United Popular Front

United Popular Front (EPAM)
Ενιαίο Παλλαϊκό Μέτωπο (ΕΠΑΜ)
Founder Dimitris Kazakis. Secretary general (2012-ongoing)
Founded July 2011
Ideology Pro-Sovereignty
Politics of Greece
Political parties

E.PA.M (United Popular Front - Alternate Translation: United People's Front (Greek: Ενιαίο Παλλαϊκό Μέτωπο) is a Greek political party founded in July 2011 by citizens who participated in the Indignant Citizens Movement and the anti-austerity demonstrations which accompanied the World Financial Crisis (2008 – still going) hitting especially hard on Greece as one of the first countries effected. E.PA.M. participated in the legislative elections of May 2012 as party of the coalition of "NO" with the Democratic Revival and gained 0.9%. Having started as a citizens movement in July 2011, the first and founding congress of the party was held on April 8, 2012 and decided the founding declaration and the participation in the parliamentary elections of May 2012.


E.PA.M (United Popular Front - Alternate Translation: United People's Front) was initially a political citizen movement which was first officially announced as a political citizen organization on July 16, 2011. It was set up to offer a political home το those citizens who disagreed with the positions of the traditional Greek parties and to a great majority had no former active political experience . The creators of the movement were the people themselves with their leading figure being Dimitris Kazakis coming from the Greek traditional political Left.

EPAM (Unified Popular Front in English) has been established to help re-establish Greece’s sovereignty as an independent state and responsible member of the community of nations. The establishment of EPAM resulted from the magnificent demonstrations mounted by the people in gatherings lasting more than a month in the public squares of virtually all the cities and towns of Greece, first and foremost in Syntagma Square in Athens.

EPAM was and is determined to make a decisive contribution to uniting Greeks, above and beyond party lines and ideological and other divisions by creating a nationwide social and political movement representing the entire people of Greece.

On March 27, 2012 it acquired official political party status after the first conference in April 2012, where the members voted the party's constitution and elected a 51-member National Council. In the beginning of June 2013, the second conference took place, where its institutional positions where reconfirmed, strategies and tactics based on the latest political status of the country were decided and a new National Council was elected.

Election results

Results since 2012
(year links to election page)
Year Type of Election Votes % Mandates
May 2012 Parliament 58,1901 0.92 0
June 2012 Parliament - - -
2014 European Parliament 49,386 0.86 0
January 2015 Parliament - - -
September 2015 Parliament 41.631 0.77 0
1 In coalition named "NO" with Democratic Revival.

External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Saturday, January 16, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.