Ukrainian Research Institute of Archival Affairs and Records Management

Address:vul. Solomianska, 24
Telephones:+38 (044) 275-13-74
Fax:+38 (044) 275-13-74
Transport:trolleybus № 3, 40 (stop of trolleybus. "Vulitsja Andrija Golovka")
Burn-time:From Monday to Friday 9:00-18:00
Director:Oleksandr Garanin

The Ukrainian Research Institute of Archival Affairs and Record Keeping (URIAARK)


03110 г.Киев, vul. Solomianska, 24

History of URIAARK

The Ukrainian Research Institute of Archival Affairs and Record Keeping is a government budget research agency in a system of state archives of Ukraine and is subordinated to the State Archival Service of Ukraine.

The main objective of the institute is setting and solving scientific, theoretical, normative and methodological problems connected with the development of Archival Affairs and Record Keeping.

Institute began to function under orders from Chief of Archival Administration under the Cabinet of Minister of Ukraine November 1, 1994 number 45 an the basis of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of 24 December 1993 № 3815-XII “On the Order of bringing into force the Law of Ukraine “On National Archival Fond and Archival Institutions” and Resolution of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on 16 May 1994 № 311 “On founding in Kyiv the Ukrainian State Research Institute of Archival Affairs and Record Keeping”. As in the institute were: department of archives studies with archival history and theory of archives sectors, conservation of documents, National archive fund formation, research and reference system and accounting documents; records department; research and information department. In 1998 to improve management institute and rational frame the structure has been reorganized as follows: department of history and theory of archives, department of physical and chemical research, repartment of theory and technology of national archive fund, department of scientific and help staff and accounting documents, the department documentation, scientific information department with scientific and technical information sector. Since January 2002 the current structure of the institute was established. In 2001 because of the reorganization the name of the Institute the term "State" was removed.

The first appointed director of URIAARK was V.P. Lyahotsky (candidate of historical sciences). During 2001-2009 Matyash I.B.(professor, doctor of historical sciences);and now Garanin O.Y. (candidate of historical sciences) holds the position of director.

In April 2003, according to the order of Certifying Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 02.28.2003, the (protocol number 112) in the institute is open department of postgraduate distance learning, specialty 07.00.06 - historiography, and special historical disciplines, and in November 2004 at the graduate specialty was opened 07.00.01 - History of Ukraine (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 01.11.2004, № 834).For both specialties graduated seven students and continues to study five graduate students.

In May 2003 under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of May 22, 2003 № 265, according to the resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Attestation Commission of Ukraine on May 21, 2003 № 3-11/5 the Institute established a specialized academic council K 26.864 .01 with the right of consideration and protection of theses for the degree of candidate of historical sciences specialties: 07.00.06 - historiography, and special historical disciplines, 27.00.02 - Documents and Archives. During this period, Specialized Academic Council defended 44 thesis for the degree of candidate of historical sciences. The Institute researchers conducted more than 170 scientific and teaching materials including the manuals, guides, industry and government standards, rules, orders, regulations, industry standards, guidelines, analytical reviews and so forth. Together with the State Committee on Archives of Ukraine, archival institutions, academic institutions and other organizations 26 scientific conferences, readings, seminars, round tables were conducted. Among them, the international scientific conference "Ukrainian Archives: Current Status and Perspectives," Archival and library science in Ukraine struggle for liberation era (1917-1921 biennium), "Archives - part of information resources", "Archives and Area Studies: Ways of integration", "Current state and prospects of Documentation", "Arhives Studies as science" and scientific and practical seminar on "Archival ucrainica: search, registration and acquisition of archives". Institute launched Issue 5 periodicals and publications, 2 of which (the annual "Studies of Archives and Records" and archeographic annual "Interests") are included to scientific professional publications in Ukraine, which can publish results of dissertations for the degree doctoral degrees. Among the Institute staff - 3 doctors and 16 candidates. 2 employees with academic rank of professor, 5 - Senior Scientist, 3 - Associate Professor.

