Un medico in famiglia

Un medico in famiglia
Genre Comedy
Starring Giulio Scarpati
Lino Banfi
Lunetta Savino
Margot Sikabonyi
Pietro Sermonti
Claudia Pandolfi
Francesco Salvi
Michael Cadeddu
Eleonora Cadeddu
Milena Vukotic
Manuele Labate
Beatrice Fazi
Country of origin Italy
Original language(s) Italian
No. of seasons 9
No. of episodes 260
Executive producer(s) Carlo Bixio
Original network Rai Uno
Original release December 6, 1998 – present
Related shows Médico de familia (1995-1999)

Un medico in famiglia (English: A doctor in the family) is an Italian television TV series. The show is inspired, to an extent, by Spanish TV series Médico de familia. It is one of the most successful series in Italy.


Synopsis and Episodes

Season Episodes Premiere Finale
1 52 December 6, 1998 May 23, 1999
2 26 February 27, 2000 May 21, 2000
3 26 March 16, 2003 May 25, 2003
4 26 September 26, 2004 December 3, 2004
5 26 March 15, 2007 May 29, 2007
6 26 September 20, 2009 November 23, 2009
7 26 March 27, 2011 May 26, 2011
8 26 March 3, 2013 May 19, 2013
9 26 March 16, 2014 May 29, 2014
10 26 2016 2016

Season 1

1997. The family Martin, composed by Lele Martini, medical widower of the ASL, from the three children Maria (15 years), Ciccio (8) and Annuccia (1) and from his/her/their grandfather Libero, ex railroader by now retired of few more than 60 years, it moves him to a new house to In Poggio Fiorito, to the doors in Rome. The purchase of the house had been one of the last definite things from Lele together with its dead wife Elena . For the boys the new life to Poggio Fiorito is not easy: all are dissatisfied to have left their friends and the idea to change school it doesn't allure them; above all Maria is contrary, and you/he/she suffers a lot for the change up to when Rebby doesn't know, that will become his/her best friend. The Martin also assume a colf, Cettina Gargiulo, that is initially it fakes to be Polish, and then it reveals his/her colored origins .

Season 2

The second season opens with a Lele that waits anxious the return of Alice from its trip to Africa. The two must understand if their love can last and they makes you participate his/her own families of their union. Their relationship develops him, even if initially Alice is jealous of the photographer Clara, old flame of Lele, and subsequently you/he/she will be suffering to be had to take the place of his/her/their sister Elena in family. In the paesino where subsequently the two will get married him, Lele reaches Alice on the shores of the lake and tells her: "You are not bringing away me to Elena, it is the destiny that has brought her away me." At the end the two decides to get married, and for the occasion it will come to serve as witness Giulio, that moved to Africa. During the trip of wedding, Alice has a spontaneous abortion and in the hospital you/he/she is announced her that you/he/she cannot have children anymore. Nilde is pregnant, and to Sanremo a child gives birth to mulatto child of unknown man to the Martin. In honor of his/her/their brother, with which there had been some misunderstandings, calls his baby Lele Junior . But the problems in the house Martin don't miss: Alice is persecuted by a maniac admirer, Alberto falls into depression after a dramatic road accident in which his/her dearest friend, Adriano, is paralyzed, the relationship between Cettina and Giacinto is not more stable as the past and Maria her must face an important and serious moment of its life. Besides doctor Giorgi, after a transplantation of kidney, it dies because of a crisis of rejection. Further to sad events, I am also of it pleased, above all the final event: Alice, been pregnant despite the preceding diagnosis, you/he/she is found inside a jammed elevator, and there, with the necessary help of Cettina and Maria, gives birth to the two twins to which the name is given of Libero and Elena. After this experience, Maria will choose to study Medicine to become expert in obstetrics.

