United Nations Trust Territories

For the United States trust territory, see Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.

United Nations trust territories were the successors of the remaining League of Nations mandates, and came into being when the League of Nations ceased to exist in 1946. All of the trust territories were administered through the United Nations Trusteeship Council. The one territory not turned over was South-West Africa, which South Africa insisted remained under the League of Nations Mandate. It eventually gained independence in 1990 as Namibia. The main objection was that the trust territory guidelines required that the lands be prepared for independence and majority rule.

The concept is distinct from a territory temporarily and directly governed by the United Nations.

Trust territories (and administering powers)

Former German Schutzgebiete

All these territories previously were League of Nations mandates.

Former German and/or Japanese colonies

Palau District Police greet the UN Visiting Mission to the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (1973)
Arrival of UN Visiting Mission in Majuro, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (1978). The sign reads "Please release us from the bondage of your trusteeship agreement."

These territories were also former League of Nations mandates.

Former Italian possessions

Proposed trust territories


  1. Gang Man-gil (1994). "한국사 17: 분단구조의 정착 1" ["17 Korean history: the settlement of the division structure 1"], pp. 133–137. 한길사 [Hangilsa], ISBN 978-89-356-0086-1
  2. "The United States and the Recognition of Israel: A Chronology". Compiled by Raymond H. Geselbracht from Harry S. Truman and the Founding of Israel (Westport, Connecticut, 1997) by Michael T. Benson. Harry S. Truman Library and Museum. Retrieved 3 August 2014.


External links

Media related to United Nations Trust Territories at Wikimedia Commons

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