UniCredit Țiriac Bank

UniCredit Țiriac Bank
Founded 1997
Headquarters Bucharest, Romania
Key people
Dan Corneliu PASCARIU,
President of the Supervisory Board
Catalin Rasvan RADU, CEO
Products Commercial banking, Investment banking, Private banking, Asset management
Revenue Increase 1.5 billion RON (31 December 2013)
Increase 87.7 million RON (31 December 2013)
Total assets 28.5 billion RON (31 December 2013)
Website www.unicredit-tiriac.ro

UniCredit Bank is a European Bank, member of UniCredit Group, with a network of 7.900 branches in 17 European countries and it is present in another 50 international markets[1]

Being one of the top 10 banks on the Romanian market,[2] UniCredit Tiriac Bank has 208 branches and almost 3000 employees.[3] At the end of 2013, the bank had total assets in amount of 28.5 billion RON and included approximately 600.000 active customers.[4]

Among the offered services are: financial solutions for individuals, SMEs, companies and freelancers. UniCredit Tiriac Bank is recognized for specializing in the real estate market[5] and is the only bank with a dedicated real estate department. In addition, the bank offers cross border solutions, through which the bank manages the customer’s banking relations in multiple countries, ensuring that they receive the same quality of service as in their country. In 2012 and 2013, the prestigious Euromoney magazine awarded UniCredit Bank Award “Best Bank for Cash Management in Romania.[6] Also, UniCredit Tiriac Bank is recognized for his services to Online Banking in 2009 recorded the highest value of transactions in Romania by Online Banking.[7] In October 2012, UniCredit Tiriac Bank launched Mobile Banking [sic] application that allows customers to access banking services at any time, with minimum effort and securely available with a mobile phone with Internet access. Thus, UniCredit Tiriac Bank is among the banks in Romania to implement mobile Banking service for almost any phone or tablet: iPhone, iPad, BlackBerry, Nokia, Samsung, HTC, LG, Motorola, Sony Ericsson, etc.[8]

UniCredit Tiriac Bank launched in March 2012 the first virtual branch on Facebook from Romania, where customers can chat live via a secure connection, with the bank’s consultants. Also, e-branch provides easy access to Online Banking and Business Net offer the possibility to download brochures about UniCredit Tiriac Bank services and programs, for individuals or legal entities, to verify the map, to locate the nearest branch or ATM BNA network, or exchange rate, updated in real time.[9]


Ion Tiriac Bank was founded in 1991, and then in June 2005 it merged with HVB Bank Romania.[10] In the merger moment in 2005, Ion Tiriac Bank has a network of 60 units, total assets of 706 million (31 March 2005) and a market share of 2.9%, which ranks 11th in the banking system in Romania.[11] Meanwhile, HVB Bank Romania is ranked in the top seven banks in the local market, with total assets of around 1.4 billion euros with 320 employees in 12 branches and nearly 32,000 customers. In 2008, UniCredit Tiriac Bank acquired subsidiary Banca di Roma in Romania[12] as part of a larger merger, through which UniCredit took Capitalia banking group who held also Banca di Roma. Banca di Roma, Bucharest Branch, had assets of £165.3 million at the end of 2005.[13]

In August 2013, UniCredit Tiriac Bank and RBD Romania announced the completion of the legal transfer of the Retail and Royal Preferred Banking Business of RBS (Bank) Romania S.A. towards UniCredit Tiriac Bank S.A. and UniCredit Consumer Financing IFN S.A.. Included in this transfer were the personal use credits, the mortgage credits for property investitions, the credit cards, the current accounts and the products and services related to the deposits, the economy accounts, the debit cards, the overdraft accounts and the iBanking service.

Social involvement projects

UniCredit Tiriac Bank is one of the most active banks in Romania in the field of social involvement[14] and developed together with its partners, most often among non-profit organizations, a number of projects that contribute to society for various business segments.[15] The bank supports both long-term projects and specific projects which aim to offer immediate support of social groups in difficult situations. In 2010, investment in CSR projects totaled 2.7 million lei.

Gift Matching is an internal program that contributes to support philanthropic causes. It was implemented from 2008 and it promotes voluntary work and involvement from their employees. They choose social causes and support them in front of their colleagues and later, the philanthropic cases that gather the most support and cash from the employees will become supported by the UniCredit Foundation, which will double the amount of money donated towards them.

