Transport coefficient

A Transport coefficient \gamma can be expressed via a Green-Kubo relation:

\gamma= \int_0^\infty \langle \dot{A}(t) \dot{A}(0) \rangle dt,

where A is an observable occurring in a perturbed Hamiltonian, \langle \cdot \rangle is an ensemble average and the dot above the A denotes the time derivative.[1] For times t that are greater than the correlation time of the fluctuations of the observable the transport coefficient obeys a generalized Einstein relation:

2t\gamma=\langle |A(t)-A(0)|^2 \rangle.

Transport coefficients measure how rapidly a perturbed system returns to equilibrium.


See also


  1. Water in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics: Experimental Overviews and Computational Methodologies, G. Wilse Robinson, ISBN 9789810224516, p. 80, Google Books
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