Troubled Families

The Troubled Families programme is a UK Government scheme under the Department for Communities and Local Government with the stated aim of helping troubled families turn their lives around.[1]


The Troubled Families programme was launched by the Prime Minister in 2011. Louise Casey became Director General, Troubled Families on 1 November 2011.[2] The programme initially intends to change the repeating generational patterns of poor parenting, abuse, violence, drug use, anti-social behaviour and crime in the most troubled families in the UK, with the government investing some £4,000 per family over 3 years, and each family having an assigned family worker.[3] Troubled families are defined as those that have problems and cause problems to the community around them, putting high costs on the public sector. The aim is to get 120,000 troubled families in England turn their lives around by 2015 and in particular to:

Mental health problems are often found in such families.[3] David Cameron summarised the nature of the families in his Oldbury speech (New Statesman, 15.12.11) saying

'...these families are the source of a large proportion of the problems in society. Drug addiction. Alcohol abuse. Crime. A culture of disruption and irresponsibility that cascades down the generations... a small number of these families cost an extraordinary amount of money. Last year £9 billion was spent on 120,000 families'.

Although the TFP was supposedly aimed at intensive support the political rhetoric was often pejorative.Louise Casey, the 'Troubled Families Tsar' told the Daily Telegraph (20.07.12)

'We are not running some cuddly social workers programme...we should be talking about things like shame and guilt...we have lost the ability to be judgmental because we worry about being seen as nasty to poor people'.

Eric Pickles, communities minister, told the Daily Mail (10.06.12)

'We have sometimes run away from categorising, stigmatising, laying blame. We need a less understanding approach'.

However most of the people targeted were not involved in crime or anti-social behaviour; most were not alcohol or drug dependent.Most were poor,unemployed and with very high levels of mental / physical illnesses and disabilites in adults and children which resulted in high state support costs (see characteristics section). It is unclear how assertive, non-negotiable intervention and benefit sanctions can eliminate these costs.The evidence for long term success in 'turning around the families' is absent and on 12.06.14 Casey told a meeting at Reform

'As hard as it is to accept,the truth is despite our best efforts over many years -and I include myself in that-we just haven't got it right. We haven't succeeded in getting these families to change or in stopping the transmission of problems from generation to generation-we just haven't.

Many areas of England and Wales have renamed their local Troubled Families programmes, including Families First in Gloucestershire and Wales, and Think Family in Birmingham[4][5]


Troubled families are characterized by inter-generational transmission, large numbers of children, shifting family make-up, dysfunctional relationships (the influence of male partners is often negative), an unhelpful family and friends social network, abuse, institutional care, teenage mothers, early signs of poor behaviour, troubles at school, anti-social behaviour, mental illness (particularly depression, impeding ability to function in life), and drugs & alcohol use.[3] This description is based on anecdotal evidence collected by Casey from family interviews. However the definitive quantitative report, 'National Evaluation of the Troubled Families Programme', by ECORYS (July 2014) on the Dept. for Communities and Local Government website paints a somewhat different picture. 49% of those in the program are lone parent families. Underage pregnancy was statistically insignificant, with the under 18 conception rate sitting at only 2%. 90% of adults had committed no criminal offence and 93% of adults had no record of anti-social behaviour. Among children, 88% of children had no record of anti-social behaviour. Only 3% of adults were treated for alcohol dependency and a further 3% of adults were treated for drug dependency.

However the families were reported to suffer from high levels of health problems and disabilities. 46% had an adult or adults suffering a mental health problem; 33% of children had mental health problems. 32% of adults and 20% of children had a long-standing physical illness or disability; 39% had a child or children with SEN statements; 46% had a child with school problems; 15% had a child with a temporary exclusion. The families were also poor and in social housing. 74% were workless households; 83% received out of work benefits; 27% were in rent arrears; 21% were at risk of eviction.

The common characteristics shared by most families were poverty, unemployment, illness and disability and a high welfare cost to the state.


By November 2013 some 22,000 families had been 'turned round', based on metrics such as child school attendance and crimes committed,[6][7] although at least some of these families continue to commit some crimes.[8]

Casey does not believe people undertake behaviours to gain benefits, and that compulsory contraception, whilst reducing the number of children being born into such families, would lead to high-risk teens finding "something else to get into trouble with. Because they've got trouble in their souls, trouble in their heart, troubles in their head. So even if you brought in some draconian thing like that, they'd find something else to do that would actually be an expression of not having enough love or of having too much pain."[9] But consider also Casey's and Pickles' comments in the introduction.

By March 2015 the Dept. for Communities and Local Government was claiming that 105,671 families of 117,910 processed had been 'turned around', some 89.6%. 8.9% of families had a member who had found a job. It could not be proved that the projects had achieved this. 80.7% had met the 'crime/ASB/education' target. However, only 7% of adults and 12% of children at project entry had an anti-social behaviour intervention.Only 10% of adults at entry had a proved offence (National Evaluation of the TFP, 2014). It must be concluded that most of the 80.7% families 'turned around' involved reduced truancy, not crime or ASB. According to the Dept. for Communities claims, each family cost the state £26,000 per annum at entry to the programme. The estimated average cost saving at exit was claimed to be £11,200 per family. This implies that although 89.6% of families had been 'turned around', 56.9% of the original family costs were still there (Troubled Families, Green Man Books,2015, ISBN 978-1514170588).

The 120,000 troubled families allegedly cost the state £9 billion per annum according to Cameron, Pickles and Casey at programme start up.However, Pickles told the House of Commons on 15.03.15 that £1.2 billion per annum would be saved. This was a hypothetical number based on assumptions that alleged improvements in behaviour would be sustained and depended on removing the high costs associated with disabled children and chronically sick, unemployed adults (Troubled Families, Green Man Books,2015,ISBN 978-1514170588). Pickles was challenged about the numbers in the House by Hilary Benn MP. Pickles responded

'The Rt. Hon. gentleman made a number of points on how we can demonstrate success and square the £1.2 billion with the £9 billion...this is notoriously difficult because governments of all types are absolutely terrible at measuring outcomes'


In June 2013, the UK government announced its intention to extend this intensive help to 400,000 more families, committing £200 million in funding in 2015 to 2016. It expects, for every £4,000 spent on a family, an annual saving of £15,000 in the costs of the police, health and social services in dealing with the family.[6]


  1. "Helping troubled families turn their lives around". Retrieved 2014-02-03.
  2. "Louise Casey CB". 2013-07-16. Retrieved 2014-02-03.
  3. 1 2 3 "Listening to Troubled Families: A report by Louise Casey CB, Department for Communities and Local Government, Department for Communities and Local Government" (PDF). Retrieved 2014-02-03.
  4. "Gloucestershire County Council |Families First". Retrieved 2014-02-03.
  5. "Welsh Government|Families First". Retrieved 2014-02-03.
  6. 1 2 Department for Communities and Local Government (2013-11-25). "Troubled Families programme on track at half way stage - Press releases". GOV.UK. Retrieved 2014-02-03.
  7. Patrick Wintour. "Eric Pickles hails progress in tackling 'troubled families' | Society". The Guardian. Retrieved 2014-02-03.
  8. Steve Doughty (2013-11-26). "£450m scheme for problem families to turn their lives around helps just 1,500 parents find work | Mail Online". Retrieved 2014-02-03.
  9. Decca Aitkenhead. "Troubled Families head Louise Casey: 'What's missing is love' | Society". The Guardian. Retrieved 2014-02-03.

External links

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