Business directory

An example page from Pigot's 1839 directory of businesses in the counties of Kent, Surrey and Sussex in England.

A business directory is a website or printed listing of information which lists all businesses within some category. Businesses can be categorized by business, location, activity, or size. Business may be compiled either manually or through an automated online search software. Online yellow pages are a type of business directory, as is the traditional phone book.

The details provided in a business directory varies from business to business. They may include the business name, addresses, telephone numbers, location, type of service or products the business provides, number of employees, the service region and any professional associations. Some directories include a section for user reviews, comments, and feedback. Business directories in the past would take a printed format but have recently been upgraded to websites due to the advent of the internet.

Many business directories offer complimentary listings in addition to the premium options. There are many business directories and some of these have moved over to the internet and away from printed format. Whilst not being search engines, business directories often have a search facility.


Business directories can be in either hard copy or in digital format. Ease of use and distribution means that many trade directories have digital version.

Online Business Directories vary in quality and content. There is a balance between professional advertising, value for money and quality of service. Business owners are looking for ROI, web traffic, exposure for their business, plus SEO benefits of backlinks.

See also

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Monday, February 29, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.