Transponder (satellite communications)

A communications satellite's transponder is the series of interconnected units that form a communications channel between the receiving and the transmitting antennas.[1] It is mainly used in satellite communication to transfer the received signals.

A transponder is typically composed of:

Most communication satellites are radio relay stations in orbit, and carry dozens of transponders, each with a bandwidth of tens of megahertz. Most transponders operate on a bent pipe principle, sending back to earth of what goes into the conduit with only amplification and a shift from uplink to downlink frequency. However, some modern satellites use on-board processing, where the signal is demodulated, decoded, re-encoded and modulated aboard the satellite. This type, called a "regenerative" transponder, has many advantages, but is much more complex.

With data compression and multiplexing, several video (including digital video) and audio channels may travel through a single transponder on a single wideband carrier.

Original analog video only had one channel per transponder, with subcarriers for audio and automatic transmission identification service ATIS. Non-multiplexed radio stations can also travel in single channel per carrier (SCPC) mode, with multiple carriers (analog or digital) per transponder. This allows each station to transmit directly to the satellite, rather than paying for a whole transponder, or using landlines to send it to an earth station for multiplexing with other stations.

NASA distinguishes between a "transponder" and a "transceiver", where the latter is simply an independent transmitter and receiver packaged in the same unit, and the former derives the transmit carrier frequency from the received signal. This linkage allows an interrogating ground station to recover the Doppler and thus infer range and speed from a communication signal without allocating power to a separate ranging signal.[2]

Transponder Equivalent

A transponder equivalent (or TPE) is a normalized way to refer to transponder bandwidth. It simply means how many transponders would be used if the same total bandwidths used only 36 MHz transponders.[3][4][5] So, for example, the ARSAT-1 has 24 IEEE Ku band transponders, twelve with a bandwidth of 36 MHz, eight with 54 MHz and four with 72 MHz, for a total of 1152 MHz, or 32 TPE (i.e. 1152 MHz divided by 36 MHz).[6][7]


  1. Roddi, Dennis (2001). Satellite Communications (3rd ed.). New York: McGraw Hill. p. 587. ISBN 0-07-138285-2.
  2. Space Network Users Guide
  3. "Commercial Geostationary Satellite Transponder Markets for Latin America". Frost & Sullivan Research Service. 2003-07-03. Retrieved 2015-08-31.
  4. Jacbo Gullish, Futron (February 2011). "The North American Satellite Market New Methodology Required...". SatMagazine. Retrieved 2015-08-31.
  5. "Transponder". JSat International. Retrieved 2015-08-31.
  6. "ARSAT-1 Telecommunication Satellite, Argentina". Aerospace Technology. Retrieved 2015-08-31.
  7. Belluscio, Alejandro G. (2014-10-06). "ArSat-1: Argentina to communicate its heightened space ambitions". NASA SpaceFlight. Retrieved 2015-08-25.
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