Ukrainian Wikipedia

Ukrainian Wikipedia

Logo of the Ukrainian Wikipedia

The logo of Ukrainian Wikipedia, a globe featuring glyphs from several writing systems
Web address
Slogan Ukrainian: Вільна енциклопедія (The Free Encyclopedia)
Commercial No
Type of site
Internet encyclopedia project
Registration Optional (but required to create articles)
Available in Ukrainian
Users 316077
Owner Wikimedia Foundation

The Ukrainian Wikipedia (Ukrainian: Українська Вікіпедія, Ukrayins'ka Vikipediya) is the Ukrainian language edition of the free online encyclopedia Wikipedia. The first article was written on January 30, 2004. Currently (May 2016), Ukrainian Wikipedia has 633,965 articles and is the 16th largest Wikipedia edition.[1]

Quality of articles and popularity

In the Ukrainian Wikipedia one area of knowledge has been covered to an extent greater than all other Wikipedias — the subject of mining, due to the considerable contribution by one person, Volodymyr Biletsky, a professor at Donetsk National Technical University. Using as a basis his published Encyclopedia of Mining, Biletsky has contributed over 10,000 articles on the subject to Ukrainian Wikipedia.[2] Also, in 2013 the Institute of History of Ukraine at the National Academy of Science gave permission to the Ukrainian Wikipedia to use the digital version of the Encyclopedia of Ukraine's History that was published online. The Higher School Academy of Science and Forest Engineering also allowed Wikipedia to freely use their information resources.[3]

One of the areas where activity is notable is in Wiki Loves Monuments project, an annual international photo contest focused on cultural and historical monuments. Ukrainian Wikipedians were ranked 4th among 36 participating countries for the number of uploads of images as part of this project in 2012.[3][4] In 2014 Ukrainian Wikipedians were winners.

Articles about the history of Ukrainian language

A significant number of articles in Ukrainian Wikipedia relate to the history of the development of the Ukrainian language. A study in August 2012 counted over 8,000 articles mentioning the term "Ukrainian language" and over 1,400 articles with the term "history of Ukrainian language" and concluded that collectively represented a good coverage of its history and concepts. Articles about the history of Ukrainian language included articles about early publications like bibles printed in Ukrainian, grammar books, changes in phonetics through time, Ukrainian calligraphy, history of Ukrainian language within the context of the Soviet Union, linguicide and the banning of Ukrainian language by the Russian Government.[5]

Articles about history and science

At the end of 2012 Ukrainian Wikipedia contained over 1,500 articles relating to Ukrainian history.[6] As of June 2012 the Ukrainian Wikipedia contained 52 specific articles about Ukrainian astronomers and astronomo-geodesists, which have now been collated into a published book.[7]


On January 21, 2014, the Ukrainian Wikipedia community decided to block access to the portal every day between 4:00 and 4:30 PM in protest of "dictatorship laws" in Ukraine, that restrict the freedom of speech and pose a threat to the portal.[8][9]


Ukrainian Wikipedia
Articles 633965
Files 79722
Edits 18268441
Users 316077
Active users[10] 2708
Admins 45

On October 1, 2005, Ukrainian Wikipedia reached the 20,000-article mark. The milestone of 250,000 articles was officially reached on 21 December 2010, and 860,000 people had viewed 30 million articles in that month alone.[11]

By 2012, with over 400,000 articles and 100 million words, Ukrainian Wikipedia many times over had content larger than the largest printed encyclopedia at that time — the Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedia.[2]

As of May 2016, Ukrainian Wikipedia has 633965 articles and nearly 2.5 million visitors every day.[12][13] Ukrainian Wikipedia at that time was on the 16th place in the ranking of the World's Wikipedias.[12]


Growth in the number of Ukrainian Wikipedia articles between 2004 and 2015.

Notes and references

  1. List of Wikipedias
  2. 1 2 Бондаренко, А. І. ("Bondarernko, A. I.) (15–16 November 2012). "Вікіпедія як освітній ресурс: досягнення і перспективи". In Божкова, В. В. Електронні засоби та дистанційні технології для навчання протягом життя : тези доповідей. VIII Міжнародної науково-методичної конференції. Sumy, Ukraine: Сумський державний університет ("Sumy National University"). pp. 25–28. Retrieved 22 September 2013.
  3. 1 2 Lykhohliad, Kateryna (2013-02-05). "Ukrainian Wikipedia turns nine". День ("The Day") newspaper newspaper. Retrieved 22 September 2013.
  4. "Wiki Loves Monuments". Wikimedia Foundation. Retrieved 22 September 2013.
  5. Чирков, Олег (Oleh Chyrkov) (2012). "Історія української мови у вільній енциклопедії — Вікіпедії українською, російською, білоруською мовами ("History of Ukrainian language in the free encyclopedia Wikipedia in Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian languages)" (PDF). Українознавство ("Ukrainian Studies") (in Ukrainian) 3: 91–95. Archived from the original (PDF) on September 27, 2013.
  6. Чирков, Олег (Oleh Chyrkov) (2012). "Історія України XV–XVII століть в вільній енциклопедії — Вікіпедії українською мовою ("History of Ukraine 15th-17th Centuries in the Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia in Ukrainian)" (PDF). Українознавство ("Ukrainian Studies") (in Ukrainian) 4: 48–54. Archived from the original (PDF) on September 27, 2013.
  7. Litnarovych, Ruslan Mykolaiovych. Українські астрономи. За матеріалами Вікіпедії станом на 10.06.2012 р. ("Ukrainian astronomers. Using material from Wikipedia as of 10.06.2012"). Rivne, Ukraine.
  8. Iryna Yeroshko (2014-01-21). "Ukrainian Wikipedia protests law curbing free speech". Retrieved 2014-03-06.
  9. Вікіпедія:Закон № 721-VII — Вікіпедія, Retrieved 2014-03-06
  10. Registered users who have performed an action in the last 30 days; the number of unregistered active users is not compiled
  11. 1 2 Pantages, Moka (2010-12-23). "Ukrainian Wikipedia Reaches 250,000 Article Milestone". Wikimedia Foundation. Retrieved 22 September 2013.
  12. 1 2 List of Wikipedias
  13. Page Views for Wikipedia, All Platforms, Normalized

External links

Ukrainian edition of Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Ukrainian Wikipedia.
Wikivoyage has a travel guide for Ukrainian phrasebook.
Ukrainian test of Wiktionary at Wikimedia Incubator
This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Tuesday, April 19, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.