
Unified.js is part of the JavaScript language framework.

General information

Framework Version compared Size License Source language
Unified.js 14.0 variable about 871 KiB (minified & gzipped) BSD (component only) & commercial javascript


Feature detection YES Grid YES
DOM wrapped YES Hierarchical Tree YES
XMLHttpRequest data retrieval YES Rich-text editor
WebSocket Autocomplete tools YES
Server push data retrieval YES (support only the nexacro browser currently) HTML generation tools YES
Other data retrieval YES:

XML, CSV, SSV (special separate value [rs,ds character delimiter] for fast speed parsing),

JSON (with js plugin)

Widgets themeable/skinnable YES
Drag and drop YES GUI resizable panels and modal dialogs YES
Simple visual effects YES GUI page layout YES
Animation / advanced visual effects Canvas support YES
Back button support / history management NO (but customizing enable) Mobile/tablet support (touch events) YES
Input form widgets & validation NO Accessibility/graceful degradation YES
ARIA compliant YES Developer tools, visual design YES
Offline storage YES Cross-browser 2d Vector Graphics YES
Charting & Dashboard YES RTL Support in UI Components YES

Browser support

Framework Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox Safari Opera Google Chrome
Unified.js 8+ 4+ 5+ 11+ 30+


Feature detection YES Grid YES
DOM wrapped YES Hierarchical Tree YES
XMLHttpRequest data retrieval YES Rich text editor
WebSocket Autocomplete tools YES
Server push data retrieval YES (supports only the nexacro browser currently) HTML generation tools YES
Other data retrieval YES:

XML, CSV, SSV (special separate value [rs,ds character delimiter] for fast speed parsing),

JSON (with js plugin)

Widgets themeable/skinnable YES
Drag and drop YES GUI resizable panels and modal dialogs YES
Simple visual effects YES GUI page layout YES
Animation / advanced visual effects Canvas support YES
Back button support / history management NO (but customizing enabled) Mobile/tablet support (touch events) YES
Input form widgets & validation NO Accessibility/graceful degradation YES
ARIA compliant YES Developer tools, Visual design YES
Offline storage YES Cross-browser 2d Vector Graphics YES
Charting & Dashboard YES RTL Support in UI Components YES

Browser support

Framework Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox Safari Opera Google Chrome
Unified.js 8+ 4+ 5+ 11+ 30+
This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Friday, March 18, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.