Tysk Hudindustri
Tysk Hudindustri (Danish for "German Flesh Industry") is the third studio album from the Danish heavy metal band Red Warszawa.
The album has the under-title "Greatest Hits 1986-2000 Volume 3".
Track listing
- Heavy for dig (Heavy for you)
- Amok
- KKK-Salat (KKK-Salad)
- Pludselig Får Du Et Cirkelspark Af Folk Du Ikke Kender (Suddenly you get circle-kicked by people you don't know)
- Der Vil Altid Være en Straf (There will always be a punishment)
- Tråkker (Trucker - but intentionally misspelled with a Danish 'å')
- Bilerne ud af Byen (The cars out of town)
- Tror Du det er For Sjov Jeg Drikker (Do you think I drink for fun)
- EPO-Sangen (The EPO-song)
- Æggemad (Egg-sandwich)
- Brun (Brown)
- Wie Dumm Kann Mann Sein (German for 'How stupid can you be')
- Prost (German for 'Cheers')
- Narko og Porno (Drugs and Porn)
- Beige
- Hesteviskeren (The Horse Whisperer)
- Svensk/Finsk Løsning (Swedish/Finnish Solution)
- Messermann (German for 'Knife Man')
Bonus track: BBBMPVHNK
- Jens Mondrup
- Henning Nymand
- Morten Nielsen
- Matthias Pedersen
| | Studio albums | |
| Compilations | |
| Live albums |
- Live Aus Kaiser Bierwurst Halle
- Stive I Pumpen
| Videos |
- Polsk Punk På P-Dagen
- Jeg Bor I Det Sølvgrå Kuppeltelt
- Stive Gamle Mænd Som Stønner
| Singles | |
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