Season 3

The third season almost opens three years after the second, with the departure of Lele and its two twins for Australia, with the purpose to study a new care for a rare childish illness. Alice is in Brazil, but you/he/she will reach him/it soon. The family greets Lele with regret, grandfather Libero has therefore new responsibilities, among which that to manage the family budget, therefore he decides to rent the room of her son and his daughter-in-law Alice. Maria, anxious to enroll in the university and to frequent the anticipated courses from the faculty of Medicine, she meets an young surgeon Guido Zanin, from which immediately feels him attracted, and it proposes him to become the tenant of his own family. Guido grows fond particularly to the Martini, from which he draws affection, heat, respect, emotions to which he has not accustomed . The guy fact grew up in an orphanage, with the sole friend Marcello, the bumbling son of the caretaker. Eventually after leaving Carlotta, charming nutritionist suffering from phobias regarding physical contact with other people, Guido began a tender relationship with the girl, despite the significant age difference. A girl who says she loves him and visits him with a pretext leaps at him, causing his removal and the anger of all. But shortly after Maria and Guido, with all due respect to everyone, they are reconciled vowing eternal love to the train station, before Guido leave Rome not to suffer. Ciccio attempts to break into the rugby moved to London, but must stop for a shoulder injury. Also he began to frequent the girls. Plenty of room in this series is the friendship between Jessica and Oscar, and the two that divide the house, drunk, make love. When Jessica gets pregnant, the man who for love does not know if the child is Oscar and John, gave up to become a priest. Oscar waiver see if he is the father. Cettina discovers that Giacinto, without saying anything to anyone, he started a family with a calabrian woman. After various sufferings know Augustus, a bizarre funeral entrepreneur, with whom, after much resistance, he will marry at the end of a very animated quarter-final of the series now.

Season 4

The Martini family goes to find Lele, Alice, and their two twins in Australia. After the trip, they fall in Poggio Fiorito with news. Guido, tired to move between Rome and Milan and seeing Maria only when it is at home, asks his girlfriend to move in with him. I love nest for Cettina and Augusto, who after marriage go to live in the house next to that of Martini, to always stay close to the family. A new character, also appears in the series: This is Dr. Franco Caselli, a new doctor of the ASL, belonging to an important humanitarian organization, Doctors Against War, for which Maria loses his head, having momentarily left Guido. Meanwhile, the sixteen year old Ciccio gets engaged to Miranda, the daughter of Andrea Biglietti, the new companion his aunt Nilde. At the end of the series it will be avoided the danger of her pregnancy. During a regular inspection, at Grandfather Libero is diagnosed with heart problem, which would require open-heart surgery: decides to ask Nonna Enrica to marry him, or so his pension will not go wasted; the two decide to get married, even if the diagnosis was wrong. Soon they really fall in love. In this series there is a fleeting return of Grandfather Nicola, confirming his reputation as a playboy. Maria is reconciled with Guido: the two decide to get married, and then go to work in Africa as volunteers doctors account for : Medici Contro La Guerra (Doctors Against The War) . A few days before the wedding Guido, unknown to all, a thousand sacrifices, together with those (useless) so as not to close the clinic, bought the old house where Mary was born and raised and where he had lived before going to Poggio Fiorito. Maria had shown the house before their quarrel, one morning while they were going to work with the scooter. The season ends with Lele returning from Australia after four years of absence: the situation is a bit 'changed, his father was married to his mother-in-law, his daughter is about to marry a man he has never seen but which he has only heard about and especially Annuccia has gotten young adult and more autonomous.

Season 5

After two and a half years : the new doctor in the family is Emilio Villari, betrothed the grandson of an old lover and cousin to grandmom Enrica . The main romance will be between him and the indian, Dr Sarita . Lele was again absent because he moved to Paris where he worked at the Sorbonne . The series opens with the boyfriend of Nilde , Andrea Biglietti in prison . Andrea has been cheated and save Libero and Nilde decide to sell the villas at Poggio Fiorito that he had bought . The villas will be sold to friends of Martini, including many of the doctors were in the cast , and will become the new clinic . Poggio Fiorito become an independent municipality and Grandpa Libero is elected mayor. Alberto and Eloisa break-up's and then the guy comes home . To raise the cheered of the boy will try it his father , Carlo Foschi , with which Alberto did initially good relations , since he had mysteriously abandoned him and his mother .

At the beginning of the third season, Lele, Alice and their two children leave Rome to go to live in Australia. Grandpa Libero cares for his grandchildren (Maria, Ciccio, and Annuccia) in absence of their father. Maria decides to attend the faculty of medicine and here she meets Guido, a doctor. The Martinis give hospitality to Guido and he falls in love with Maria. In the meanwhile Cettina falls in love with Augusto Torello but when she discovers that Torello is a funeral director, she leaves him. Eventually, Cettina, after a lovestory with an Italo-American named Peppiniello, decides to marry Torello. Maria leaves Guido because she thinks he is betraying her. After this painful event, Guido decides to move away to Milan. He is getting on the train for Milan when Maria joins him and states that she forgives him. After this, Guido gets out of the train and he and Maria go to Cettina's wedding. The season ends with the wedding.

