University Hall (Dublin)

University Hall, also known as Hatch Hall, was a Jesuit student hall of residence at Lower Hatch St. in Dublin, Ireland. Founded by the Jesuits in 1913, University Hall provided accommodation for third level male students studying in Dublin until its closure in 2004. The Jesuits promoted a spirit of 'Friendship, Faith, Involvement', and the hall was well known for its community spirit. The hall's motto was Sic Luceat Lux Vestra; in this way let your light shine


The architect for the building was CB Powell.

Initially the hall catered to only a small number of students, mostly studying medicine in UCD, but its intake grew progressively larger throughout the twentieth century to a yearly average of over 100 male students.

In 2004 the property was bought by Gerry Barrett, a property developer from Galway (Ireland). It is understood that he intends to develop the hall into a hotel, however in the meantime it is being used as a home for asylum seekers.


The undisputed annual highlight of the Hall's calendar was the 'Hatch Ball' a large formal dinner held in the nearby Shelbourne hotel. It was by no means, however, the only social gathering; with intermittent discos in nearby nightclubs, nightly parties in private rooms usually proceeding to Dublin nightclubs and regular excursions to the beloved local pub, Hartigans of Leeson Street, the social scene was always vibrant.

The hall also supported a number of societies including film, debating and photography. The management actively encouraged hall residents to become active members of the local community through charity events and homework clubs.

Former residents of Hatch hall still meet socially in Hartigans pub on the first Wednesday of every calendar month; a social gathering known as "Hatch Wednesday". Past residents of the hall have included Desmond O'Malley, founder and former leader of the Progressive Democrats; Brian Cowen T.D and Michael O'Leary, Ryanair CEO.

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