UNIMAS Student Representative Council

UNIMAS Student Representative Council
Institution Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
Location Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia
Established 1993
Members c. 8,000 total
Affiliations nil.
Website http://www.unimas.my/

The UNIMAS Student Representative Council is the official students' union of Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), representing the interests of its members to the university and the outside world. It is better known in UNIMAS by its acronym, MPP UNIMAS. It exists to represent UNIMAS students in University decision-making, to act as the voice of students in the national higher education policy debate, and to provide direct services to the student body.


The university was officially incorporated on 24 December 1992. With about 30 academic staff, the University opened its doors to the first batch of 118 students on 8 August 1993. The students were registered in the two pioneering faculties, the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Resource Sciences and Technology.

The first ever campus election was held on 24 November 1993 and the cabinet members of the first UNIMAS Student Representative Council was officially installed on 29 November 1993. Throughout the years, the number of seats have changed due to the changing number of faculties the student represented. The first batch of the UNIMAS Student Representative Council has a total of eight cabinet members and the current cabinet has twelve members - the smallest number among all 20 Student Representative Councils from Malaysian public universities.



Reflecting the federated nature of UNIMAS itself, MPP UNIMAS is both an association of UNIMAS' more than 7,000 individual students and a federation of the Residential College Student Representative, the 40 odd clubs and societies and the Faculty Student Associations that represent all students at the University's eight faculties.


MPP UNIMAS is financed by a block grant from the University known as the Student Activity Vote and the usage of the grant is controlled through special grants for specific projects, activities and positions, approved by the Paperwork Approval Committee chaired by the Deputy Vice Chansellor of the Student Affairs and Alumni.

MPP UNIMAS' primary activities are: the Freshmen Orientation Week, the Students' Award Gala Night, etc.


UNIMAS MPP is led by a 12-member Executive Committee whereby all of them are part-time officers who serve while continuing their studies. Unlike some student council, MPP UNIMAS does not have sabbatical officers.

The Secretariat of MPP UNIMAS acts as the sovereign body of the MPP UNIMAS, and the number of eligible members changes every year.