Season 4

At the beginning of season four, Libero, Maria, Ciccio and Annuccia return to Rome after having spent the holidays in Australia with Lele. Guido is working as a doctor in Milan and he is attempting to convince his head physician to accept his transfer request to Rome. Eventually, he returns to Rome. Cettina and Torello try to have a child but their attempts fail. Eventually Torello's nephew Rosalbo comes to Rome in order to learn how to become the funeral director; if Cettina has no children, Rosalbo will inherit Torello's funeral home. Eventually Cettina lies saying that she is pregnant in order to chase away Rosalbo.

Guido and Maria move away to their new own home. However Maria has words with Guido and she decides to leave him. Maria decides to begin a new love affair with a new doctor, Franco Caselli: Franco is a humanitarian doctor from Africa. However Maria decides to leave Franco and to forgive Guido. In the season finale Guido and Maria get married, Cettina finds out she is pregnant, and Lele Martini returns from Australia; Lele finds out that his daughter Annuccia is angry with him because he left her when she was a toddler and he wasn't present at her First Communion but eventually she decides to forgive him. Maria and Guido decide to go to Africa for an humanitarian mission.

Season 5

Cettina is replaced as Martinis' au pair, at the beginning of the season 5, by Melina, Cettina's cousin. In Season 5, Cettina leaves Torello because she falls in love with Kabir (the owner of an Indian restaurant, portrayed by Kabir Bedi, famous for having portrayed Sandokan) but Kabir rejects her love and eventually she and Torello return together. Guido leaves Rome to go live in Africa and he is replaced as family doctor by Emilio, a new character introduced in this season. Emilio falls in love with Sarita, Kabir's granddaughter but she isn't allowed by her grandfather to marry Emilio. Eventually they manage to get married. Maria manages eventually to get a degree in medicine.

Season 6

Ciccio is going to get married to Miranda, but she leaves him the day of their marriage. Lele returns home with his children (he divorced Alice) to attend his son's marriage, and eventually decides to remain in Rome for a year. Grandpa Libero decides to leave Rome to go live in Apulia. Cettina is believed dead in a shipwreck. Guido returns from Africa and he and Maria want to live in their apartment but their tenant (Dante Piccione) doesn't want to leave the apartment. Guido and Maria find out that Maria is pregnant; she gives birth to her daughter, Paola. Guido gets acquainted with his mother, Ave, who abandoned him when he was an infant. Eventually he forgives her.

The Martinis find out that Cettina is still alive; after the shipwreck, she lost her memory and became a very rich woman in the USA. She decided to go to Italy for a holiday, and when she heard somebody saying "un Martini, per favore" ("a Martini [drink], please"), the name "Martini Libero" came in her mind, and she began to remember the events of her life she had forgotten. Cettina stays at Martini's home for a little, speaking in a strange way (she speaks a language that is a hybrid between English and Italian. Example: "Le tue braccia non sono strong" [your arms aren't strong]). After recovering her memory, she leaves Poggio Fiorito forever and goes to Brescia, joining her husband and her son.

Lele falls in love with Fanny, a very young doctor, but he eventually decides to leave her. At the end of the season, he is engaged to Bianca, Giulio Pittaluga's (one of Lele's friends) sister. Guido feels neglected by Maria and he betrays his wife spending a night with another woman. Eventually he tells Maria that he betrayed her but now he is remorseful; Maria decides to leave him but she is eventually convinced by her father to forgive Guido. Melina falls in love with Dante Piccione, and he finally leaves Guido and Maria's apartment to go live at Melina's aunt home. Ciccio decides to get married to Tracy, a jockey.

The season ends with the marriages between Ciccio and Tracy, and Libero Martini and Enrica Solari.