One of the most successful social involvement initiatives supported by UniCredit Tiriac Bank is Cicloteque, a project for environmental protection that promotes cycling in Bucharest, as an alternative to other means of transport, but also as a recreational activity. Cicloteque celebrated its 4th anniversary in 2013, from the launch of its rent centre, this project contributing to reduce pollution in Romania’s capital with approximately 80 tons of CO2. In 2010, Cicloteque turned into the first „bike sharing” network in the country, while opening two additional centres in Bucharest parks, providing the possibility to hire bikes from a centre and then return them to another.

Moreover, in the next 2 years from the opening of the first centre, the project became self-sustainable, a performance that not a lot of projects get in Romania. In 2011, the MaiMultVerde (MoreGreen) Association and UniCredit Tiriac Bank have opened two new centres in Drumul Taberei and Titan Parks, with the support of Sector 3 and 6 City Halls, and a station next to Romana Square, at the Public Centre of Soros Foundation. In 2012, the Cicloteque network expanded in Oradea, by opening two new hire centres. From 2013, the Cicloteque service was introduced in Timisoara and it was made available for free to students and teachers from West University in Timisoara.

In 2010, UniCredit Tiriac Bank was the main partner of the Culture Crusade, an initiative that promotes authentic cultural values. Throughout 2010, the Culture Crusade organized a series of extraordinary concerts dedicated to classic music, supported by the bank. UniCredit Tiriac Bank got involved in developing the artistic community of Bucharest through the launch of the first independent centre of contemporary art and culture from Romania, PAVILION. The art centre was organised in one of the old bank centres and it shortly became a benchmark on Bucharest’s artistic map. PAVILION was launched in 2009, and during the three years of activity, the centre hosted numerous expositions, discursive events, debates and projections on artistic themes. Furthermore, UniCredit Tiriac is the strategic partner of the Bucharest’s International Biennial of Contemporary Art, an event that brings together internationally well-known artists. Therefore, the independent centre of art and culture offers free access to a series of cultural and artistic resources to the Bucharest public. From January 2010 until November 2012, the centre was visited by approximately 13.000 people, excluding the period when PAVILION was used as an info-point and as an exhibition point for BUCHAREST BIENNALE 5. From 2013, PAVILION has got a new centre at 36 C.A. Rosetti Street. The sixth edition of the Biennale took place in the summer of 2014.

The UniCredit Literary Debut is a project developed by UniCredit Tiriac Bank in partnership with a non-profit entity, the Catalist Association, whose aim is to support talented writers who didn’t have the opportunity to publish their work in volume. Therefore, starting with 2008, the bank in sync with the Catalist Association, offers every year to Romanian writers that didn’t have the chance to see their volumes on the shelves of a library: the jury, which was formed from personalities from the literary and academic world, choose a winning manuscript for each category of the competition, respectively a novel, poetry and short stories. The winners will get their work published by one of the most prestigious publishing agencies of Romania, Humanitas Publishing and they’re launched within the Gaudeamus International Book Fair, the biggest book fair from Romania, which takes place every November. The UniCredit Literary Debut contest brings a series of debates based on literary themes, during which those who are interested in literature discuss the challenges that come with being a writer in Romania with well-known people from the literary, academic and Romanian culture world. Every year the contest participant’s number is bigger, which shows the increased interest in the literary community and in promoting the young talents.

Furthermore, the George Enescu International Festival represents a milestone for the Romanian music community, and even the european one. UniCredit Tiriac Bank supports this event since 2009, when the bank celebrated this partnership giving to the George Enescu International Festival and Contest a Steinway & Sons piano, an instrument that will be available to the artists in future editions. In 2009, the Festival gathered a series of extraordinary concerts hosted under two new themes: „Enescu and his contemporaries” and „Classical themes in modern processing”. The event activities have gone beyond the musical realm and they extended in the musical science: more than 40 theoretical papers have been presented at Musicology Symposium, organized by both the Romanian Composers and Musicologists Union and the „George Enescu” National Museum. Furthermore, the George Enescu International Festival passed the Romanian border and delighted the music lovers from 10 European cities in a musical tour organized by Romanian Cultural Institute and University of Music from Bucharest. The 2013 edition, the 21st from its foundation (1958), took place in the period between 1–28 September and it hosted more than 150 events, and occurrences in the Festival Square for 21 days; art exhibitions.

