Umberto Eco bibliography
This is a list of works published by Umberto Eco.
Books by Eco
- Il nome della rosa (1980; English translation: The Name of the Rose, 1983)
- Il pendolo di Foucault (1988; English translation: Foucault's Pendulum, 1989)
- L'isola del giorno prima (1994; English translation: The Island of the Day Before, 1995)
- Baudolino (2000; English translation: Baudolino, 2001)
- La misteriosa fiamma della regina Loana (2004; English translation: The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana, 2005)
- Il cimitero di Praga (2010; English translation: The Prague Cemetery, 2011)
- Numero Zero (2015; English translation: Numero Zero, 2015)
Non-fiction books
- Il problema estetico in San Tommaso (1956 - English translation: The Aesthetics of Thomas Aquinas, 1988, Revised)
- "Sviluppo dell'estetica medievale", in Momenti e problemi di storia dell'estetica (1959 - Art and Beauty in the Middle Ages, 1985)
- Storia figurata delle invenzioni (1961 - English translation: The Picture History of Inventions, 1963)
- Opera aperta (1962, rev. 1976 - English translation: The Open Work, 1989)
- Diario Minimo (1963 - English translation: Misreadings, 1993)
- Apocalittici e integrati (1964 - Partial English translation: Apocalypse Postponed, 1994)
- Le poetiche di Joyce (1965 - English translations: The Middle Ages of James Joyce, The Aesthetics of Chaosmos, 1989)
- La Struttura Assente (1968 - "The Absent Structure")
- Il costume di casa (1973 - English translation: Faith in Fakes: Travels in Hyperreality, 1986)
- Trattato di semiotica generale (1975 - English translation: A Theory of Semiotics, 1976)
- Il Superuomo di massa (1976)
- Dalla periferia dell'impero (1977)
- Lector in fabula (1979)
- The Role of the Reader: Explorations in the Semiotics of Texts (1979 - English edition containing essays from Opera aperta, Apocalittici e integrati, Forme del contenuto (1971), Il Superuomo di massa, Lector in Fabula).
- Sette anni di desiderio (1983)
- Postille al nome della rosa (1983 - English translation: Postscript to The Name of the Rose, 1984)
- Semiotica e filosofia del linguaggio (1984 - English translation: Semiotics and the Philosophy of Language, 1984)
- De Bibliotheca (1986 - in Italian and French)
- I limiti dell'interpretazione (1990 - The Limits of Interpretation, 1990)
- Interpretation and Overinterpretation (1992 - with R. Rorty, J. Culler, C. Brooke-Rose; edited by S. Collini)
- La ricerca della lingua perfetta nella cultura europea (1993 - English translation: The Search for the Perfect Language (The Making of Europe), 1995)
- Six Walks in the Fictional Woods (1994)
- Incontro - Encounter - Rencontre (1996 - in Italian, English, French)
- In cosa crede chi non crede? (with Carlo Maria Martini), 1996 - English translation: Belief or Nonbelief?: A Dialogue, 2000)
- Cinque scritti morali (1997 - English translation: Five Moral Pieces, 2001)
- Kant e l'ornitorinco (1997 - English translation: Kant and the Platypus: Essays on Language and Cognition, 1999)
- Serendipities: Language and Lunacy (1998)
- How to Travel with a Salmon & Other Essays (1998 - Partial English translation of Il secondo diario minimo, 1994)
- Experiences in Translation, University of Toronto Press (2000)
- Sulla letteratura, (2002 - English translation by Martin McLaughlin: On Literature, 2004)
- Mouse or Rat?: Translation as negotiation (2003)
- Storia della bellezza (2004, co-edited with Girolamo de Michele - English translation: History of Beauty/On Beauty, 2004)
- A passo di gambero. Guerre calde e populismo mediatico (Bompiani, 2006 - English translation: Turning Back the Clock: Hot Wars and Media Populism, 2007, Alastair McEwen)
- Storia della bruttezza (Bompiani, 2007 - English translation: On Ugliness, 2007)
- Dall'albero al labirinto: studi storici sul segno e l'interpretazione (Bompiani, 2007 - English translation: From the Tree to the Labyrinth: Historical Studies on the Sign and Interpretation, 2014, Anthony Oldcorn)
- The Infinity of Lists (Rizzoli, 2009)
- Costruire il nemico e altri scritti occasionali (Bompiani, 2011) – English translation by Richard Dixon: Inventing the Enemy (2012)
- Storia delle terre e dei luoghi leggendari (Bompiani, 2013) - English translation by Alastair McEwen: The Book of Legendary Lands (2013)
- Eco, Umberto; Sebeok, Thomas A., eds. (1984), The Sign of Three: Dupin, Holmes, Peirce, Bloomington, IN: History Workshop, Indiana University Press, ISBN 978-0-253-35235-4, 236 pages. Ten essays on methods of abductive inference in Poe's Dupin, Doyle's Holmes, Peirce and many others.
- Eco, Umberto; Marmo, Constantino, eds. (1989), On the Medieval Theory of Signs, Amsterdam: Benjamins, ISBN 978-9027232939, 236 pages. Two essay by U. Eco, medieval texts and commentaries.
- Come si fa una tesi di laurea (1977) – English translation How to Write a Thesis (2015)
Books for children
(Art by Eugenio Carmi)
- La bomba e il generale (1966, Rev. 1988 - English translation: The Bomb and the General)
- I tre cosmonauti (1966 - English translation: The Three Astronauts)
- Gli gnomi di Gnu (1992 - English translation: The Gnomes of Gnu)
Essays & articles
- Eternal Fascism: Fourteen Ways of Looking at a Blackshirt (from The New York Review of Books, 22 June 1995)
- See also Definitions of fascism
- A paso de cangrejo: artículos, reflexiones y decepciones, 2000-2006 ('At a Crab's Pace: Articles, Reflections and Disappointments, 2000-2006') (2007)
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