Season 7

Three years have gone since Guido died in a car crash, the casualty happening some time after the end of season six. Supported by her family, Maria manages to deal with her job and her child Palù, but it is tough for her and Ave to live a happy life. Ave finds out that her son's heart has been transplanted to the son of dance teacher. Enrica introduces Marco to Maria: he's a single journalist whose son Jonathan attends Palù's school. Their relationship is troubled by misunderstandings. Francesco, a psychologist, falls for Maria getting in the way of her story with Marco. Lele proposes again to Bianca, but she is still waiting for the divorce proceedings from her ex husband Gus, who wants to win her heart back. Virginia, Lele's colleague in Paris and ex lover, shows up in Rome. Ciccio and Tresy go live together, experiencing some marital problems: she wants to pursue her career as a jockey, while he would rather raise a family. Ciccio seeks Tresy's long lost parents, while trying to have a baby with her, but she prefers her career to motherhood. Sixteen-year-old Annuccia becomes school president becoming popular among her peers. She has some problems with boyfriend Gianfilippo, but after a school musical the two get back together, losing their virginity at Lele and Bianca's wedding. Rebby is back from Milan and meets Albina, who becomes one of her best friends. Alberto, the Martinis' nephew and Rebby's boyfriend, comes back to Rome looking for a new job and has an affair with Albina while working at her real estate agency. Rebby ends up with Francesco, who was once in love with Maria, while Albina and Alberto decide to go live together in Apulia. Grandma Enrica and grandma Ave purchase the house next to the Martinis', where once Cettina lived, and both step into business: Enrica founds Puglia D.O.P., a company selling produce from Apulia, while Ave swes bridal gowns. Dante Piccione and Melina decide to get married, and Piccione has to look for some extra jobs to make hands meet. In the season finale, Giulio convinces Lele and Bianca to go get married on the mountains. Melina finds out she is pregnant and marries Dante. Bianca is pregnant too, and while she is having her ultrasound, they meet Ciccio and Tresy, who also is pregnant with twins. Marco must leave for Francfort with his son and his ex wife. Maria drives to the airport to say goodbye, but she comes too late. The Martinis gather on the mountains for the wedding, but as usual Giulio's plans go down in flames having Lele get lost. Lele and Bianca finally marry. In a turn of faith, Marco shows up with his son, declaring his love for Maria and saying he won't leave for Germany after all. The season ends with the Martinis waltzing to "Parlami d'amore, Mariù", dedicated to the late Carlo Bixio, the creator of the series.

air date
1"Ricominciare"Start all overElisabetta MarchettiMarch 27, 2011 (2011-03-27)
2"La gita scolastica"The school tripElisabetta MarchettiMarch 27, 2011 (2011-03-27)
3"Chi cerca trova"Who seeks shall findElisabetta MarchettiApril 3, 2011 (2011-04-03)
4"La bufala delle bufale"The hoax of the hoaxesElisabetta MarchettiApril 3, 2011 (2011-04-03)
5"Genitori e figli"Parents and childrenElisabetta MarchettiApril 7, 2011 (2011-04-07)
6"L'amico del giaguaro"The friend of the jaguarElisabetta MarchettiApril 7, 2011 (2011-04-07)
7"Il coraggio della paura"Courage from fearElisabetta MarchettiApril 14, 2011 (2011-04-14)
8"Le promesse si mantengono"Promises must be keptElisabetta MarchettiApril 14, 2011 (2011-04-14)
9"Se mi lasci non vale"If you leave me, it's not fairElisabetta MarchettiApril 21, 2011 (2011-04-21)
10"In volo"In FlightElisabetta MarchettiApril 21, 2011 (2011-04-21)
11"La notte più fredda dell'anno"The coldest night of the yearElisabetta MarchettiApril 25, 2011 (2011-04-25)
12"Il mio Natale sei tu"You're my ChristmasElisabetta MarchettiApril 25, 2011 (2011-04-25)
13"Luna nuova"New MoonElisabetta MarchettiApril 28, 2011 (2011-04-28)
14"La prima volta"The first timeElisabetta MarchettiApril 28, 2011 (2011-04-28)
15"Il desiderio più grande"The biggest wishElisabetta MarchettiMay 5, 2011 (2011-05-05)
16"Problema di coppia"Couple problemElisabetta MarchettiMay 5, 2011 (2011-05-05)
17"Che notte quella notte!"What a night that night!Elisabetta MarchettiMay 8, 2011 (2011-05-08)
18"Questione di cuore"Matter of feelingsElisabetta MarchettiMay 8, 2011 (2011-05-08)
19"La verità ti fa male lo so"Truth hurts, I knowElisabetta MarchettiMay 12, 2011 (2011-05-12)
20"Tra color che son sospesi"Among those who are suspendedElisabetta MarchettiMay 12, 2011 (2011-05-12)
21"Da che parte stai?"Which side are you on?Elisabetta MarchettiMay 15, 2011 (2011-05-15)
22"Quello che le donne vogliono davvero"What women really wantElisabetta MarchettiMay 15, 2011 (2011-05-15)
23"La fuga"EscapeElisabetta MarchettiMay 19, 2011 (2011-05-19)
24"Due proposte di matrimonio"Two marriage proposalsElisabetta MarchettiMay 19, 2011 (2011-05-19)
25"Festa di addio"Farewell partyElisabetta MarchettiMay 26, 2011 (2011-05-26)
26"Matrimonio in bianco"Wedding in whiteElisabetta MarchettiMay 26, 2011 (2011-05-26)