In September 2012, UniCredit Tiriac Bank has opened at the ground floor of its headquarters in 1F Expozitiei Boulevard its first exhibition from a series that provides art objects from the Group’s collection for Bucharest’s public. The UniCredit Group has a long tradition in promoting cultural and local artistic events, hosting themed expositions within their Bucharest headquarters. The UniCredit Art Collection is one of the most valued collections owned by big European companies. Remarkable through its historical value, the UniCredit Art Collection includes a big diversity, from prehistoric Mesopotamian artifacts to the work of maestros such as Canaletto or Tintoretto. Throughout the tens of thousands of pieces that form this collection there are the works of some famous classical and modern artists, such as Yves Klein, Fernand Léger, Giorgio Morandi, Kurt Schwitters, Giuseppe Maria Crespi, Dosso Dossi, il Guercino, Oskar Kokoschka, but also some of the works of some trademark contemporary artists like Christo, Georg Baselitz, Gerhard Richter, Andreas Gursky and Andy Warhol. This third exhibition was open to the public until January 2013 and brought together papers signed by Matthias Bitzer, Pierpaolo Campanini, Giuseppe Penone and Andrei Roiter. Into a Room Will Come an Eagle, the fourth exhibition in the serie, brought together artworks signed by Georg Baselitz and Thomas Schutte, from the HypoVereinsbank collection, part of UniCredit Group.[16]

Another social project that UniCredit Tiriac Bank supports in partnership with UniCredit Foundation is „Migrations - Romania”, a project that aims to combat the negative effects of migrations, among the kids and old people left at home. In Romania, the program was developed jointly with Social Alternatives Association and targeted Iasi, one of the most severely affected regions by the migration phenomenon. The first phase of the program was based on a study made by UNICEF and the Social Alternatives Association in 2007 which according to, in the Moldova region more than 100.000 children’s have one or both parents who went to work abroad. Therefore, more than 600 kids and 500 old people from Iasi received psychological, social and legal assistance, as well as material support consisting in food, supplies or drugs according to their requirements. The second phase of the Migrations – Romania project took place between April 2011 and September 2012 and its purpose was to strengthen the capacity of social institutions to offer services for the elderly who were affected by migration. The first phase proposed a funding of 480.000 Euros and the funds approved for the second phase reached 150.000 Euros.

In 2010, UniCredit Tiriac Bank launched its first affinity card in Romania in partnership with UNICEF. Therefore, the bank donated to UNICEF 1% of the value of each transaction made with the credit card cobranded by UniCredit Tiriac Bank and UNICEF. This was an unprecedented project in Romania, which actively involved the bank customers into a social project, making them implicit donors for each pay that they made with “the good facts card” as it was called. The donations will be used to support the UNICEF initiative “Hospital, a friend of the child”, that follows to create mom-child rooms in the maternity hospitals in Romania. Hence, with the endowment of equipment for the maternities, but also by training the medical staff, those medical units will become promoting centres of breastfeeding and it will provide a healthy start in life for a significant number of newborns. Moreover, the bank offers a minimum guaranteed sum to provide that more and more hospitals in Romania will offer optimal conditions for newborns and their mothers.

In 2013, UniCredit Tiriac Bank got involved in ‘Lumina pentru Ursici’, a project instituted by the Free Miorita Association, being the first company to financially support the project. After only two days since it started gaining online popularity, on social blogs and Facebook, UniCredit Tiriac Bank financed the project with 7500 Euros, money that covered the cost of the solar panels and of the auxiliary systems that were installed in the Ursici Village from Hunedoara. Moreover, during the process of installing the solar panels, company employees were invited to take part as volunteers.

UEFA Champion League Partnership

In 2009, UniCredit and UEFA Champions League have signed a partnership for 3 seasons (2009-2012),[17] which debuted in UEFA Champions League Trophy Tour.[18] [19] This major event gave football fans the opportunity to see closely the UEFA Champions League trophy and enter into the prestigious sports competition atmosphere. Champions League Trophy Tour has traveled through most of Europe and took place in three stages. [20] The first group of countries visited by the famous trophy included Italy, Croatia, Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria. A second group of countries was visited in 2010, a third in 2011[21] and a fourth in the fall of 2012.[22] Romania was the only country visited[23] where the trophy has traveled through several cities, and then stayed in the capital for several days. Therefore UniCredit Tiriac Bank trophy traveled through 5 cities: Arad,[24] Timisoara,[25] Sibiu,[26] Brasov[27] and Pitesti ,[28] and was exhibited in Bucharest[29] for 3 days, the Trophy Tour Village, an exhibition which recreated the atmosphere UEFA Champions League for football fans.[30] Along with organizing UEFA Champions League Trophy Tour, the bank has been actively involved in supporting local schools football teams, giving sports equipment and encouraging them to achieve high performances.[31] Since 2012, UniCredit has extended its partnership with UEFA Champions League until 2015, while becoming the Official Bank of the UEFA Champions.[32]


