Twitch (TV series)
Twitch is an American reality television show which ran between 1995 and 1997, and was the first nationally broadcast weekly video game review show, a predecessor for such shows as Attack Of The Show! and GameTrailers TV. It was created and produced by "Unity Entertainment" based out of Denver, Colorado and was a staple program for the TV! television network (as it was known in 1995) as its chief nationwide distributor.
The series ended after its distributor TV! was bought out and its entire programming bloc replaced with an all-movie format under the Encore Plex banner at the start of the year in 1997.
Cast & Crew
- Host: Matt Gallant
- Director: Various
- Executive Producer: Jim Berger
- Cinematography: Robert F. Smith
- Film Editor: Chris Offutt
- Production Design: Chris Jones
- Stunts: Tim Drnec
External links
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