Uppland Runic Inscription 13

Uppland Runic Inscription 13
Rundata ID U 13
Country Sweden
Region Uppland
City/Village Munsö

Text – Native
... [Þo]rgautr þeir ... ... ôndu ok Guð[s] ...[1]
Text – English
... Þorgautr, they ... ... spirit and God's ...[1]
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This runestone, listed as U 13 in Rundata, crowns the barrow of Björn Ironside in Uppland, Sweden. The stone is a fragment; broken pieces of the stone lie next to it.


A transliteration of the damaged runic inscription is:

... ...[r]kutr þaiR ... ... atu ' ok| |ku[þ]... ...[1]



Coordinates: 59°21′58″N 17°37′41″E / 59.36611°N 17.62806°E / 59.36611; 17.62806

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