University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland

Logo of the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland

The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland (French: HES-SO Haute école spécialisée de Suisse occidentale) refers to a group of institutions of higher education situated in Western Switzerland. The university is divided into six faculties: Design and Fine Arts; Business, Management and Services; Engineering and Architecture; Music and Performing Arts; Health; and Social Work.

The University and the schools

The HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland (HES-SO Haute école spécialisée de Suisse occidentale) comprises 28 institutions of higher education. Its various study streams and research activities fall into six faculties: Design and Fine Arts; Business, Management and Services; Engineering and Architecture; Music and Performing Arts; Health; and Social Work.

Various Bachelor, Master, MBA degrees are awarded by affiliated schools.[1]

HES-SO HE ARC (Berne, Jura, Neuchâtel)

HES-SO Fribourg

HES-SO Genève

HES-SO Valais-Wallis


Hautes écoles privées

Master's degree

The University also offer numerous Master's degrees. The applied Master's degree courses can take place in multiple affiliated schools while the central courses are given on the Lausanne Campus.

•Master of Arts HES-SO in Architecture (Jointmaster)

•Master of Science HES-SO in Life Sciences

•Master of Science HES-SO in Engineering

•Master of Science HES-SO en Ingénierie du territoire

•Master of Arts HES-SO en Travail social (avril)

•Master conjoint UNIL-HES-SO Master ès Sciences en sciences infirmières

•Master of Arts HES-SO en Travail social (novembre)

•Master of Science HES-SO en Business Administration, orientation Entrepreneurship

•Master of Science HES-SO en Business Administration, orientation Management des Systèmes d'information

•Master of Science HES-SO en Business Administration, orientation Management et Ingénierie des services

See also


External links

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