Euromoney: Real Estate Excellence Award 2007 for UniCredit Tiriac Bank [33]

"Nine O'Clock" Award Banker of the Year 2010 - Rasvan Radu, CEO of UniCredit Tiriac Bank [34]

People for People Gala 2009: The most impactful intervention in the community through sponsorship provided by a company, UniCredit Tiriac Bank Cicloteque project[35]

Civil Society Gala 2009: Cicloteque won the second place to “Environmental Protection” Section[36]

People for People Gala 2010: Best corporate volunteer program - "Matching Gift" of UniCredit Tiriac Bank[36]

Financial Market 2010: Best Retail - UniCredit Tiriac Bank[37]

People for People Gala 2011:The best program Goodwill Marketing - UniCredit Tiriac Bank with the draft UNICEF cards - 1% for parent-child salons[38]

ADC * E Awards Gala: Gold Trophy banking section and TV category[39]



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  5. "UniCredit Tiriac Bank a lansat un credit imobiliar in lei cu DAE sunt 10". Romanialibera.ro. 2010-04-07. Retrieved 2013-11-17.
  6. UniCredit Tiriac Bank a primit premiul pentru cea mai buna banca de cash management din Romania de la prestigioasa publicatie Euromoney
  7. UniCredit Tiriac Bank a inregistrat tranzactii de 33,5 miliarde lei prin Online Banking
  8. "UniCredit Tiriac Bank a lansat aplicatia de mobile banking". Efin.ro. 2012-10-02. Retrieved 2013-11-17.
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  14. "UniCredit Țiriac este partener al European CSR Lessons". Csrlessons.eu. Retrieved 2013-11-17.
  15. "Despre UniCredit Tiriac Bank". Responsabilitatesociala.ro. Retrieved 2013-11-17.
  16. ""Into the room will come an eagle" @ UniCredit Țiriac Bank, București". Modernism.ro. Retrieved 27 August 2014.
  17. "UniCredit Group aduce Trofeul UEFA Champions League la Milano". Capital.ro. Retrieved 2013-11-17.
  18. Aboneaza-te pentru a avea acces la acest articol (2009-09-16). "Grupul UniCredit a lansat UEFA Champions League Trophy Tour". Iqads.ro. Retrieved 2013-11-17.
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  21. "UEFA Champions League Trophy Tour - Europe 2012". UEFA.org. Retrieved 2013-11-17.
  22. "M A N A F U *: august 2009". Manafu.blogspot.com. Retrieved 2013-11-17.
  23. "VIDEO Trofeul UEFA Champions League, prezentat la Arad. Citeste cele mai noi articole din sport". Forsport.ro. Retrieved 2013-11-17.
  24. Sport (2013-10-10). "Trofeul UEFA Champions League a ajuns la Timisoara - Agenda". Agenda.ro. Retrieved 2013-11-17.
  25. SC Sopa Consulting SRL @ office@sibiul.ro (1999-11-30). "Trofeul Uefa a poposit la Sibiu". Antena1sibiu.ro. Retrieved 2013-11-17.
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  28. "UniCredit aduce trofeul UEFA Champions League la Bucuresti". Ghiseulbancar.ro. Retrieved 2013-11-17.
  29. "M A N A F U *: Life: Trophy Tour in Bucuresti". Manafu.blogspot.com. 2004-02-26. Retrieved 2013-11-17.
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  31. "UEFA Champions League sponsorship - UniCredit". Unicreditgroup.eu. Retrieved 2013-11-17.
  32. Claudiu Vrinceanu , 4 Dec 2007 (2007-12-04). "UniCredit Tiriac Bank a dat credite pe piata imobiliara de 1 mld. euro". Wall-street.ro. Retrieved 2013-11-17.
  33. "Băsescu, Antonescu, Baconschi şi ambasadorul Franţei, premiaţi la gala Nine O'Clock - Mediafax". Mediafax.ro. Retrieved 2013-11-17.
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  35. 1 2 "Mediul, marele câştigător la Gala Societăţii Civile". bucurenci.ro. 2009-05-21. Retrieved 2013-11-17.
  36. https://web.archive.org/20121220081414/http://gala.arcromania.ro:80/content/. Archived from the original on December 20, 2012. Retrieved December 20, 2012. Missing or empty |title= (help)
  37. "Business Woman | NEWS| Au fost desemnaţi câştigătorii ADC*RO Awards 2012". Businesswoman.ro. Retrieved 2013-11-17.

External links

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