travailleurs de l'Industrie Chimique
Bulgaria - Syndicat des Travailleurs de l'Industrie Legare
Chile - Sindicato Unico Nacional de Trabajadores de Quimica y Fammaceutica y Ramos Afines
Chile - Sindicato Unico de Trabajadores del Plastico
China - Oil Workers' Union
China - Trade Union of Workers in Heavy Industry
Colombia - Federación de los Trabajadores de Petrole
Congo - Fédération des Travailleurs des Mines, Petrol, Energie et Assimiles
Cuba - Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Industria Basicos
Cuba - Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores del Petrole
Czechoslovakia - Federation of Chemical, Paper, Glass and Printing Workers
Ecuador - Federación Nacional de Trabajadores del Petrole
France - Fédération Nationale des Industries Chimiques, CGT
France - Fédération des Travailleurs des Industies Papetiers, CGT
France - Fédération Nationale des Travailleurs du Verre, CGT
France - Fédération Nationale des Travailleurs de la Ceramique
East Germany - Industriegewerkschaft Chemie, Glas und Keramik
East Germany - IG Druk und Papier
Ghana - General Transport, Petroleum and Chemical Workers' Union
Hungary - Chemical Workers' Union
Hungary - Printing, Paper and Press Workers Unions
Hungary - Building and Building Materials Industry Workers Union
India - All India Pharmaceutical Employees' Union
India - All India Chemical and Pharmaceutical Employees' Federation
India - All India Indian Oxygen and Acetyne Employees' Federation
India - Oil and Natural Gas Commission Karamchari Union
India - Antibiotics Project Karamchari Sangh
Indonesia - Oil Workers' Union (PERBUM)
Iraq - General Trade Union of Oil Industry, Minerals and Chemical Workers
Italy - Federazione Italiana Lavoratori Poligraficie Cartai
Jordan - General Federation of Jordanian Trade Unions
Kenya - Kenya Petroleum Oil Workers Union
North Korea - Trade Union of Chemical Industry Workers
Kuwait - Workers' and Employees' Petroleum Trade Union
Madagascar - Union Nationale des Travailleurs du Petrole, du Livre Papier et du Artes Graphiques
Nigeria - Gulf Oil Company (Nigeria) Employees and General Workers Union
Peru - Federación de Trabajadores de la Industia de Plasticos y Afines
Poland - Federation of Chemical Workers Unions
Poland - Union des Syndicats de l'Industry du Bois (Papier Carton)
Romania - Federation of Chemical Workers Unions
Soviet Union - Oil, Chemical and Gas Workers Union
Soviet Union - Building and Building Materials Workers Union
Soviet Union - Timber, Paper and Wood Workers Union
Soviet Union - Public Health Workers Union
Sri Lanka - Lanka Petroleum Employees' Union
Sri Lanka - Ceylon State Corporation Employees' Union
Sudan - Federation of Petroleum Workers
Syria - Professional Federation of Petroleum, Electricity and
Uruguay - Federación ANCAP
Uruguay - Federación Obrera de la Industria del Vidrio
Venezuela - Glass Workers Federation
Vietnam - National Union of Chemical Workers
South Yemen - General Union of Petroleum Workers
The Union published an Information Bulletin and Information Sheet.[16]
- ↑ Directory of World Federation of Trade Unions Washington Office of International Labor Affairs, December 1958 p.52
- ↑ Project for Articles of Association p.16
- ↑ Europa World Year Book London; Taylor & Francis, 2004 p.342
- ↑ Coldrick, A. Percy and Jones, Philip. The international directory of the trade union movement New York : Facts on File, [1978] p.179
- ↑ Coldrick and Jones p.194
- ↑ Directory of World Federation of Trade Unions Washington Office of International Labor Affairs, June 1955 p.49
- ↑ Directory of World Federation of Trade Unions 1958 p.52
- ↑ The World Federation of Trade Unions, 1945-1985. Prague; Published by the WTFU in cooperation with PRACE Czechoslovak Trade Unions 1985 p.150
- ↑ Coggins, John Trade unions of the world 1989-1990 Harlow : Longman, 1989 2nd ed. p.451
- ↑ Upham, Martin Trade unions of the world, 1992-1993. Harlow, Essex, U.K. : Longman ; Detroit, Mich. : Distributed exclusively in the U.S. and Canada by Gale Research Inc., 1991 p.558
- ↑ Directory of World Federation of Trade Unions] December 1958 p.52
- ↑ Coldrick and Jones p.178
- ↑ Coldrick and Jones p.180
- ↑ The World Federation of Trade Unions, 1945-1985 p.150
- ↑ Coldrick and Jones p.181
- ↑ Coldrick and Jones p.180