
UniDisc, Inc. was one of the first digital media companies to publish multimedia titles for consumer market.

Based in Palo Alto, California and founded in 1989, the first product published was the Guinness Disc of Records, an interactive version of the Guinness Book of Records that included hundreds of video and audio files, including Steve Woodmore the world's fastest talker and the longest words spoken in a dozen languages. For many computer stores, the Guinness Disc of Records was the first CD-ROM based product they carried.

UniDisc then published the first Grammy Awards digital media product, the first of a series that included performances from many of the world's top recording artists. For such artists as Eric Clapton, Sting, and Tina Turner, this was the first time their performances were on a digital media product.

The CD-ROM Directory, then a worldwide directory of the emerging CD-ROM and multimedia market, was published by UniDisc.

UniDisc stopped operating in 1996.


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