The staff of the Institute is noted by the Cabinet Council of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Union of ethnographers Gratitude (2004). Employees of the institute were awarded with certificates of honor and gratitude of the State Committee on Archives of Ukraine, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Ukraine, Kyiv city and Solomensky district administrations.

Structure of URIAARK

Principal activities of URIAARK

URIAARK Postgraduate program

Since February 28, 2003 in the Ukrainian Research Institute Archives and Records opened postgraduate specialty 07.00.06 - historiography, and special historical disciplines, and from November 1, 2004 opened a specialty 07.00.01 - History of Ukraine. Opening of the graduate program provides a complete system of multilevel training of scientific personnel for the archival field, qualitative growth of archival education in universities of different levels of accreditation,supporting the state archival institutions with highly qualified scientific personnel. Activities are regulated by Regulations of the postgraduate training of scientific and pedagogical staff (Cabinet Resolution on 01.03.1999 № 309) The Institute has two departments - Archival Studies and Documentation, Research is closely linked to sectors of the Postgraduate program.

Scientific support training graduate students - are 6 Doctors of History and 11 Candidates of Historical Sciences. For information on specialties of postgraduate studies in the system of the State Committee of Ukraine there are central, regional and city archives, which store important documents; substantial assistance in the research provides a scientific reference library CSA (Central State Archives) sector of Ukraine and Scientific and Technical Information Institute, which serves as the Scientific Services Branch Technical Information (SSBTI) for Archives and Records, the main task of which is to provide scientific and technical information of archival institutions in Ukraine. Training graduate students at the graduate institute are: - the state order - at the expense of the entities and individuals under contract - based on agreements between the institute and archives. Currently (beginning of 2011) in graduate study there are five graduate students: 2 - first year, 2 - third and 1 - fourth year of study. Of these, specialty 07.00.06 - historiography, and special historical disciplines - 4 graduate and specialty 07.00.01 - History of Ukraine - 1 graduate student.

International Relations of URIAARK

The last decade of the Institute is marked with strengthening of creative contacts with foreign colleagues: All-Russian Research Institute of Documentation and Archives, Belarusian Research Institute of Documentation and Archives.

Trilateral Ukrainian-Russian-Belarusian agreement on cooperation in the field of Archival and Records was signed November 2, 1999 It became the subject of a full-scale cooperation in the implementation of joint research projects, publishing collections of documents and scientific publications, conducting scientific and practical conferences, seminars, symposiums, mutual review of research works and theses, information on routine work and activities (conferences, seminars, etc.), exchange of bibliographic and reference information in the field of documentation and archives, and also scientific and methodological developments in all areas. The result of fruitful cooperation of The Institute with the Institute of History and Archives of the Russian State Humanitarian University was the publication in 2008, "Ukrainian archival Encyclopedia (Ukrainian archival Encyclopedia / State Committee of Ukraine. URIAR; Editorial: IB Matias (chairman) and others., K. , 2008. - c. 680). Its importance lies in the consolidation of achievements of national archival science and determine its place among other branches of historical science and related subjects, representing the historical experience of Ukrainian archives and their prominent representatives clarify the role of Ukraine in the world Archival space. This goal allows for release in the last decade, science humanities from "classic Soviet ideologies", "return" and the names of prominent Ukrainian archivists and promotes increased access to archival information. Together with the Gomel State University named after F. Skoryna under an agreement signed in 1999, prepared a collection of articles and documents about the famous historian, archivists, teacher-MV Dovnar Zapolskiy (Даследчык гісторыі трох народаў: М. В. Доўнар-Запольскі: Зб. навук. артыкулаў і дакументаў / Гомельскі дзярж. ун-т імя Ф. Скарыны; Брянскі дзярж. пед. ін-т імя І. Пятроўскага; УДНДІАСД, Речыцкі гарадскі выканкам; Пад рэд. В.М. Лебедзевай. - Гомель; Рэчыца, 2000. - 293 с.); signed a bibliography and a register of archival collections that contain documents about the life and career of MV-Zapolskogo Dovnar (Мітрафан Віктаравіч Доўнар-Запольскі: Біябібліягр. паказальнік / Гомельскі дзярж. ун-т імя Ф. Скарыны; Беларускі навукова-даследчы ін-т дакументазнаўства і архіўнай справы; Нацыянальны архіў Рэспублікі Беларусь; Украінскі дзярж. навукова-даследчы ін-т архіўнай справы і дакументазнаўства; Бранскі дзярж. пед. ун-т імя акадэміка І. Г. Пятроўскага; Уклад.: В. М. Лебедзева (кіраўнік), В. У. Скалабан, Т. М. Махнач, І. Б. Матяш, Р. У. Рамановскі, С. С. Артамонова та ін. - Выд. 2-е, дапов. - Мінск, 2007. - 168 с.). Employees of the Institute took part in Dovnarivsk Readings (Rechytsia, Belarus), and teachers of the university - in scientific conferences held at the URIAR.

