For other uses, see Uffa.

UFFA (Norwegian: Ungdom for fri aktivitet; English: Youth for free activity) is an anarchist youth house in Trondheim, Norway. The house provides a location where youths are free to hang out, spending their time by attending concerts, playing Foosball and socializing with their friends. In the weekends, concerts with bands (usually local or regional punk-bands) like Rama Lama -das Pönkabteilung, Mob 47, Brutal Kuk, Bitre Barn, Tomrom are held.

Political stance

UFFA is politically active and has, among other things, participated in anti-racist demonstrations and demonstrations against the NATO summit in Åre. They are against racism, homophobia, sexual discrimination and capitalism. In contrast to the attitude of Marxist UngMob/Blitz Environment in Oslo, UFFA is predominantly anarchist in view, and has locally been clearly less militant than Blitz has been in Oslo. This approach was made possible through the decision of the Trondheim police and politicians to take a relatively pragmatic approach to the phenomenon of youthful autonomy. Trøndelag has an extended, far-reaching radical tradition which informed the municipal approach in setting up a relationship with UFFA, and harsh confrontations, as between the conservative management of Oslo municipality and Blitz, were avoided. UFFAs external positions promoting anarchy and autonomy are in clear contrast to their marked willingness to cooperate internally on political and administrative matters, both in relation to the UFFA-house and in the nearby Svartlamo neighborhood.

The balanced local approach does not completely suppress strong political action. In December 2006 people from both UFFA and Blitz participated in the violent demonstrations supporting their compatriots in Copenhagen, and several were arrested. UFFA and Svartlamo'n blocked traffic on Trondheim's streets but let public transport through. The demonstration picketed the Danish Consulate.[1]


UFFA was established in 1981, and has been in continual operation since then. The original location in Kjøpmannsgata burned in 1982. UFFA signed an agreement with Trondheim municipality and resumed shortly after at the current premises on Innherredsveien (taking over the defunct Østbyen kindergarten).[2]

UFFA was established as an independent place, where everyone can do what they want.

UFFA includes a number of facilities that encourage youth to seek their own identity and structure. One example is the Ivar Matlaus Bokkafé. The café is named after a Norwegian anarchist named Ivar Mortensson-Egnund, who among other things, lectured the Norwegian people about politics, religion and social issues. One of the lectures he held was named “Matløysa i Noreg”. Translated to English it means “Foodless in Norway”. After this lecture he was called “Ivar Matlaus” – or “Foodless Ivar” in English.[2]


At UFFA the youth are enabled to do whatever they have an interest in. Participant can, as an example, form a theater group, participate in political meetings, paint graffiti, be a chef in their café, or "run around naked and scream like an elephant." Specific activities include:[3]

The broader context

UFFA shares characteristics with a number of anarchist, communist and socialist communities in Scandinavia. Other examples include the Blitz (movement) in Oslo, the Ungdomshuset in Copenhagen, Kafé 44 in Stockholm and Freetown Christiania in Copenhagen.


  1. "Ungdomshuset eviction protests - News from 4th day (English translation from Modkraft.dk)". Retrieved 21 May 2009.
  2. 1 2 "Historikk" (Norwegian). Retrieved 20 May 2009.
  3. "Om UFFA". Retrieved 20 May 2009.
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