Former UNIMAS Student Representative Council Members

Year Title Name College
1993-94 President Mr. Mustaffa Kamal Hj Shamsudin
Deputy President Mr. Layang Unam
1994-95 President Mr. Mustaffa Kamal Hj Shamsudin
Deputy President Mr. Ahmad Taufiq Ismail
1995-96 President Mr. Mohd Adi Ismail
Deputy President Mr. Abdul Halim Busari
1996-97 President Mr. Abdul Halim Haji Busari
Deputy President Mr. Mohd Nazlan Annuar
1997-98 President Mr. Khairul Izlan Salim
Deputy President Mr. Mohd Affendy Arip
1998-99 President Mr. Abdul Taib Mohd Kolek
Deputy President Mr. Gunasilar a/l Munusamy
1999-2000 President Mr. Mohd Hafiz Mohamed Sabilan
Deputy President Ms. Halimaton Duriah Yunus
2000-01 President Mr. Awang Adih Tuah
Deputy President Mr. Abdul Azis Mohd Sharkawi
2001-02 President Mr. Awang Mohd Najib Awang Chee
Deputy President Mr. Mohammad Zulhusni Abdul Aziz
2002-03 President Mr. Abdul Hamidiee Ibrahim
Deputy President 1 Mr. Ibrahim Hermanto Jepon
Deputy President 2 Mr. Faris Indra Prahasta Didi Indra
Academic and Character Development EXCO Mr. Faisal Ali Anwarali Khan
2003-04 President Ms. Siti Salwa Ahmad Zur
Deputy President Mr. Anwar Che Seman
General Secretary Ms. Noorlizawati Suhaili
Honorary Treasurer Mr. Jason Tie Ching Ho
Public and International Relations EXCO Mr. Mohd Fahmi Shukur Ramli
Protocol and Logistics EXCO Mr. Muhammad Abdul Syahid Saari
Housing and Facilities EXCO Mr. Mohd Zaky Awg Jaya
Women Affairs and Special Tasks EXCO Ms. Siti Nur Amini Mohd Amin
Welfare and Social EXCO Ms. Hairi Waznati Abdul Razak
Academic and Character Development EXCO Ms. Haryati Hani Abdul Aziz
Information and Multimedia EXCO Ms. Siti Hafsah Hj Mohammad Hashim
Arts and Culture EXCO Ms. Zamlia Hamdan
Sports and Recreation EXCO Mr. Hanafi Mohammad
2004-05 President Mr. MD Roslan Abd Wahab Kenanga College
Deputy President Ms. Sharnaz Saberi Non-Resident
General Secretary Mr. Jamaludin Suhaimi
Honorary Treasurer Ms. Maryanni Masarip
Public Relations and Protocol EXCO Mr. Mohammad Shahfiz Azman
Facilities and Welfare EXCO Mr. Hafizurrahman Mazlan
Academic and Career EXCO Ms. Nor Hazirah Mohamad Nor
Women Affairs EXCO Ms. Siti Normah Yusup
Character and Social Development EXCO Mr. Ahmad Fithri Azam Abdul Rahman
Arts and Culture EXCO Ms. Habsah Abdullah
Information and Publication EXCO Mr. Lim Soon Kiat
Sports and Recreation EXCO Mr. Chin Did Sing
2005-06 President Mr. Halik Azrul Omar Seroja College
Deputy President Mr. Faizul Adenan Tun Ahmad Zaidi College
General Secretary Ms. Affezah Ali Alamanda College
Honorary Treasurer Ms. Carrie Grace Jaymess Seroja College
Academic and Career EXCO Mr. Rahmatul Khair Thahir Alamanda College
Arts and Culture EXCO Ms. Zaitil Hasma Zulkifli Seroja College
Sports and Recreation EXCO Mr. Mohd Hafiz Mohammad Salleh Alamanda College
Welfare and Facilities EXCO Ms. Rosshazeela Roslan Alamanda College
Information and Publication EXCO Ms. Izora Lim Fung Nie Kenanga College
Character and Social Development EXCO Mr. Mohd Fauze Mahad Jais Medical College
Alumni and Internationalization EXCO Ms. Zulaikha Abdullah Alamanda College
Protocol and Public Relations EXCO Mr. Mohd Anwarikram Ideris Seroja College
2006-07 President Mr. Azli Ramli Alamanda College
Deputy President Ms. Nur Fazlin Shazana Mohd Safiai Bunga Raya College
General Secretary Ms. Dayang Norafizan Awang Chee Sakura College
Honorary Treasurer Mr. Tengku Ahmad Faisal Tengku Rahim Tun Ahmad Zaidi College
Academics and Internationalization EXCO Mr. Nikk Adam Abdillah Kipalli Kenanga College
Information and Publication EXCO Ms. Siti Najwa Abdul Hamid Bunga Raya College
Welfare and Safety EXCO Mr. Soosai Selvanathan Bunga Raya College
Arts and Culture EXCO Ms. Siti Mariani Hamlin Bunga Raya College
Logistics and Facilities EXCO Mr. Mohammad Zulkifli Abdullah Alamanda College
Character and Social Development EXCO Mr. Mohammad Syahrizan Ahmad Medical College
Protocol and Public Relations EXCO Ms. Adlina Sojep Bunga Raya College
Sports and Recreation EXCO Mr. Muhd Dzulhelmi Muhd Nasir Tun Ahmad Zaidi College
2007-08 President Mr. Idzhar Shaffarrul bin Hasli Kenanga College
Deputy President Ms. Nurul Aina Rosnan Sakura College
General Secretary Mr. Zainuddin bin Kamarudin Tun Ahmad Zaidi College
Honorary Treasurer Mr. Abdul Hadi bin Abdul Wahab Cempaka College
Academics and Alumni EXCO Mr.Venu Mahendra a/l Muniandy Bunga Raya College
Information and Publication EXCO Mr. Abdul Hasif Abdurasid Allamanda College
Welfare and Safety EXCO Mr. Larry ak Asu Bunga Raya College
Arts and Culture EXCO Mr. Muhamad Danial Haziq Bin Baharudin Allamanda College
Character and Social Development EXCO Md Hanis Izzat Ali Shubra Mullisi Medical College
Protocol EXCO Mr. Rahman Maslan Allamanda College
Public & International Relations EXCO Mr. Nikk Adam Abdillah Kipalli Seroja College
Sports and Recreation EXCO Mr. Ang Wee Kien Bunga Raya College
2013-14 President Mr. Mohamad Zulhilmy B. Abd Manan Bunga Raya College
Deputy President Mr. Mohd. Rahmat B. A. Rahman Bunga Raya College
General Secretary Ms. Sitti Sahimah Bt Mohamad Aslam Cempaka College
Honorary Treasurer Ms. Foo Mei Qi Non-Resident
Academics and Internationalization EXCO Mr.Jaiyogesh Ramesh Patel Non-Resident
Information, Multimedia and Publication EXCO Mr. Muhammad Ilyas B. Ahmad Cempaka College
Welfare and Facilities EXCO Mr. Wong Ceh Yung Non-Resident
Arts, Culture, Scholarly and Postgraduate EXCO Ms. Siti Nur Sarah Bt. Abdull Razak Allamanda College
Character and Social Development EXCO Ms. Hannan Bt. Abdul Hamid Bunga Raya College
Protocol and Public Relations EXCO Mr. Khairul Anwar B. Junus Cempaka College
Safety and Transportation EXCO Mr. Mohd Amin B. Mohd Ismail Tun Ahmad Zaidi College
Sports and Recreation EXCO Mr. Mohd Azman B. Md Zakaria Non-Resident
Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Career EXCO Mr. Syamsul Adli B. Zaharudin Bunga Raya College

See also

External links

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