In order to further development of Ukrainian-Canadian scientific and cultural relations in 2007 the Institute has signed a cooperation agreement with the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta. One of the articles of the agreement provides for detection of archival documents in Canadian archives ukrainika and preparation of joint publications in Ukrainian and English “Archive Ukrainika in Canada. Guide”. In pursuance of that article of the contract director of the Institute Professor. I. Matias monograph was prepared (Matias I. Archival Ukrainika in Canada: Historiography, typology, content / Iryna Matyas, State Committee of Ukraine, URIAR, NAS (National Academy of Sciences) of Ukraine, Institute of Ukrainian Archeology and Source Studiesnamed after M.S. Grushevsky, Canadian Institute for Ukrainian Studies at the University of Alberta - K.: Horobets, 2008. - 152 p.: ill.). 2010 was published a comprehensive guide about documents of Ukrainian cultural heritage and documents of foreign origin connected with history of Ukraine and Ukrainians (archival Ukrainika); the heritage had place in the archives, museums-archives and libraries of Canada (state, private and public) (Archival Ukrainika in Canada: guide/ Eds.: I. Matias (leader), R. Romanovsky, M. Kovtun etc.; State Committee of Ukraine, Russian scientific-research Institute for Archives and Records, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies in Alberta University. - K., 2010. - 882 p.). The guide is the result of fruitful cooperation between scientists of the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies and the Ukrainian Research Institute Archives and Records of the National Archives of Ukraine. The publication contains information about the structure and contents of archival documents of Ukrainika, stored in 57 archival institutions in Canada. Guide also includes a bibliography of archival Ukrainika of Canada, reference tools are index names and index of institutions, organizations, churches. Launch will be held April 19, 2010 the Canadian Embassy in Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine). In the near future editions will also be presented at the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta (Edmonton, Canada). Effectiveness of scientific cooperation URIAR with foreign archival evidence and publishing institute. To spread scientific ideas in the field of archives, the publication of research results in the theory and methodology of Archival Studies, documentation, and special historical disciplines, the publication of archival documents was established in 1996 academic edition UNDIASD "Studies of Archives and Records, 1998 - archeographic Yearbook "Monuments", 1999 - The interdepartmental scientific collection of "Archives Studies. Archeology. Chronology. " Members of the editorial boards of these publications are M.V. Larin, E.V. Starostin (Russian Federation), A.E. Rybakov, S. Zhumar, M.F. Shumeyko (Belarus). In the yearbook, "Studies of Archives and Records" special section devoted to the development of archives in foreign countries, on the pages of periodicals Institute regularly publishes articles by Russian, Belarusian, Polish, German, Canadian authors.

Print media of URIAARK

URIAARK communications with Mass Media

Leaders of URIAARK in the chronological order

Reference to the sources

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