Uladzimir Levaneuski

Uladzimir Levaneuski

Włodzimierz Lewoniewski
Born (1986-01-28) 28 January 1986
Grodno, Belarus
Website http://lewoniewski.info

Uladzimir Levaneuski (Belarusian: Уладзімір Леване́ўскі, Russian: Владимир Левоневский, Polish: Włodzimierz Lewoniewski) is a public figure and the former Chairman of the Strike Committee (2004-2006). He is the son of the former political prisoner Valery Levaneuski.


Uladzimir was born on January 28, 1986 in Grodno in a large family. In 2010 he graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. Two years later he graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, and got his Master's degree in management.[1] In 2012, Uladzimir began his doctoral studies in the Department of Information Systems at the Poznań University of Economics.[2]

Social activities


He actively participated in organizing protest actions in defense of the rights of citizens, was the organizer of political meetings and strikes of entrepreneurs, Deputy Chairman of the Strike Committee of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Belarus, Deputy Chief Editor of the all-republican Bulletin “The Employer”.

November 11, 2001 - Uladzimir and his brother Dmitry was arrested by security service at the merchandise market Dynamo in Minsk for distribution of “The Employer” and “Stadium” bulletins with information about the legislation. Later, version of the reason for detention was changed – young people were detained for identity check.[3]

June 19, 2002 - Uladzimir was detained by police at “Central” market in Grodno. He distributed a letter to entrepreneurs that his father wrote to them from prison cell No. 4 of police station of Oktyabrskoye Regional Department of Internal Affairs in Grodno.[4][5]

April 30, 2004 - He was arrested by the Committee for State Security and police in Grodno at “Korona” market for distributing leaflets. Two seizure protocols were drawn up.[6]

A few days later, on May 3, 2004, during the next protest action of entrepreneurs, Uladzimir was sentenced to 13 days in prison for organizing meetings (on May 1, 2004 and May 3, 2004).[7][8] Besides, he was fined for 95,000 Belarusian rubles.[9]

On July 21, 2004, a criminal case was instituted under Art. 342 of the Criminal Code of Belarus – “Organizing Unauthorized Meeting” (arrest term up to 3 years),[10] but in week, charges were dropped from him and his father.[11]

On November 13, 2005, Uladzimir Levaneuski was detained again at the Central market of Grodno. Police seized all printed materials he had (information bulletin “The Employer”, newspaper “Information Exchange”), referring to Art. 244 of the Administrative Offences Code of the Republic of Belarus.[12]

December 22, 2005 - The police detained Uladzimir at the Central market of Grodno for distributing information bulletin “The Employer”.[13] Later, in February 2006, the authorities required him to pay a fine.[14][15]

March 2, 2007 - Uldazimir was detained by police at the “Korona” market in Grodno for distributing information materials about the meeting of entrepreneurs, scheduled for March 12.[16]

In 2004-2006, Uladzimir was the Acting Chairman of the Strike Committee. During this time, the Committee has expanded its activities and was actively engaged in protection of rights of prisoners, demanded from prison administration and the Administration of the Department of Corrections of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus to strictly comply with the law and the rights of convicts: enforcement of their right to self-education, sports, library use and other rights prescribed by the law. The Strike Committee also contributed to organization of educational groups and cultural events for prisoners.[17][18][19][20] In June 2004, a campaign was announced in support of political prisoner Valery Levaneuski.[21]


In 2011-2012, Uladzimir Levaneuski was a member of the Board of the Faculty of Law and Administration of Adam Mickiewicz University as a representative of students,[22][23] and actively cooperated with the Parliament of Students of Adam Mickiewicz University.[24]

In 2013, Uladzimir was the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Graduate Students of the University of Economics in Poznan,[25] and in 2014 – a member of the Board of the Faculty of Informatics and Electronic Economics of the University of Economics in Poznan.[26] Also, in 2013-2014 he was a member of the organizing committees of republican and international scientific conferences.[27][28][29]


  1. Biography on official website
  2. Włodzimierz Lewoniewski, MSc. - Department of Information Systems
  3. Опять «выясняли личность» Левоневских — Биржа информации. Гродно.
  4. Задержан сын Левоневского — 19 июня 2002
  5. Гродно: задержан сын известного предпринимателя Валерия Левоневского — Белорусская Деловая Газета
  6. Задержаны дети Валерия Левоневского :: Хартия’97 :: Новости
  7. New Arrests In Hrodna — Charter'97
  8. В Гродно ищут поэта Чуковского — газета «Комсомольская Правда» в Белоруссии"
  9. Valery Levaneuski to be Released Tomorrow - Charter'97
  10. Новая крымінальная справа распачата ў Горадні супраць Валерыя Леванеўскага, ягонага сына й сям’і Васільевых — Радыё Свабода
  11. Леванеўскага больш не абвінавачваюць у правядзеньні несанкцыянаванага мітынгу — Радыё Свабода
  12. В Гродно задержан Владимир Левоневский — Хартия’97
  13. В Гродно был задержан Владимир Левоневский - Правозащитный центр «Весна»
  14. Uladzimir Levaneuski Is Fined for Handing Out Pradprymalnik Bulletin - The Human Rights Center Viasna
  15. Levaneuski’s Son Fined Again — Charter’97
  16. Hrodna: Police Detain Uladzimir Levaneuski and Confiscate Leaflets - The Human Rights Center Viasna
  17. Левоневский в колонии читает лекции - Хартия'97
  18. Левоневский научил сокамерников писать жалобы - Комсомольская правда в Беларуси
  20. Стачком предпринимателей передал в колонию книги - Хартия'97
  21. Общенациональный Стачечный Комитет Республики Беларусь объявил акцию в поддержку Валерия Левоневского - Правозащитный центр "Весна"
  22. Osoby współpracujące z WRSS
  23. Dyplom od Władz Wydziału Prawa i Administracji UAM
  24. Podziękowania od Parlamentu Samorządu Studentów UAM
  25. Podziękowania od rektora UEP
  26. Członkowie Rady Doktorantów UEP
  27. Organizing Committee - 16th BIS 2013
  28. Organizing Committee - 17th BIS 2014
  29. Komitet organizacyjny GTS

External links

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