Troyki is a form of Khowar/Chitrali poetry initiated by the khowar poet rachitrali. Unlike sher, a Troyki consists of three "hemistichs" (misras). The first two are complete in themselves but the addition of the third misra gives a new dimension.[1]
A beautiful example of Rachitrali's Troyki:
- اللہ مہ خودای تہ نام رحمان دی رحیم دی
- تو غفار دی، غفورالرحیم دی
- کرم کوس اسپہ سورا تو رب کریم دی
- Transliteration
- Allah ma khodai, ta nam Rahman di Raheem di
- tu ghaffar di, ghafoor-ur-Raheem di
- karam kos ispa sora tu Rabb-e-Karim di !!
- Translation
- O my Allah! Your name is Rahman and Raheem
- You are Ghaffar also, and you are Ghafoor-ur-Raheem
- O Allah Help us, you are Rabb-e-Karim
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