Universal Tolerance Organization
Universal Tolerance Organization (UTO) is an independent non-governmental humanitarian organization based in Drammen, Norway. Established in 2012, the organization aims to contribute to global peace, security, justice, democracy, respect for human rights and sustainable development through understanding the concept of positive/active tolerance and its application in practice. Furthermore, it encourages the idea that all kinds of discrimination can be prevented, eliminated or reduced through true realization of active/positive tolerance in every aspect of life. These aspects include religious, political, cultural, ethnic and social norms, rights, structures and traditions. This way we have started to analyse problems associated with all types of intolerance from psychological, sociological, philosophical, legal and historical perspectives. In line with result-oriented approaches, the UTO also attempts to use a pool of expertise to introduce strategies and activities, as solutions, to tackle problems of intolerance through constructive, sustainable and peaceful means

Mohammad Mostafaei, an Iranian human rights lawyer, successfully launched an international campaign on elimination of stoning punishment in Iran in 2010. He defended the rights of criminal juveniles under 18 who were sentenced to death. Mostafaei supported the rights of many groups of people including children, women, social activists, politicians, and workers, but he had to leave Iran under the government’s pressure. Mostafaei currently lives in exile and established UTO organization in 2012.
UTO’s main office was officially set up in city of Drammen in Norway.

- Global peace, security, justice, democracy, respect for human rights and sustainable development through tolerance.
- Elimination of all kinds of discrimination and monopoly by respecting diversity and pluralism.
- Expand advocacy for culture of tolerance in the promotion of peace and human rights.
- Reduce and totally prevent risks inherent with lack of tolerance.
- Make states accountable for respect of human rights including civil, political, social, cultural, economic and religious rights
- Change attitude and behaviour of family, society and states towards tolerance.
- Examine grounds for expanding culture of tolerance in three most important institutions; family, society and state by creating research working groups.
- Encourage local group work for tolerance-based activities.
- Field work research in relation to damage caused by lack of tolerance.
- Expert analysis by psychologists, sociologists, and lawyers on how to reduce damage flowing from lack of tolerance.
- Effective activities to increase level of tolerance through education at homes, and all levels of schools (both on short term and long term basis).
- Introduce peaceful strategies based on principles of tolerance to states for sustainable development.
- Increase people’s knowledge of tolerance in family, society and other state institutions.
- Educate refugees and immigrants to increase their level of tolerance, adopt principles of tolerance in the landed countries as well as their countries of origin on the one hand and the recognition of these groups as persons with full rights and dignity by the host countries.
- Protect vulnerable groups (women, children, minorities and other related groups) through principles of tolerance.
- Advocacy for international human rights standards in family, society, state and other institutions.
Lawyers House 2011
As part of Universal Tolerance activities, lawyers House work to support lawyers in Iran to have security and independence as lawyers. Lawyers House also advocates for rights of lawyers prisoners in Iran held in detention, incarceration or imprisoned in Iran simply because of their activism.
Limitation and Elimination of the death penalty in Iran 2013-2014 This is a research in action project carried out in Iran to challenge the laws and regulations on the death penalty through legal work within judicial system in Iran. This project is funded by The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Right to life Campaign
As a part of limitation and total elimination of the death penalty project, U.T.O has launched this campaign to protect right to life and say “no” to the death penalty as it is incompatible with human dignity.
Call for articles on tolerance 2013
In order to celebrate international day of tolerance on 16 November,2013, U.T.O decided to ask scholars, students and every person interested around the world to write about tolerance and other related issues scheduled for the seminar to take place on 16 November,2013. Authors of best literature works will be invited to Norway.
International cartoon and caricature competition 2013
This is aimed at spreading the concept and practice of tolerance all over the world.
Norwegian Tolerance Forum 14 November 2014
The Universal Tolerance Organization (UTO) is going to organize Norwegian Tolerance Forum (NTF) that will take place on the 14th of November 2014 in Norway, Drammen. The Forum will consist of thee panels namely: political and social tolerance, religious tolerance, cultural and ethnical tolerance. It will become a result-oriented and dynamic national platform with the meaningful participation of a range of experts, leaders, actors, groups, individuals, government, parties, organizations, NGOs, institutions, civil society, individuals and others. It aims to discuss and exchange knowledge and ideas about different forms of tolerance and intolerance, reasons for tolerance and intolerance and its results and impacts as well as strategies, approaches and solutions to tackle the issues of intolerance and its damaging impacts. It will also help introduce best practices from Norway to be applied in other geographical settings, as well it will become the first step towards the Global Tolerance Forum that will take place in 2015. For more information about Norwegian Tolerance Forum please click here.
External links
- UTO Official website
- Official Page of UTO on Facebook
- Two assailant muggers sentenced to death by Iranian government (a Video by Universal Tolerance Organization)
- Førfeiring av den internasjonale toleransedagen (in Norwegian)