Season 8

This season is now airing in Italy, the list below will be complete after the announcements of all episodes.

air date
1"Chi trova un amico..."Who finds a friend...Elisabetta MarchettiMarch 3, 2013 (2013-03-03)
2"Nel sole"In the SunElisabetta MarchettiMarch 3, 2013 (2013-03-03)
3"Dolcissima Bianca"Sweet BiancaElisabetta MarchettiMarch 5, 2013 (2013-03-05)
4"I ricordi non si vendono"Memories are not on saleElisabetta MarchettiMarch 5, 2013 (2013-03-05)
5"Visite notturne"Night visitsElisabetta MarchettiMarch 10, 2013 (2013-03-10)
6"Colpo di fulmine"Love at first sightElisabetta MarchettiMarch 10, 2013 (2013-03-10)
7"La falsaria involontaria"TBAElisabetta MarchettiMarch 17, 2013 (2013-03-17)
8"I Martini non si arrendono"TBAElisabetta MarchettiMarch 17, 2013 (2013-03-17)
9"Amore a prima vista"TBAElisabetta MarchettiMarch 24, 2013 (2013-03-24)
10"Sensi di colpa"TBAElisabetta MarchettiMarch 24, 2013 (2013-03-24)
11"Occupazione a oltranza"TBAElisabetta MarchettiMarch 31, 2013 (2013-03-31)
12"Le bugie hanno le gambe corte"TBAElisabetta MarchettiMarch 31, 2013 (2013-03-31)
13"Unità di crisi"TBAElisabetta MarchettiApril 7, 2013 (2013-04-07)
14"La pesca miracolosa"TBAElisabetta MarchettiApril 7, 2013 (2013-04-07)
15"Premio di consolazione"TBAElisabetta MarchettiApril 14, 2013 (2013-04-14)
16"Una giornata al mare"TBAElisabetta MarchettiApril 14, 2013 (2013-04-14)
17"Vita da cani"TBAElisabetta MarchertiApril 21, 2013 (2013-04-21)
18"Paura di volare"TBAElisabetta MarchettiApril 21, 2013 (2013-04-21)
19"Notti bianche"TBAElisabetta MarchettiApril 28, 2013 (2013-04-28)
20"L'interrogatorio"TBAElisabetta MarchettiApril 28, 2013 (2013-04-28)
21"Casale vendesi"TBAElisabetta MarchettiMay 5, 2013 (2013-05-05)
22"La grande sfilata"TBAElisabetta MarchettiMay 5, 2013 (2013-05-05)
23"Baci proibiti"TBAElisabetta MarchettiMay 12, 2013 (2013-05-12)
24"New York, New York"TBAElisabetta MarchettiMay 12, 2013 (2013-05-12)
25"La notte dei desideri"TBAElisabetta MarchettiMay 19, 2013 (2013-05-19)
26"Lieti eventi in casa Martini"TBAElisabetta MarchettiMay 19, 2013 (2013-05-19)

Season 9

air date
1"Dall'America con amore"From America With LoveElisabetta MarchettiMarch 16, 2014 (2014-03-16)
2"La ra-gazza ladra"The Thieving Ra-MagpieElisabetta MarchettiMarch 16, 2014 (2014-03-16)
3"TBA"TBATBA2014 (2014)
4"TBA"TBATBA2014 (2014)
5"TBA"TBATBA2014 (2014)
6"TBA"TBATBA2014 (2014)
7"TBA"TBATBA2014 (2014)
8"TBA"TBATBA2014 (2014)
9"TBA"TBATBA2014 (2014)
10"TBA"TBATBA2014 (2014)
11"TBA"TBATBA2014 (2014)
12"TBA"TBATBA2014 (2014)
13"TBA"TBATBA2014 (2014)
14"TBA"TBATBA2014 (2014)
15"TBA"TBATBA2014 (2014)
16"TBA"TBATBA2014 (2014)
17"TBA"TBATBA2014 (2014)
18"TBA"TBATBA2014 (2014)
19"TBA"TBATBA2014 (2014)
20"TBA"TBATBA2014 (2014)
21"TBA"TBATBA2014 (2014)
22"TBA"TBATBA2014 (2014)
23"TBA"TBATBA2014 (2014)
24"TBA"TBATBA2014 (2014)
25"TBA"TBATBA2014 (2014)
26"TBA"TBATBA2014 (2014)


In the season 1999/2000, Un medico in famiglia won two awards as best fiction [fiction=Italian TV Series] and as best TV program of the year. In the same season, Un medico in famiglia won Telegatto (lit. Telecat) as best Italian TV Series.

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